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Molasses during flower?


ninja bud

Just a question for any Irish growers who use mollases during flower. I ask because I have half a gallon of mollases, used in horse feed. I was wondering should I use what I have or go to the health food shop and get some blackstrap molasses. From what little reasearch I have done it seems the mollases I have should do the trick! its only 5 euro per gallon. A bit cheaper than the bloom nutes from the hydro shop me thinks.:chin:


Unsulphured blackstrap is the stuff you want to use..

I'll drop over a jar to you tomorrow, have a few knocking about somewhere.

ninja bud

I was reading up that sulphured mollases comes from imature sugar cane, Whereas the mollases we get comes from sugar beet. I think if its good enough for a race horse it should be good enough for my grow.
Some guys where saying that sulphured mollases will work anyway. Ill try some next feed and we shall see.
Cheers for that Cookie.


I only do an indoor crop over the winter. Seems like we need a few people to do a side by side grow. Using regular. unsulfured and no molasses.

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Black strap molasses and GH Ripen for a week will bring out the most amazing flavours in your bud, bat guano also brings out the flavours brilliantly.


Hundread Gram Oz do you flush with water after that and what EC do you run ripen for/ how long

for the OP horse feed molasses will work fine, there a thread about it somewhere on the forum.... No Un sulphered ftw ;)



apparently that stuff depends alot on the strain, can leave a crop tasting like crap,doesnt it shave a little of the flowering time? also what types/brands of guano are sold here? im thinking of grabbing some.

id go easy on the molasses nearer the end, loads of my popcorn tasted deliciously sugary last year.

A bit cheaper than the bloom nutes from the hydro shop me thinks.:chin:

i think its best to be used with nutes and not on its own, make some teas

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
~Shhh~ - I use GH Ripen at 5ml/Ltr. I then add molasses at 2 table spoons per gallon. I feed that to the plants that for a week, then I use Plant Magic Flushing agent for 6 days and finally 2 days of plain water. Buds come out tasting great.

VonBudí - When I was growing in soil I used caveman bat guano, you can google it.


your horse molasses probly is blackstrap. after all why use the refined stuff for a horse?
but I 'm sus of molasses near the end of a grow. as a booster with other ferts during growing, yes.
Is the Tate and Lyle stuff with the dead lion on the front of the tin sulfured or unsulfured?
If it's sulfered then it will kill of the bacteria essential for an organic grow.

ninja bud

Well my race horse molasses seems to have done the trick. Ill post up pics just before chop day. Should be about seven days from now.


Active member
Is the Tate and Lyle stuff with the dead lion on the front of the tin sulfured or unsulfured?
If it's sulfered then it will kill of the bacteria essential for an organic grow.

Lyles Black Treacle is unsulfured I think. I use it on my vegetable crops all the time. I've used it in teas and it brews properly so there can't be any sulfur hindering the bacteria. The good thing is that it's only 54p for a 454g tin.