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Mob Boss


Hey Grindhousers! Hey Steele and all the rest of yas...

Here's Mob Boss - at about day 42 of 12/12. Quite a commanding presence even though she's short of stature. Over the last couple of days she started showing a bunch of yellowing so I flushed her today in case there was a lock out. Otherwise, she's spectacular...at least in my eyes. Here's a lower bud...but they are all kinda frosted like cuh-razy. I'm not a believer that there is a one to one correlation between resin and high/potency BUT it certainly is a great sign. This is my first Grindhouse experience and I'm VERY excited to have her in the line-up.



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poppin' outta control
Wow that looks great for only 42days in. Good work!
What are the smells your getting off her? As I was growing my first pheno Steele described a "lemony pinesol pheno" which he loves so much, and mine turned out to be exactly that, and boy oh boy was it some of my favorite ever to smoke..


Hey! Thanks, daheadies...Yeah, you know, I was just getting a whiff of her today and it was pretty much like lemon fuel. I've been really congested though so I think I will have to caress her and see what I pick up tomorrow.


You are gonna love her Mayan. The shorter stature one is most likely Chem dom so it will be plenty stony. Before that pack is done you will also find a stretchier one...stone to the bone but still highly active...that is the one I love. The tang tang has got to be a really up sativa.

She is in our grow every single time...like one of the anchor stores at a mall. And some days it feels like MB is all our customers want from us.

Good luck with her. Let her cure for a couple of weeks if you can wait...takes a while for the real taste to come out.


Calimed - thanks! She's got a kinda fusion of evil citrus and pungent fuely funk. Sorta. Kinda. Not really good with this scent thing. These scents are so familiar but trying to put words to 'em is like trying to press down on a bead of mercury.

YoSam! Anonymous growfriend!! We seem to trek in each other's paths - delightful! Awesome to hear - yes, this strain seems well-loved. Interesting, I have another MB plant that is just now rooting in clonehood (I hope!!). It will be interesting to see whether it's the pheno you mentioned. (How many phenos are there out there - I'd better brush up on my research). Would love to get a sat heavy MB. At the same time, most of my strains tend to be sativoid so I'm kinda interested in a get-in-your-face, sit-your-ass-down-and-contemplate-the-universe indica thing. At this point in life, I wouldn't mind getting stupefied every now and again - plus, I know a few folk with grievous medical issues and I'd like to contribute to any modicum of well-being that they can experience. Any sense of timing for the different phenos?


At Day 48

At Day 48

Two quick pics taken under the light of the flower room. Unfortunately, the pics don't do these two lower buds justice but you should still get the picture - so to speak. Unbelievably frosty. I'm not a believer in a one to one correlation between resin and potency/quality of high - BUT...it certainly is a great indicator of something special happening. These buds are white with resin.

BTW...what have people been doing in terms of harvest times? I'm figuring 65 days? 70? I'm hoping that the plant will tell me. Any sense as to how the head differs between mostly milky trichs and trichs with amber? At this point - the trichs are mostly cloudy. I'd be interested in hearing folks' experiences.



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