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MMPR- meet the players

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The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor

so wicked to see real certified and licensed chemists do much needed studies to help everyone in the community.

another big step in the right direction for us all to benefit from. k+ medijean and vapester for the find :)



Genetic Resource Management
LOL @ marketing claims and those blinded by BS in a newspaper. Where are the peer reviewed results to back up those self made claims of leaders in the field?

I would have thought some of you guys could tease apart marketing from fact, don't you see this is a PRESS RELEASE?

Scientific discoveries are posted in scientific journals, NOT newspapers. Newspaper articles are designed to sway pubic opinion, not present facts.... LOL!


I'm really Medicated and I may have misunderstood the whole geist of the import and export part of the MMPR.


If all this chatter about LP's and them being legally allowed to import and export Medical MJ is actually correct. I would venture to say that the Canadian Medical MJ user would be a very low priority to any, if not, all of the licensed LP's. If I had a LP's license and were legally allowed to import and export Medical MJ around the world to other Medical MJ nations(more and more coming online every day too!). I wouldn't even care about the Canadian Medical user, that's a small potatoes market at best, compared to the USA's market. I would be using Canada as a storage facility and purchase everything I could legally around the world, store it here, then ship to the USA as soon as possible. The United States is by far one of the biggest Marijuana markets in the world and they pay huge money compared to the rest of the world for good quality MJ.

After a while a LP could buy world wide and ship directly to the USA, via Canadian paper work, no need for even a warehouse. LP's could just flip our government big fat fee and taxes, with only needing to have a home office in Canada, with bare bones employee's, more or less a filing cabinet for the legal paper work. Canada, the nice polite country, totally taken advantage off one more time...Scary stuff, boys and girls.

Canada would have literally tons of Marijuana flowing in and out of its boarders and the Canadian Medical user would benefit...A big fat ZERO.

I hope I'm wrong and this scenario is just a over stimulated imagination.



Active member
drove by that warehouse facility in Nanaimo the other day and the had a full on construction crew givin'er, complete with cement trucks, welders, scissor lifts, etc, etc...


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
LOL @ marketing claims and those blinded by BS in a newspaper. Where are the peer reviewed results to back up those self made claims of leaders in the field?

I would have thought some of you guys could tease apart marketing from fact, don't you see this is a PRESS RELEASE?

Scientific discoveries are posted in scientific journals, NOT newspapers. Newspaper articles are designed to sway pubic opinion, not present facts.... LOL!

hi chimera

just wondering whats products they are selling that they are trying so hard to market?



I'm really Medicated and I may have misunderstood the whole geist of the import and export part of the MMPR.


If all this chatter about LP's and them being legally allowed to import and export Medical MJ is actually correct. I would venture to say that the Canadian Medical MJ user would be a very low priority to any, if not, all of the licensed LP's. If I had a LP's license and were legally allowed to import and export Medical MJ around the world to other Medical MJ nations(more and more coming online every day too!). I wouldn't even care about the Canadian Medical user, that's a small potatoes market at best, compared to the USA's market. I would be using Canada as a storage facility and purchase everything I could legally around the world, store it here, then ship to the USA as soon as possible. The United States is by far one of the biggest Marijuana markets in the world and they pay huge money compared to the rest of the world for good quality MJ.

After a while a LP could buy world wide and ship directly to the USA, via Canadian paper work, no need for even a warehouse. LP's could just flip our government big fat fee and taxes, with only needing to have a home office in Canada, with bare bones employee's, more or less a filing cabinet for the legal paper work. Canada, the nice polite country, totally taken advantage off one more time...Scary stuff, boys and girls.

Canada would have literally tons of Marijuana flowing in and out of its boarders and the Canadian Medical user would benefit...A big fat ZERO.

I hope I'm wrong and this scenario is just a over stimulated imagination.


That is a scary thought. The more I look into these new regulations and the new LP's I'm convinced there is something they know that we don't about the supposed market. Patients are unfortunately being exploited to give marijuana to big business. We are just pawns for something far bigger. It's becoming abundantly clear this new system isn't thinking about patients at all...


Genetic Resource Management
med-man said:
just wondering whats products they are selling that they are trying so hard to market?

They're attempting to create an image, selling a 'brand' based on zero empirical evidence, only hearsay and claims they themselves make with no evidence to support those claims. Sounds a lot like med-man brand now that you mention it.

Public claims are fair game for public commentary, I'll hapilly say the same thing to Charles or Jean, they know where to find me.

Canadians need to be skeptical about claims from these new companies. DEMAND to see certification of zero microbial contamination. DEMAND the companies make their testing protocols available, or at least prove their methodologies are validated. Don't be fooled by marketing claims that they are leaders, ask them to show you HOW they are leaders- and be critical. Leaders lead by evidence that can stand scrutiny, leaders can prove their mettle. Talkers just..... talk.

I know that some of the "in process" Co's can't obtain consistency in their testing procedure... same sample run 3 times yields 3 different results.... so much for standardized medicine. One of the "in process" companies is running around buying packs from MMAR diverters so they have flowers to flog when their license is approved. Other "in process" companies are illegally selling seeds on the black market; illegally exporting seeds out of the country. The MMPR is already rife with abuse.

This is the system the gov is shoving down your throats people, they took away your rights to implement a system where you are forced to buy unknown quality/effectiveness meds from corporations. You have every right to demand these companies follow the rules, provide you with meds they themselves grew in standardized conditions, tested with validated protocols.... not some packs of bubba they floated off a diversion grower in Parksville or Maple Ridge. I've seen that pot, trust me ridomil/meltatox laced pot isn't medicine.

Be critical when you read these 'advertisements' in the newspapers, don't be a chump who's guffawed and believes their chemists are trained in cannabis testing, don't assume they are 'certified', or 'licensed' and are using validated (proven correct) methods.

Be skeptical.
Ask for proof.

Many of these cos are talking about being listed on the TSX, and these propaganda peices are meant to sway public opinion, intended to drive stocks and reputations up.... this is a game big business plays to increase their investment dollars and market share.

Take my advice, be swayed by product.
Be swayed by evidence.
Be swayed by proof.

Talk is cheap. This thread proves that point, imnsho

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Active member
can you tell me where these government inspectors are going to come from and what are their credentials ? seems very fishy indeed. also, how many of us have grown or sampled, perfect pot, with 0 contaminants ??? seems darn near impossible, but I suppose TC starts would help
Wonder why big pharma and tobacco comapaniesare not applying. I guess its easier to let others take the chance and then buy out the ones that are left over a year from now.


Active member
I thought it was funny when i was reading through the rcmp's expert witness, in the new courts docu's on conroys site. He{rcmp officer} was saying that with the new LP applications he looks through for links to organized crime for health canada. Seems pretty funny....


Wonder why big pharma and tobacco comapaniesare not applying. I guess its easier to let others take the chance and then buy out the ones that are left over a year from now.

Marlboro is already looking at marijuana cigarettes for Colorado and Washington. Will only be a matter of time before we have Export "M" and du Maurier Green. Then we can look forward to all their lobbying power fucking us over even more. Can't wait!


Active member
can you tell me where these government inspectors are going to come from and what are their credentials ? seems very fishy indeed. also, how many of us have grown or sampled, perfect pot, with 0 contaminants ??? seems darn near impossible, but I suppose TC starts would help

Forgot to mention above the rcmp officer said he gave training to govt inspector{health canada}...


New member
Marlboro is already looking at marijuana cigarettes for Colorado and Washington. Will only be a matter of time before we have Export "M" and du Maurier Green. Then we can look forward to all their lobbying power fucking us over even more. Can't wait!

If that happens we could probably expect research into what would make it more addictive, followed by ilegal additives, and then an explosion of cancer causing side effects....
Hey, i think i just figured out why they legalized marihuana.... :thinking:


If that happens we could probably expect research into what would make it more addictive, followed by ilegal additives, and then an explosion of cancer causing side effects....
Hey, i think i just figured out why they legalized marihuana.... :thinking:

This is an actual scary thought. There was an April Fool's joke about Marlboro producing marijuana. However when the story broke as a joke there was numerous interviews with people at Phillip Morris and they were rather evasive about the whole thing. Corporate mumbo jumbo about how it's not policy to discuss future business plans etc. I think the big pharma and tobacco companies are lying in wait, if national legalization or regulation comes we will start to see some major players entering the market place. Bringing all their lobbying power with them.
This is an actual scary thought. There was an April Fool's joke about Marlboro producing marijuana. However when the story broke as a joke there was numerous interviews with people at Phillip Morris and they were rather evasive about the whole thing. Corporate mumbo jumbo about how it's not policy to discuss future business plans etc. I think the big pharma and tobacco companies are lying in wait, if national legalization or regulation comes we will start to see some major players entering the market place. Bringing all their lobbying power with them.

This is an old urban myth.
Sounds like a scam . The are only catering to under 1k people . Sounds like a way to create money and clean money in organized crime . All them biker license in one building

wut? This makes no sense. Organized crime because their prices are high and they produce a small amount of allegedly 'high end' flowers? Laundered? The amount of criminal background checks, etc, for an LP are ridiculous. If you think anyone with ANY connections to organized crime could get through the MMPR permitting process, you haven':):huggg:t read it.
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