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MMPR- meet the players

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Active member
Criminals can produce the same quality as anyone in the world . One thing though Criminals can do it cheaper with stolen items , stolen power , home invasions ect . Absolutely no over head at all . Even the stoolies / fall guys get ripped . The Black market can get excellent quality cannabis for a penny a pound or less . Licensed producers could never get it low enough to make a profit from fixed income patients unless they legalize it across the board and get the price down to the price of tobacco .Good luck MMPR...
Marijuana isn't free, not even for the thieves - its not like anyone will do dangerous work for free, you need information, equipment, etc. What about ongoing operation (if crime is your game)? Can you expect the local PD to simply ignore your gangs nefarious finagling?
Besides, any two-bit criminal wants to cut their expenses in order to increase their profit, not to lower the price of the commodity that they deal in so its more accessible to sick people.
The dilemma comes down to personal choice: are you going to give your 10 bucks to a street dealer for unknown bud or are you going to spend that $10 at a legal Canadian business purchasing tested medication.


I love my life
Or are you going to give your $10 to a home-grower, for bud you trust. Many smokers have very good and long term relationships with growers. It doesn't have to be street bunk v. government bunk.

Well, there are a lot more people who do not know good small time growers. Also, I didn't say that the quality would be "bunk" on either side. High quality is demanded by most users, medical and recreational alike.
what happened to option 3 of business as usual n just doing for ones self?
Let's not pretend that even a 50K drop in the bucket of ppl who sold out thier info for the ease n profit of the mmar are anything more than a drop in a bucket of at least a million patients who never bothered with a program that was so obviously corrupt and existing on borrowed time soon as and since doctors started selling licenses for profit.

I don't give a shit what commercial set up it is commercial grade is always n will always be commercial grade weed no matter the gov or "criminals" or whoever else it's done by.
Always has been plenty growing smaller QUALITY crops and there always will be no matter what anyone including HC or the gov says.
Been happening for the last 100 yrs n sin't going to be slowed down much less stopped by this joke of a soap opera.
I don't see a moments worry in anyone's face that I help with meds since I told them never sign up with the gov, n they can always just do for themselves, or get from me who will never stop what I do for the gov or anyone else.
They're perfectly fine with having thier legal right to use, and grow, without signing up for anything.
A small group of growers willing to help others is all that's needed for quite a few ppl around to either get thier meds directly from or get a little help in doing for themselves.
Got no scraps you can give to other patients?
Than give 'em a few seeds n explain some of thier best options to do for themselves.
Just as many of 'em and many more would be happy to do for themselves when givven the option.
Independance can be just as great a cure to a number of problems effecting ppl's health as well as thier lives in general.
Commercial weed,..... for what?
The end game I'm waiting on leaves pot at such a low value there'd be nobody willing to pay for it, much less spend cash on commercial grows.lol

100 yrs of history tells us they haven't done anything that effects most if anyone at all, n they'll still always be losing thier pathetic little war untill they finally admit as much, and end this cherade.

cheers all,.................................................................gps
The dilemma comes down to personal choice: are you going to give your 10 bucks to a street dealer for unknown bud or are you going to spend that $10 at a legal Canadian business purchasing tested medication.
wow, that is so, so wrong on many levels

Or are you going to give your $10 to a home-grower, for bud you trust. Many smokers have very good and long term relationships with growers. It doesn't have to be street bunk v. government bunk.
this I get, makes sense to me.

Now Gps,
damn son it's always good to hear another sane voice in the wilderness.
I agree with everything you said, tho this stands out..

Got no scraps you can give to other patients?
...and then some.

I am a small time personal grower who breaks my show into 3rds

1/3 for me,
1/3 to cover costs because I do not steal hydro or any other nefarious business..
..and the final 1/3 is given away in flower form or since I make a lot of consumables I give it away to folks out here in the Chilicotin/Bill's Puddle area who are ill, have health issues or enjoy a quality smoke that is as clean and natural as possible...

You guys once used the term 'boutique weed' in a thread and that's the direction I think I have been headed for a long time.

I only post this because we should be paying it forward and once upon a time they actually taught in the public school systems the 'golden rule'

do onto others as you would have them do onto you...

seems pretty simple eh?

Chili Bu

livin' HARD & dyin FREE!
Well doing something for oneself is obviously another option. Even though in this case it is illegal and very situational (you need the right place to do it).
Legal refreshments such as beer or wine can be handcrafted at home without any legal consequence, yet the vast majority of alcohol consumers go to a liquor store.
Perhaps not everyone has the knowledge/physical ability/space/time/etc to grow for themselves, shouldn't they have the option of a safe reliable source of medicine?
I'm looking forward to challenging the old rhetoric of commercial marijuana being of low quality.
In a small home grow there are a lot of man-hours dedicated to each plant, hence the product is usually of high quality.
Illegal commercial grows employ as few people as possible to put out the maximum amount of weight, so there is a low number of hours/plant and the quality declines.
Now, in a large legal production facility the owner has the opportunity of assigning as many plants/grower as he sees fit, be it based on quality, production cost or whatever.
Lets do some basic math:
I'd say a small grow is 30 plants on flood tables under 3 600 watt lights. Say its in dirt in a fully dialed room. Over a week lets say the person spends 20 hours with their plants. That brings us to 40 minutes per plant per week or just under 6 minutes per plant per day.
Lets look at a larger set up: 110 vertical 600 watt bulbs with 180 trees growing in rows between the bulbs. Lets say they are in 10 gal pot of dirt. If you have just two people looking after the facility, which includes propagation, cleaning, veg room maintenance and they work a 40 hour week each with say half the time spent with the flowering plants you end up with a final number of just under 16 minutes per plant per day! Lets say the room yields 90 pounds every 2 month, just to be conservative, at $10/gram you should be able to pay the bills. Since time spent with each plant in the commercial set up is greater than that of a small home grow, I would imagine the quality would be on par at the very least. Edit: that is if you can hire competent growers, lol.
Well it could be an interesting time for strain mixes. With the 5 plants limit there will be quite a few people wanting high yield and potency plants. Hopefully in BC this will bring back some nice Sativas hmm 24% THC Diesel hybrids :)

Wonder if the OG Green Crack will come back.


Id say the ill and truely in need of meds might not have a hook up. They will b raped, the rest will live as usual.

Just have a 5 plant limit or risk going to jail. This is the law to my understanding at the moment. Anyone know the facts behind this sham?


OverGrow Refugee
Well it could be an interesting time for strain mixes. .

Your right about that....BUT NOT FROM who you think...

These commercial growers you ALL HATE SO MUCH...

will be growing more than fucking Kush...I will tell you that...

This thread is hilarious...

no one know's FUCK ALL

and it makes me laugh

these HUGE COMMERCIAL GROWERS that you fucking think you know

well you don't

they are small-mid size grows...in a year there will be i say maybe 20 on that list...and there will be more varieties being grown in the next 3 years then the last 10....

MARK MY WORDS...the cat is out of the hat

see....commercial growers...WILL GROW 120 day sativa;s


so cry baby cry



OverGrow Refugee
and you will start to see..marijauna that will make your JAW DROP

because these "commercial growers" you all hate....are all former DG's

so it ain't amateur hour

so do what you want...but the industry has started baby

Don't try and fight it

Welcome to The Peace Naturals Project™ | The Agri-Health Leader in Medicinal Cannabis.

Lol I love self appointed "Leaders" in so and so straight out of the gate buzz words. What is this tech company speak? WTF is Agri-Health?
and you will start to see..marijauna that will make your JAW DROP

Sorry to tell you but corporations will stick to status quo just like in any other market and all innovations will come from non commercial illegal producers. They will accountable to share holders and no one is going to take too many risks with people health.

The only ones left by 2015/16 will be ones propped up by deep pockets so they are full speed out of the gates when weed is legalized in Canada.

By the way not everyone will be able to get a doc to sign for a prescription especially if its not a registered drug. The I just want to get high market is WAY bigger then any medical market. Out of 20 people that I know that smoke 3-5 joints per day none of them would bother to spend time going to a doctor, trying to convince them to sing a prescription and then having to register and then wait for their weed.


OverGrow Refugee
that's not what i am talking about..


but now that it is a true proven medicine with extremely huge benefits..

so many new varieties and strains will be grown like never before...searching for MEDICINE

I have a question for you...have you ever smoked a pure sativa?

if so good for you..then you know what i am talking about but most likely you have smoked Kush, and its watered down kids..

Unfortunately growers want the same as you described ...money...

so i just think the flood gate are opened now...its a new bright day

and i say don't hate change



Active member
You wont see my jaw drop cause I cant afford the prices . and for 120 day sativas I just imagin the prices of that would hit $20 a gram.


Sorry but no these commercial growers r big corp. Not you and ur neighbour. I know 1 person applying and already invested over a mill. Not a dg. Wrong. Next I know someone licensed for large scale. And guess what. Hes all about import. Fuck canada and jobs and keeping money in canada. Blah blah blah you all think u know but trust me. Its shit.
not always the easiest thing to understand subtle nuances of ppl's full oppinions when reading some text online.

I'm hoping I understand chef's post as being pleased with the progressive steps forward in certain areas, and parts of the new regulations, which is fine and true, there are some progressive steps forward in some of it.
Unfortunately they're in the what is still an illegal (far as I'm concearned) even if sanctioned by the gov, and HC part of the industry itself.
I think the divide is with others taking umbrage with the rest of the regs and the steps backwards taken with peoples personal constitutional/chartered rights.
I'd imagine he's just looking forward beyond the point when we actually get them back, as the gov has no right to actually stop anything a patient is doing no matter how much they say they do.
I agree this will be forward moving once all the horse shit of our rights as patients to do for ourselves where and when possible is all sorted out n the gov is told it's not thier place to dictate squat AGAIN, but it is a bitch that ppl have to be so stressed out over it, n the many that believe the gov is withint thier rights to dictate this stuff obviously are furious and stressing, so to me it's perfectly understandable that untill these issues with patients rights are sorted there is going to be alot of venting, and worrying, and bitching about it all.

Far as the industry goes I don't see many making any sort of long haul especially once things are sorted n the commodity is devalued drasticly back to what it should be, but by than I think things will most likely have progressed a little further on the full legalization end and the real oppertunities will start appearing for everyone, n not just the rich.
Eventually mom n pop style/boutique weed will be the go to for the discerning user, and valued more than the corporate grown crap, aswell as all the other possible offshoots of business for the same kind of smaller business persons such as coffe shops, edibles, oils, n tincts, n creams etc. etc. etc.
Alot more like what's going on it some states right now, we just need to get rid of the noose on everyone without corporate backing n yeah I can see alot more open and available breeding n situations like weed farmers markets etc busting out, but it's always feeling slow to progress for all of us caught in the middle.
Especially when they attempt to piss on personal RIGHTS to make way for corporate/financial interests that benefit the gov more than any person or patient.

I think in the end, everyone is on the same page, some are just looking at different areas, and or times of what's happening, and others are just venting frustrations, but it's a wide ranging field of industry, and business, as well as ppl's lives, and health, and quality of life, so being pleased with 1 thing might be taken as being pleased with another thing all together to some folks.

I personally just would like all patients who are stressing and worried to realize HC doesn't write law, n certainly not for patients.
It's not thier mandate, thier mandate is to regulate industry in CAn. and keep it's public safe.
The gov on any level doesn't actually have any right to tell anyone not to grow for medical use.
The courts have always been clear on it, and consider if they ever did have the right it was the CDSA, which as patients we have all been mandated to be exempt from far as the sections concearning cannabis.
So yeah HC's reg's aren't realy anything you're legally mandated to follow as the only section of the law concearning cannabis would have been that mandate to be followed, which as said earlier we are exempt from.
It's the gov's own fault for not actually striking the sections concearning cannabis when they've been mandated to do so by the courts.
They never changed the laws that don't apply to us so there is NO law in place that actually applies to us since they didn't.

So GROW ON!, criminal charges bring the oppertunity of legal aid, and for pissing on the gov's regs in a court room, and on the public record for all to see forever.
Most crowns won't even proceed with charges if you're sure that they understand that you know as much, n won't plead out but go all the way to a jury if need be, which can always be nullified by any single empathetic juror.

Mandatory minimums aren't realy a concearn either as everyone always fails to mention they're for trafficers, which is next to prove as an intent unless evidence proving as much has been gathered.
Ontop of the fact that some sections of that bill have already been ruled unconstitutional for the mandatory mins for some fire arms offenses.

cheers all, n no worries we'll all get through this, so take care of yourselves, and especially your health n let those looking to make profits as soon as possible worry about thier rights to do so.


headband 707

Plant whisperer
Personally I have been noticing the quality going way down. I can grow better then anything I have seen in the clubs and this makes me wonder why? headband 707:)

Criminals can produce the same quality as anyone in the world . One thing though Criminals can do it cheaper with stolen items , stolen power , home invasions ect . Absolutely no over head at all . Even the stoolies / fall guys get ripped . The Black market can get excellent quality cannabis for a penny a pound or less . Licensed producers could never get it low enough to make a profit from fixed income patients unless they legalize it across the board and get the price down to the price of tobacco .Good luck MMPR...
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