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Active member
Seems to be a huge problem licensed producers are forgetting. Nobody is going to wait a week to get high.

I predict many of them shutting down after 6 months of paying hydro bills and a few hundred orders.

Deepest pockets wins this one.

Not saying anybody was abusing their medical licenses.

But it seems to me that a lot of people going for the new commercial licenses still think it will be a license to print money..


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Not saying anybody was abusing their medical licenses.

But it seems to me that a lot of people going for the new commercial licenses still think it will be a license to print money..

Do they know that they have to crush the buds in to powder? Not gonna be pushing half pounds on shake on the street and you sure as hell ain't gonna sneak a 100 pack out the back door. Not with all those eyes and cameras watching. Oh yeah, people still think all there friends will be working at licenses grows with them. Not professionals. Lmao.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I hear it has to be standardized , product , soo I guessing a top nug would be more powerfull than some bottom larf,...sucks for med patients to buy shake no matter how u slice it ,....

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Standardized is a funny term. I would wonder how they get a consistent standard plant to plant, let alone crop to crop. Peace GS

ps. so if its too powerful, just add a couple cups of powdered stalks teehee


Active member
Guessing it will all get milled, then mixed....if it has to be standardized.

Hopefully they won't screen out the trichromes that bust off from the milling process.
I hear it has to be standardized , product , soo I guessing a top nug would be more powerfull than some bottom larf,...sucks for med patients to buy shake no matter how u slice it ,....

Here's another one for you. Say 2-3 companies do succeeded and enough people want the prescriptions so they start making good money, who do you think is going to start lobbying against legalization? If its legalized these guys are out of business.

Also the independent ones that make it will probably be bought out by bigger pharma companies eventually. Are you gonna consume Monsanto or GM seed weed?

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Lets just say, cuz the license is over March 31, does not mean I will be ditching all the varietals I have. Maybe I can sell out to big pharma for some real coin, lol. Peace GS
my guess is that it will be along the lines of factory farmed foods as opposed to small free range GRASS FED beef.

with the first, if you buy ground it comes from any number of hundreds if not thousands of head of cattle whereas the smaller free range moos will produce clean tasty ham burgalurs.

Same dealio with steaks, small local butcher will more then likely cut your steaks off the same piece of meat whereas Slave On gets theirs per-packaged from factory farms, that 4 pack of sirloins may not even be from the same cow.

I use the analogy for the simple fact that my wife is a meat cutter in a abattoir and deals with CFIA weekly and the horror stories aboot how commercial CAFO's operate is another reason to grow your own food, (raise your own meat if you can/hunt) and educate yourselves aboot where your food really comes from.
As I tell my clients, 'you are what you eat, and if your eating shit...'

sorry for the rant, it's the Chili Gold, apparently it makes people chatty, LOL

I'll second Pangea. After reading the new regs a number of times there is no indication that the buds have to be ground. Remember you can always put 12-15% THC for example, instead of a single number allowing for a slight variation in potency between the colas and the popcorn.

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Although the words ground up or milled may not appear, standardization will be required. LOL at the percentage bs. Peace GS


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Your buddy there was bragging after the TY Cup he could get it any time. Why ya need me? Peace GS

ps. get in line lol

Oh Heavenly Daze. Why do you have to be so difficult?

To be honest, my old lady smokes it. I just wanna shut her up. A G is a small price to pay for some peace of mind.
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Green Supreme

Well-known member
Some one might construe that post as you asking me to sell you a cut. Something totally not even allowed discussed here. Joking or naught, I'll not bite.

Your bravado filled friend said he could get it. Put out or get out, lol. Peace GS


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Ahh. Totally forgot about the rules here. My bad. Sorry Skip or whatever ICMag overlord is watching.
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