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MMORPG addiction.


Active member
I am looking to purchase my first game console, and will researching I stumbled up on this topic.

Can anyone recommend a good documentary on the topic.

Has this effected anyone here?

Are you willing to share your stories.

Thank you.


New member
I've lost many hours to MMORPGs. World of Warcraft is one everyone seems to like. I've never been a fan of it, I get bored. There is a trail you can get for a few bucks. Try it out.


sunshine in a bag
you're buying a console. you most likely will just play casually.

even if you do get into the habit of eating doritos and playing call of duty whenever you have free time, you probably wont get carried away.

i played diablo 2 a few years before WoW came out. played it often, but it wasn't like crack for me.
i played WoW during beta and for a few years after retail launch. i used to stay up til 4am on days i had class, it affected me pretty severely. it wasn't like i couldn't pull myself up, though. i would just get high and play WoW. it was either that or counter strike. or diablo. all of my friends in highschool were the same way. we chilled often, sure, but when we went back to our homes and got bored we were usually back at the computer, playing some game together. we talked about it at school during lunch if there was no other topic of conversation.

i can remember countless nights sitting on ventrilo talking to my real life friends (and yes, it's weird but almost second nature now to distinguish between irl friends and net buddies, as if it's not weird to say "real life" as if you have a secondary reality) about nothing, just like we would if we were sitting around somewhere smoking a bowl.
but i ended up talking to my guildmates more than i did most other people, simply because of how many hours i had put into that game. how many days played. it's disgusting to think about, when you can figure out how many (on average) hours a day you spent playing, because even if you didnt play for a day or two, it still came out to be a shockingly high number.

in short, dont play MMOs if you dont have a lot of self control and if you don't want to get sucked into something. however, if you have nothing but free time and you love video games, there's definitely a game out there with something that could get your attention.

for me, i only play multiplayer games if i can play competitively versus a large number of people. i dont quite care for the lore aspect.


If you have unlimited supply of weed, then video games are twice as addictive ;)


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal



At the moment i play only liero multiplayer.. but it rocks :D awesome game

Zen Master

if you are into fantasy stuff, dont pick up any MMORPG's as your life will become a time vortex and years later you will be looking back and saying.... "what the fuck?!?"

Just say no.

if you like gaming in general when you've got an hour or two to kill, a lot of consoles do online gaming with other players, so its not like a split screen with your buddy sitting right next to you.

I play Modern Warfare on the Xbox and there are a LOT of "online gamer"s (youtube it) so the comedy usually runs pretty high... literally and figuratively....

I chat up more stoners over Xbox live than I ever thought I would. Talk about the diff weed in the areas and whatnot :biglaugh:


Active member
From all the clips on MMORPG addiction that I watched online, I have to admit, I want in. Many people look down on these people, they want them to "get a life."

The thing that pumps me up is these gamers' passion. I feel so numb and cold usually, so to see people so in to something is inspiring.

I am so jealous.
I wish I had something in my life that I would do for 2 days straight.

I understand that if other aspects of your life start to suffer, then it can be an issue.

Other than that, let them play!

any recomendations for a novice MMORPG player. (for PC also)