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MMJ Patients cant buy or own guns.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
You'll never get the support you want from mere logic, people must be emotionally invested to speak up.

The question you want to ask the NRA isn't "Do you support the second amendment for marijuana users?"

The question you ask is "If it's okay to target legal gun owners in your state on any level, what makes you feel safe? If the Fed use their power to punish people based on their ADHERENCE to state law, what prevents them from targeting others? If I put a pro-cannabis bumper sticker on my car, and get pulled over to search my car for Cannabis, does that mean anyone with an NRA bumper sticker should be targeted for a stop and search for illegal weapons?"

Instead of asking the NRA why they don't support MMJ patients constitutional rights, ask them what it means to them. If they can use a legal state database to prosecute individuals, what prevents the federal government from targeting legitimate CCW permit holders for enforcement? Is the NRA really supporting the idea that political ideals warrant invasive investigation by the federal government? Is the NRA really saying that people should be targeted for constitutional denial based on their audacity to speak against the government?

Pfrase the question to the NRA differently. They have much more invested in this fight than they truly realize.

Simply ask your local NRA guy, "If they can pull me over and search me because I have a cannabis card, does that mean they can search any NRA bumper sticker for contraband weapons?"

I think you'd see answers change, drastically.


i guess this would make sense, when all pot smokers run around waving their guns and shooting up the town, i mean,, but seriously,i think, when anyone buys a gun, arent they supposed to register it through the federal government,?, it doesnt mean that its not bull $#it, i can see them taking the driver's license's of card holders in the future, are'nt the people supposed to run the government?, not the other way around,, they are slowly taking all of our rights (including gun ownership) away from us, i have my card, but im still not able to go through a Ca. checkpoint (within Ca., not outside the state) having anything weed related on me, because it is a federal BP checkpoint, which i think is a bunch of crap also. its not like im transporting kilo's, i have two or three nugs, and a pipe, but because its fedral, they will take my $#it, and give me a ticket. maybe im asking too much.


it shouldn't matter to the NRA at all!!! it's an assault on gun owners rights period.....and they should defend against it!

TT :tiphat:
I agree but it's amazing how many right wing conservative religious types that are heavy into guns. I pick up stuff off Gunbroker and lots of dealers have a very religious tilt. I can see how this segment of the gun group wouldn't mind seeing 'pot' smokers lose their gun rights.

I can also see how the NRA is reluctant to join in the fray and being seen as supporting 'drug' use. I think a lot of their members would be upset even though it's protecting gun rights. Not saying I agree with the NRA's position cause I don't.

emerald city

very weird..i post a comment,it shows ive posted but cant be seen...WhATS HAPPENING HERE wHERE DID POST 61 GO??????????????????????????????????

Mt Toaker

I don't think I've ever been soo pissed off in my life then I have right now. Time to learn how to make guns full auto, if I'm a felon might as well go all the way so I'm way more ready then they are. . .


Active member
ICMag Donor
This is news for legal MMJ patients, but this sort of thing has been going on for years in med-unfriendly states. You might get x number of years in prison for growing a plant, but having a gun in the house will add an additional 5 years to the sentence. This country is supposed to be about freedom and democracy. How can a democracy function when people on one side of a debate can lock up those who disagree with them?


New member
well at least you get to choose between weed and guns... here in Italy(and most of europe) we cannot legally have either


I am sending messages to youtube gun guys I'm subscribed to, telling them this is not an issue they should take lightly, and asking them to raise more awareness on this.

If the gun lobby won't listen to us we'll have to think a little smaller.


the argument was just on fox news and clayton morris wants to know what you think by twitter for those of you that tweet!

TT :tiphat:


This is Awesome! Now we get to see what the NRA is really about. Are they shills for right wing authoritarianism, or are they truly defending our 2nd amendment rights?

I don't profess to know the answer, but I am watching very closely and will judge the fuck out of any fool who steps on the wrong side of this issue.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
NRA is going to puss out and say its a schedule 1 drug. I dont think they will say anything else. Its their perfect out .... but to be truthful I do expect this to be the straw that breaks the camels back and eventually gets Cannabis off that schedule.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Bet the NRA sides with the government.
I don't know about that. I'm thinking the government might have made a serious miscalculation with their latest attempt at intimidating mj users. The government can screw with a bunch of stoners and nobody cares. But when they try to take people's guns away from them, for ANY reason, that's a whole 'nother story. This little game just might backfire on the feds.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
WOW 2 post of mine got deleted in this thread sometimes I just dont get it.
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New member
Thanks for posting this! I was angry all morning yesterday when I read the articles in the Detroit Times. Not enough info and fueled by mainstream media.

I hope everyone reads this.


Active member
what will really make you mad is reading some gun forums. most dont give a shit. they are saying "weed is illegal i dont want stoners running around with guns anyways" its fucking pathetic. its a classic devide and conquer tactic and these stupid gun nuts are too fucking busy hating hippies and sucking jesuses dick to see it. i love watching so called moral majority fucks completely turn their backs when its convenient.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
:tiphat: can we say Gun Shows n/p there {they can have my firearms when they snap my cold dead rotting fingers from them}.

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