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MMAR, possession and production found unconstitutional in Ontario today!


Bud Bug

So I spoke to someone today and he said this place can help with applications and a doctor. I found this online after he told me about it

[FONT=&quot]The Fraser Valley Medicinal Cannabis Centre is now open and receiving applicants. The Centre is involved in assisting patients with MMAR applications including obtaining clinical records required and has a Doctor on [/FONT][FONT=&quot]referral for Health Canada forms. Other services include consulting for patients interested in personal cultivation , cooking and recipe information, house and equipment insurance for legal operations , growing equipment with medical discounts, as well as contacts to experienced designated growers in approved locations ,with various medical strains for different illnesses. The Centre can be contacted at the address and telephone numbers below and the doctor connected to the Centre currently operates a clinic on Thursdays out of his medical office in Mission BC. The Doctor will only see applicants referred through the Centre and who have completed all the applicable MMAP forms so that all the requirements have been determined by the Centre and alleviating the need for the doctor to review a complete medical history.[/FONT]
The Fraser Valley Medicinal Cannabis Centre
1952 Kingsway Ave.
Port Coquitlam, B.C.
V3C 6C2
[FONT=&quot] Phone:604- 657 9233[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Fax :604-909 1890 [/FONT]


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
And I will tell you all to PLEASE beware of Terry running that place.

If he knows your production address, you're in trouble.

That's not hearsay.

Guest 150314

The one in Kelowna is called Do No Harm Clinic http://donoharmclinic.com. I know people who had gotten them to sign the HC paper work and have received their licenses.

I know someone personally right now that is giving the Kelowna clinic a go. Will see how it works out. If not I have lead for another doctor that will sign the HC papers at no charge for paper work. Will try this doctor if the Kelowna clinc doesn't work out.

Also I hear there's someone in Mission that will sign the HC papers. I've been told its a $300 charge.

The guy I was thinking of is on the island
Canadian Government Will Appeal Court Ruling Striking Down Marijuana Laws
By Jeremiah Vandermeer, Cannabis Culture - Monday, April 18 2011

Matt Mernagh, the medical marijuana user who brought down Canada's marijuana laws.
CANNABIS CULTURE - The Government of Canada will appeal an Ontario court's ruling that struck down the country's marijuana laws as unconstitutional.

Matt Mernagh, the med-pot user at the center of a historic court battle over the country's medical marijuana laws, says he has been served his notice of appeal in the case.

"I received a phone call from the Crown prosecutor today," Mernagh told Cannabis Culture earlier this afternoon. "He offered his congratulations on the case and told me to get ready for the appeal."

Mernagh was served with the appeal shortly afterward.

A tweet from posted on his Twitter account just afterwards read, "notice of appeal has just been handed to me wooooooo govt wants its ass handed to them again".

In an April 12 ruling in the case of R. v. Mernagh, Ontario Superior Court Justice Donald Taliano found that Canada's Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR) and "the prohibitions against the possession and production of cannabis (marihuana) contained in sections 4 and 7 respectively of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act" are "constitutionally invalid and of no force and effect".

The judge agreed with Mernagh, who had tried unsuccessfully for years to find a doctor who would sign his MMAR forms before being busted growing his own plants, that the medical marijuana program is inadequate for the needs of patients. The judge found that doctors' "overwhelming refusal to participate in the medicinal marijuana program completely undermines the effectiveness of the program" and that "the requirement for a medical doctor's declaration has rendered the MMAR unconstitutional".

The Court struck down medical marijuana laws and the laws dealing with cannabis possession and production, giving the government 90 days to fix the program before the new rules come into effect.

The case will now go back to court on appeal. If the government wins, Mernagh says he will take the case all the way to the Supreme Court.

"Our people have waited way too long for this," he told CC last week. "This could very well be the final kick."

If the government loses the appeal, it would likely be forced to make significant changes to the medical marijuana program.

"If the government is not successful on appeal," lawyer Alan Young told the Toronto Star, "they are going to be caught between a rock and a hard place because they don’t have an alternative program in mind. They don’t have a plan B. They’re in trouble."

Read more and watch video about the case on Cannabis Culture.

Matt Mernagh is a regular contributor to Cannabis Culture. Read his CC blog.

Jeremiah Vandermeer is editor of Cannabis Culture. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.


I think it was a given that they would bring the case to appeals court, but what are they thinking is going to make the difference after they were ruled against in Provincial court? I'm also wondering what sort of "significant" changes would be made to the current mmar program? Bottles of bud next to the acetominophen and hemorrhoid Cream on drugstore shelves, maybe :D~

I doubt there will be any changes. The courts can't force the doctors to sign as it would go against the doctors beliefs and training. The government has done all it can with the exception of totally legalizing pot and I doubt that will happen with big brother USA watching over our shoulder.

If there is a change...I believe it will be legalized. It may piss off the American federal government... Is mark emery's imprisonment a sign of things to come if it is legalized here in Canada.

It's gonna be an interesting year!
I believe the main point is to further delay any meaningful change. It's really shameful since we are sick people. Time is not generally our friend.

Guest 150314

I dont know if he wants his name out in the open like that, easier to just pm people looking for a doctor eh.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
Im hoping they make it easier to access the program , let naturopaths, docs of Chinese med, herbalists sign forms, or just who ever wants it can try it how about that?,,.......


...nothing will change. Everyone is comfortable with status quo, and unfortunately, status quo it shall be.

As someone who qualifies as category 2, I am resigned to the fact that I will remain a closet medicator.

I can hope, but am not getting my hopes too high. When a solution is tied to an overwhelming public understanding that marijuana is a street drug with ties to gangs and organized crime, perceptions change slowly.

Bud Bug

And I will tell you all to PLEASE beware of Terry running that place.

If he knows your production address, you're in trouble.

That's not hearsay.

I just spoke with a buddy of mine who hooked up a couple of people through them he know personally and he says there's been no problems with the The Fraser Valley Medicinal Cannabis Centre

Only things he said to look out for is Terry is like a used car salesman.

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