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Mk Ultra



Mk Ultra From T.H seeds
Chopped at 11 weeks (77 Days)

I had two large plants which seemd to stretch tremendously. I grew these two under one 98w 4 bulb t5. The plants were way too big for the light source but what I did harvest looks and smells great. the rest went in the bubble bags. Plan on a SOG next.

The early smoke is strong but the flavor is not quite there yet, as I have only cured one week after a 4-5 day drying period. Smells very dank and piney. Hash is also great and very flavorful thanks to iLife's fresh dried trim and buds method.

I plan on curing for 1 month so I will update this thread with the smoke report after that.
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Active member
from what I can tell from your picture doesn't look like you did to bad. how much did you get off one plant under that 98w bulb?


the buds look awesome man! i have the same t5 for veg, but if i were to flower something under it, i would try a scrog. i think you would get better results with that than with sog.


I dont have a scale but if i could guess I got about 5-6 grams off each plant. the reason I yeilded so low was because I had over vegged these plants, not being used to the t5's. Then I flowered them and decided to go all the way through so i could get a lot of frosty trim for hash making. The t5's do wonders on really small plants though.


High and Lonesome.... I was going to do a scrog but the way my cab is constructed it would be very difficult to water the back 8 plants that would be in my back tray. i guess I could move the whole tray at once though. hmmm maybe I will try a scrog under one lamp and a sog under the other.

As I am not overly concerned with quantity these t5's are very awesome I love how they can hang at angles, it really makes the growspace flexible.


hello thumb :joint:
got to give you props for heart and desire, BUT brother theres no way in hell i'd vegg for XXXX and then flower for 11 WEEKS for 10/12 grams of weed, not even if it was the BEST kush or chemdawg no way.....
enjoy your bud bro :joint:
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thumb, you may have the wrong idea on scrog. with a scrog you do far less plants than you would in a sog. you train them under the screen so that when they flower the two or so plants you have there will have the maximum amount of light coverage available. try it next round and i assure you your yields will be much better. :)


jaws... i wasn't expecting much from these plants... but based on how some of my testing with this strain is going i think i can probably get about 50 grams per lamp. but a scrog may change that. as of right now i am just trying to figure out what is the optimal size for my plants to finish at. and there are also more plants finishing in about a month.




okay so here is what i have in my one flowering tray right now. as you can see i am experimenting with different sized plants. They range from being vegged 2 days (smallest) and 6-7 days (biggest). It looks like one of the larger ones is going to fill in quite nicely (about day 50). Although I have noticed that the MK Ultra dosen't yeild the fattest buds.

well heres a few pics of the SOG, the tallest plant being what I plan on shooting for with all my plants. it is about 8" tall in a 5 inch square pot. I figure with two trays (total 16 plants) i will get a descent yeild.

Feeding some with PBP and some with GH flora nova series. I wanna see i there is a difference in taste.

Any Suggestions?


hiya Thumb,
I was wondering if the plants were from a clone or did they come from seeds that you obtained from thseeds?
if from seeds did you get multiple phenotypes?

i am currently deciding if to keep the mkultra mama that i have.


hello Brastaman, thanks for taking a look. The plants pictured are clones. I popped 5 of the MK seeds I recieved. Overall pretty stretchy except when vegged for less than 3 days. I chose this female to clone due to the fact that preflowers came so early and there were tons of them (more than I have ever seen). I am pretty unsatisfied with the seeds thus far but I am also pretty inexperienced and have not unlocked thier full potential (hopefully). I am about to fill a tray with bogglegum so we will see how the MK stacks up.


if ya don't mind:
here is a pic of a current mkultra pheno growing

does this look familiar when compared to your plant at all?
the problem with this pheno is that it randomly grows bananas by week six. not everytime its grown just when under very little stress. I mean very little. the environment conditions and feeding regimen are heavily controlled and documented.

good luck with bog's stuff. I've heard nothing but the best. i and i have not had the opportunity of growing his stuff.


Mk Ultra Phenotype

Mk Ultra Phenotype

I don't mind any pics posted in this thread at all, in fact I would love to see more.

My buds seem to look similar to yours in structure and color. mine may be a a bit darker green but that could be attributed to the nutrients. My leaves also turn that color late in flowering. And i dont feel my buds are quite that frosty. was that picture taken with a flash?

looking amazing though. how many watts and how long do you flower your MK?

thanks for looking


Edit: I dont think i have seen any bananas in mine i will look closely soon.
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hey thumb,
the plant in the picture was flowered for 68 days. it recieved some heat stress, probably why there were bananas. The light was provided by a G-watt hps. i think at that time there were supplemental cfls as well.
yah, the picture was taken with a flash. I didn't have time setup a photo friendly area.

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