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MJ making me depressed?


Active member
poina: I do all the things you mention but I used to to be able to do anything -mowing the lawn seems so fucking boring when I used to be able to deadlift my car (more or less). And I´m NOT whining! I´m looking for support and ideas and I´m actually out of the woods right now -thanks ic-bros!:thanks:

ol briarhopper: There are some great suggestions on this thread! Nice hearing I´m not alone in my angst.

Luckliy I have plenty of weed to help through the winter.


Hi Piel, I gave your thread a quick read, and noticed you mentioned booze a couple of times.

My experience is that it has wicked depressive effects; particularly when combined with herb. The combination provides a short-lived euphoria, which I try to chase by consuming large quantities of both. The letdown that comes when I can't sustain the high is indeed depressing.

These days I lay off the alky, and toke to my heart's content. I miss the euphoric high, but not the miserable low; and I'm way more productive, in motion from morning 'til night. Eliminating the alcohol has also allowed me to concentrate on improving my diet and physical activities.

As far as fish oil, I was recommended bulk cod-liver oil by a MMJ doc, to help with chronic pain due to inflammation. There's a brand called Carlson's; steam extracted from Norwegian cod, lightly flavored with lemon and absolutely no fish taste. It's bottled with a nitrogen atmosphere, so it doesn't suffer from degradation due to oxidation. I take a few tablespoons daily.

Between laying off the alcohol, using the fish oil and the herb, I've noticed dramatic improvements in my physical and mental well-being.

Good luck!


I find that alcohol can, even in moderation, be a problem. And in my case moderation was four or five beers or glasses of wine, once every three to six months. I was diagnosed with Hep C a month ago, with a load under 2,000,000. I am not going to even drink my usual few times a year now. I think (you might want to research this) that the liver may have something to do with enzymes that are crucial to a feeling of well being. Because liver problems usually are coupled with depression. (I believe)
depressed? raw cacao, magnessium supplements, goji berries, hemp oil(omega 3). stop smoking indica , grow your own, harvest early, most cannabis people toke on is partially rancid anyways from a real perspective, the plants by nature when picked before the trichs degrade an go amber on there way to death will actually be upbeat and anti couch lock. but erb by nature releases glycogen from your liver, thats the high we all feel in energy right away, the munchies are the crash u feel after your sugar reserves are gone, problem is its not real but synthetic , meaning your livers glycogen didnt get used becuase you were lifting weights or something but from a chemical. this can leave u weakened n tired if you do it chrnoically and as most modern men eat like shit to begin with this mixed with all the sugar in peoples diet leaves them mineral def, the pancreas is the size of the thumb and in alot of us this organ needs more minerals then any other organ in us from all the insulin we make it pump and the enzyme deviod food we feed ourselves, the pancreas takes minerals from all of are foods to make enzymes, start eating better for one, diet n exercise always work, if u can, get of plastic tea, bottled water, shits terrible for your hormone cycles.

alcohol is poison, nothing is better for everyone then giving up this fermented rotten sugar source, its the root of so many global problems-
bob marley=erb teach u to be a someone, rum teach u to be a junker.'' ''alcohol is the destruction of mankind like erb is the healing of the nation''

its amazing you guys are willing to take fish oil capsules of rancid oil n mercury contaminates when the plant we all luv so much puts out clean perfect ratios of 6 to omega 3s in a proportion that one could take for life and never have deficiencies. its also a complete protein and has a amino acid called endestin in it which is similar to human blood plasma, right there under your nose n on your plant and you never new it, hemps seed n hemp oil are wonderful, get into more then just smoking what gifts the cannabis plant has to offer becasue her gifts are huge in other areas as well.

another thing for mood is sungazing, google it, sungazing.net .. ive got six years in, i dont follow the practice except for the times of day when its safe to do, a few minutes a week and my mood is much improved.. we all need light in are brain,, its free take advantage, increases your vision too, though weve all been told the oposite.
I find that alcohol can, even in moderation, be a problem. And in my case moderation was four or five beers or glasses of wine, once every three to six months. I was diagnosed with Hep C a month ago, with a load under 2,000,000. I am not going to even drink my usual few times a year now. I think (you might want to research this) that the liver may have something to do with enzymes that are crucial to a feeling of well being. Because liver problems usually are coupled with depression. (I believe)

hey my man or women, check youtube for reishi mushroom videos,, get into polysaccaride rich foods, alot of studies with reishi n hep c. , pm if u want more links, im passinote about health-

anybody with weak muscles has liver gall bladder issues also, if your feeling week your eating fats that have your liver n gallbladders ablitly to secret bile properly n metabolize fats less then optimal, this will show up as knots on your back to the right were your liver is. u eat rancid fat for your whole life and white sugar u end up inflammed n tired, sometimes theese symptoms are blessings, remember pleasure is the measure and u can have your cake n eat it too-



Here is some more info on cod liver vs. fish oils, which includes a debunking of the mercury problem mentioned above.

There is definitely a difference in the vitamin profiles of the various manufacturers of cod liver oil. There are several other articles on the weston price website, but here is an excerpt of one. A small amount of info can be a dangerous thing, so at risk of being lengthy, here you go. I recommend you read further into Weston Price and enjoy cod liver oil in good health.


Practical Aspects

"Eating fish will not provide the levels of nutrients that are found in cod liver oil. Even in heavy fish-eating populations, the addition of cod liver oil improves health.42-43 And taking fish oils is not the same as taking cod liver liver oil. One tablespoon of regular cod liver oil and one-half tablespoon of high-vitamin cod liver oil provide the amount of elongated omega-3 fatty acids found in twelve 1,000 mg fish oil capsules.
As for vitamin D, body oils of fish can be good sources as long as you are willing to eat a lot of them. One-half pound of fatty herring or sardines gives a dose of vitamin D equal to that of about one tablespoon of cod liver oil. But salmon oil has one-fifth the potency of cod liver oil.

One concern about taking cod liver oil is the presence of contaminants--heavy metals (such as mercury, cadmium and lead), PCBs and so forth. Fortunately, consumers need not worry when it comes to cod liver oil. All cod liver oils in the US must be tested according to protocols of the Association of Analytical Communities (AOAC) and approved free of detectable levels of 32 contaminants before they can be imported into this country. Furthermore, mercury is water soluble. It may be present in the flesh of fish, but it is not present in the oil.

Another concern is rancidity. Cod liver oil can become rancid if improperly handled. In a 1988 study, peroxide values (indicating rancidity) ranged from a low of 2 to a high of 44.7.44 Nevertheless, properly handled cod liver oil is relatively stable. It contains 21 percent saturated fatty acids and 57 percent monounsaturated fatty acids, which provide stability. The fishy smell of cod liver oil is due to the presence of small amounts of fish protein and is not a sign of rancidity. To ensure that your cod liver oil is fresh, avoid buying the large economy size or the end-of-season sale item. Buy cod liver oil in small dark bottles and keep them in a cool dark place. Cod liver oil need not be refrigerated after opening if it is used up quickly--within two months.
Virtually all cod liver oil imported into the US comes from Norway, and while all of it is safe, there are different grades, depending on vitamin levels. The lighter oil from the "top of the barrel" has a lower molecular weight, goes rancid more quickly and has lower levels of vitamins, while the heavier oil, which sinks, is richer in vitamins. The heavier oil is what Dr. Price referred to as high-vitamin cod liver oil. It contains double the amounts of vitamin A and D as regular cod liver oil. Virtually all cod liver oil imported into the US is the lighter, "top of the barrel" variety. The Norwegians keep the best for themselves!
Whenever taking cod liver oil, remember the findings of Dr. Price. He noted that he did not get good results from cod liver oil unless he gave it concurrently with high-vitamin butter. Just why this is so is a matter of speculation, but we do know that the very unsaturated fatty acids found in cod liver oil cannot be effectively assimilated and stored in the tissues without the presence of adequate saturated fatty acids, the kind that would be provided by butter. This means that even regular butter would help support cod liver oil therapy; but Price found that the combination of cod liver oil with high-vitamin butter, from cows eating rapidly growing green grass, was nothing short of miraculous, reversing tooth decay and bringing patients back from the brink of death....

...Now that I have told you all this good news about cod liver oil, I need to comment on the research surrounding its possible toxicity. Over-elevated serum levels of vitamin D are a possibility if you combine summer or southern sun and cod liver oil. So if you are spending a lot of time out in the sun during the summer months, it's probably best to cut back on the dose. If you are unsure, you should test your blood levels of vitamin D.
Cod liver oil is no longer recommended in Great Britain and in the US pregnant women are advised to avoid most vitamin A and vitamin A-containing foods, including cod liver oil. Both countries have adopted this policy because of the recognized teratogenicity (may cause birth defects) of retinoic acid, a synthetic form of vitamin A. But low vitamin A also causes birth defects. In the developing countries, such as Brazil, Pakistan and India, vitamin A deficiency is widespread, afflicting millions. A 1992 survey of the US population determined that 50 percent of Americans consume 19 percent or less of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) or 400 IU.
The original study showing birth defects associated with intake of mostly synthetic vitamin A exceeding 5,000 IU daily was published November 23, 1995 in the New England Journal of Medicine.46 Other studies showing an association of birth defects with vitamin A concerned topical creams containing vitamin A derivatives such as Accutane, or extremely high doses of A used in animal studies.47-52
A later study, less well publicized, from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), found no association with birth defects in women who took up to 10,000 IU of vitamin A during pregnancy. Because few women took more than 10,000 IU, researchers could not determine whether higher doses were a problem. Later Mills and others continued their research and determined that after serum testing and determining safe serum levels, women taking 30,000 IU of preformed vitamin A from animal foods (not beta-carotene) daily had the same blood levels of A as healthy pregnant women in the first trimester who had healthy babies. The conclusion is that a dosage over 30,000 IU vitamin A daily may be teratogenic for a certain few, but anything up to that amount is safe.53-54 ....

...There is one situation in which high levels of vitamin A are not recommended and that is the condition of certain types of liver disease in which there is altered vitamin A metabolism. This is frequently the case with alcoholism. Alcoholics should not take high doses (not more than 1-1.5 tablespoons of regular cod liver oil) and what they do take should be accompanied by zinc supplements. The enzymes needed for vitamin A metabolism in the liver are zinc dependent.
The most likely culprits for production of birth defects in humans are topical and oral vitamin A analogs, not cod liver oil. Researchers have criticized the original 1995 study, from which governmental policy has been derived, for overstating the negative effect. Only 1.4 percent took supplements exceeding 10,000 IU a day, not a large enough sample from which to draw conclusions. However, it is important to never combine cod liver oil or vitamin A from supplements with oral or topical medications for acne or other skin disorders treated with retinoic acid derivatives...."

Excerpted from article by: Krispin Sullivan
, CN, is a Clinical Nutritionist in private practice in California. She has been practicing Clinical Nutrition since 1968. In 1988 she received her certification and licensing from the National Institute of Nutrition Education. She is licensed to teach nutrition in California post-secondary schools and is a frequent lecturer at schools, community centers, hospitals and medical centers. She has written the book, Naked at Noon, Understanding Sunlight and Vitamin D and is working on her second book about fertility, pregnancy, nursing, and nutrition.


Here's another 2 cents on oils.

My research tonight shows hemp oil to contain a ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 occurring at 3:1 . (http://www.drbronner.com/pdf/hempnutrition.pdf)

The author cites "Health agencies around
the world agree that humans
should ingest these EFAs in an omega-6/omega-3 ratio of
about 4:1. Since common seed oil and animal fat, both low in
omega-3, account for most of our fat intake, Western diets
typically have omega-6/omega-3 ratios of 10:1 or more,
which is far too rich in omega-6 and correspondingly too
deficient in omega-3."

Well, I'm not impressed with the health agencies around the world--look at how they turn their nose up at Rick Simpson--or the current food pyramid proffered by the FDA. Hell, they just kidnapped an American herbalist this month who had moved to Ecuador after he may have had some success treating cancer patients in the US. You know what that means, god forbid someone is helped without chemo. Can't help Ecuadorians either I guess; now he's being extradited to the US. Boo, hiss.

Dr. Price found that a ratio of approximately 1:1 is better for human health. Based on how I feel since modifying my diet to include high quality animal fats, I'm sticking with him, not the recommendations of the WHO. Price travelled the world in the early 1900's and studied the health and nutrition of primative/traditional cultures, making note of the foods and supplements that they valued for health and fertility. Hey, we should all try to get back to the evolutionary diet, and no more doritos and corn syrup, my :2cents:

The hemp article also states that hemp oil is typically less than 10% saturated fats. I doubt this is ideal for humans, since saturated fatty acids constitute at least 50% of the cell membranes in your body. Saturated fatty acids also protect the liver from alcohol. The fat around the heart muscle is highly saturated; the heart draws on this reserve of fat in times of stress. (Lawson, LD and F Kummerow, Lipids, 1979) The guy authoring the hemp oil profile referenced above is saying hemp oil is really ideal based on what governments agencies say would be ideal. That should be a red flag right there.

Flax seed oil contains 16% o-6 and 57% o-3. If mixed with hemp seed oil, I believe it would make a better ratio of the EFA's.

In sum, I find nutrition a fascinating realm of research because many of the principles of the modern diet are basically unproven. Before 1920, coronary heart disease was rare in America, now it causes like 40% of all US deaths. If heart disease is caused by consumption of saturated fats as we have been told by the nutrition wonks, one would expect to find a corresponding increase in animal fat in the American diet. Actually, the reverse is true. During the period from 1910-1970, the proportion of traditional animal fat in the American diet declined from 83 to 62%, and butter consumption plummeted from 18 lbs./person/year to only 4. During the past eighty years, dietary cholesterol intake has increased only 1%. During the same period the % of dietary vegetable oils in the form of margarine, shortening and refined oils increased 400% while the consumption of sugar and processed foods increased about 60%. (Enig, Mary G, Ph.D)

The famous Framingham Heart Study set out in 1948 to prove the lipid hypothesis. Involving 6,000 people in Framingham, Massachusetts. Two groups were compared at 5 year intervals--those who consumed little cholesterol and saturated fat, and those who consumed large amounts.

After 40 years, the director of this study had to admit:
"In Framingham, the more saturated fat one ate, the more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person's serum cholesterol...we found that the people who ate the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the most calories, weighed the least and were the most physically active." (Smith, R and E R Pinckney, Diet, Blood cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease: A Critical Review of the Literature, Vol 2, 1991)

Food for thought, pun intended. Be diligent and do your own research.

My back hurts, I'm goin' for the bubbler.
medi thx for that, some good points, im also very into raw coconut oil for those sat fats that we all need, but i believe they should be raw an fresh not cooked. fish oils to me are very fishy, no pun intended on the stink of them just the processing, i beleive all people who take fats caps or fatt pills must ask themselves what the fuck there doing, be it flax or fish, and i believe that there rancid more then the industry cares to admit. im going to look into eating more flax again and see if i feel better, i really luv that shite, its so good on bread. have u tried extra virgin coconut oil?

and please keep in mind your dealing with US studies, thats like four year olds in white coats doing research, sure its cute but who really cares.. only trust studies from raw extra virigin oils, something theese idiots never do or have done. once fats lost its oxygen carring ability and electron spin its unreconizable by the body-

mediscrogs can i ask what are your saturated animal fats that u consume, are u into ghee?


Active member
i dint know what kind of lifestyle you live, and am definitly not judging, but how much natural vs synthetic food/drink do you eat?

things like aspartame(nutrisweet), flouride, white refined sugar, processed meat/cheese etc etc etc have been linked to alot of emotional, mental and physical disorders.

take up a new hobby like meditation or some kind of yoga, swimming or exercise???? assume you dont that is haha.

eat and use as much hemp as possible too, u and the earth will love u for it

try to enjoy the moment, be here and now, a good time not a long time brother, d
Traditionally your condition is treated with a fast convertible sports car and a girlfriend no older than you were when your band split up.

Ever tried MDMA? now may be a good time. if you are a nutural only guy, i would suggest psilicibin mushrooms. Dunno if you have tried any of these things in the past... just throwing out suggestions.

As for your cannabis intake, you may want to start edging slightly toward a more sativa hybrid...
take a trip to asia, alot of ass that would just luv u up over there, remid u that fucking shouldnt be a full time job and that even without a lamborgini your linquini can still even at your age be quite a meanie,, and hey they sell blue diamonds over the counter(viagra). count them blessing, enjoy what u can.


Active member
Man that was a lot of info! I´ll stick to the capsules for the time being as I really hate the taste of fish liver oil...but I´ll see what the market has to offer over here.
I gave up the plan for a motorcycle, I tried getting my gimpy legs over a bike seat during Christmas but it´s a no go on that. I need an onroad/offroad rig where I live and they are just to high for me to get on without using a chair...
But I think I can live without the bike, I can use that money for travel and some other toys. I think taking better care of food and exercise is pretty essential and also just getting on with life instead of bogging down in obsessive/depressive thought.


Sorry man if you think I was being too hard. Tough love!
Here's what I do, maybe it'll work for you. I love to smoke the herb as you do, but I play a little game so I rule it, not it rule me.
My goal is to stay strong, and I can't do that if I smoke in the morning, so I set priorities.
I go for a run/jog, 5k for me but it doesn't matter the distance, it's the doing, the action of taking control.
When I get home, I take my sand filled 2 liter water bottles and play another game, can I do 100, 200,? again it's not the number but the doing. Then some situps, same game.
This works for me because when I turned 50, I saw a guy in the mirror who was 50 lbs. overweight, couldn't fit in any clothes, couldn't enjoy the outdoors, led a sedentary lifestyle of tv and icecream.
I was surprised that it didn't take long (couple months) to start feeling like I was accomplishing something only for ME, not the wife nor the kids.
Hope all the best for you and your family in 2010! By the way, herb has never tasted better, stay strong!


Yes coconut oil, yes ghee (clarified butter) is good, but I just eat the butter. Organic Valley makes one that is cultured that is good when you can afford it, tastes a little sour.
Agree raw oils better, rancidity def. a probllem in general with oils.

dmt, thanks for mentioning aspartame, it's pretty nasty stuff, definitely a do not, also msg, stay away from it.

Piel, happy new year, sorry to blow up your thread.


Active member
poina: You weren´t to harsh and I need to keep my whining in check! LOL! I´m also overweight, maybe about 20 lbs, but I move around quite a lot. I never smoke in the morning, mostly I´ll keep it to after 1900 hours.

Turning 50 makes one look at things critically -what can I do, is it worth it etc. Taking a spill with a bike might end my walking days altogether so it´s not worth the risk.

But I ordered some seeds for next summer, Mossy´s Jem and Bluestreak so that´ll be fun.

I really need some sun gazing...


Active member
Truth: Surfing on the Internet all night and just getting three hours of sleep makes one feel tired.


Yeah. I was looking at those Mossy's Jems and the Bluestreak. Just looking at the dank colors makes me feel less depressed! Definitely cool what's going on with the AF breeders, kind of excited for more auto sativas and hazes to be developed. Been absorbed with all the strain threads. Fun stuff. Good luck Piel.
Yeah, no chance regular use of a mind-altering substance could throw your psychology out of balance.

Just find a new strain, maaaaaaaaaan. it's all propaganda maaaaaaaaaannnnnn.

Dude, cut the shit and stop smoking so much. You know it needs to be done. I appreciate the natural tendency to search for answers that are right in front of your nose as to self-justify the continuation of convenient self-destruction, but alas the writing is on the wall.

Stop smoking so much. I've heard a lot of people talk shit, but I've never met a person in my life who smoked weed every day who was a man I aspired to be.


Active member
I really try to keep my smoking at a minimum, I take breaks now and then etc. The thing is that my smoking IS medical, I´ve been able to cut back dramatically on pain killers (no opiates for over a year -except directly folloeing a joint replacement) and I´d rather be buzzed than on "dope".

But I guess everything has its drawbacks.

Happy New Year!