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Have 10 G13xHPxLR in a grow bed. Have both 1000hps and a 400mh on them. Is there a such thing as too much light and if so is this? Is a large room so temp and airflow not an issue. And been under both lights 72 hours now and look great. Thanks for the input.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
not sure but if you can keep your temps down never heard of somebody being able to add to much light, only rooms that are to hot?


AF's seem more light sensitive than regulars. I have had AF's in a room with temps consistently between 72 F and 78 F but two 1000W lights in a 4 x 8 foot room almost killed the plants, and after consulting experts ( here in California there are expert seasoned gardeners who offer their services to medical patients for a small fee) the only thing they said it could be was "Sun burn." They recommended I go down to two 600 watt digital dimable balasts.


From another thread:


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4x4 Tent SOG. Need advice
Hey everyone from ICMag,
I want to do a SOG in my 4x4 tent, with a 1000W air-cooled HPS. Due to some time constraints, this grow must be a fast one. Because of this, I decided that an auto-flowering strain may be a great idea. I've been looking around this forum for more information and I definitely like what I am seeing about auto-flowering strains.
So on to my question. What would be a good amount of plants to use in this 4x4 tent? I'll be growing in soil (not sure what kind yet) and would love to be able to finish the grow, from seed to bud, in about two months.
Also, what strain would you suggest? I'm thinking of doing feminized, but I'm not sure. Those seeds are seeming to be about $80 for 10, and since I'm not sure how many I'll need to fill the tent that may add up to more than I'm willing to spend on seeds.

I appreciate all of the help on this forum, and anyone who answers my questions.
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05-03-2010, 09:53 PM #2 IceColdCrickets

Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 738

well you can do Autoflowering OR you can do 12/12 from seed, just find a fast flowering strain. FEM AF seeds are great!!! but very expensive, you can fit 64 5.5 x 5.5 pots in a 4 x 4 tent Or 12 3 gallon grow bags, making them as big as possible,, but the thing with autos the more you have the better chances of high yeild. With regular strains you could get a lot of seeds from Nirvana or Mandela seeds and just run a lot of them from 12/12 from seed. throw out the males and keep the females when they show sex.

Even if you grow out AFs or 12/12 from seed your average harvest time is 65-70 days. And then you have to dry it for at least 7 days,, so really bro you are looking at 2.5+months for a successful harvest.

I hope you get something going, oh btw ,, Mandala seeds get Speed Queen for 12/12 from seed, or Nirvana get Aroura Indica. As for Auto Flowering, get FEM LR#2 or FEM Easy Ryder.

BUT one problem you have... 1000 watt in a 4 x 4 OVER KILL!!!!! you will FRY that amount of space with 1000 watter bro! 4 x 4 can use a 600watt with nice venting or a cool tube.

ICC ask if Questions.

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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: central valley California
Posts: 122

I dont think thats too much light, if you start with it a few feet above the seedlings and drop it a few inches every couple of days. I also think Easy Ryder would be a good choice. If given enough soil they can get pretty big, especially under that much light. I use TWO 400 watt lights side by side in a 3 foot by 3 foot tent for my autos. One light is MH one is HPS, and I start with them about 3.5 feet above the top of the dirt, dropping them every day to get the plants accustomed to that much light for that many hours daily - I do 20 on 4 off. After the plants are a week old the light is about 1.75 foot above the tops of the plants. When they are 3.5 weeks old (most true autos are blooming by now) the light is about 10 inch above tops, then I usually have to start raising the lights a little every day or two for a week or two as they get taller reaching upward with a cola, keeping the lights about 6 to 12 inches above tops of plants. The last time I did Easy Ryder I did 4 rows of 4 plants, total of 16 two gallon grow bags. Each plant yielded about an oz, about 1 pound total dry. The plants were crammed so close together that the lower branches didnt get enough light, so if they had been a little further apart and the lower branches got more light, they would have produced more - I think those 16 could have filled 4foot by 4 foot. You should be able to get 16 Easy Ryder seeds for around $200 US Dollars. pics:


here is that thread if you want to take a look:


room is large and 1000hps is 4ft above plants and 400mh is 3.5ft temp is 76 at soil and plants seem to be digging it. still under 24 hours but will go to 20/4 in 7 days. Thanks for the responses, just wish I could get response on genetics as well???Anyone??? 20/4 best schedual? finish height? yield?? not too familiar with auto flower. Thanks again all.
KEEP IT GREEN...........


20/4 is the recommended schedule for autos. Don't have any experience with that strain so don't know the finished height or yield. I've had dwarf strains like Pakistani Ryder and Hindu Kush only get 8" high and yield 1/4 ounce, Diesel Ryders at 18" and an ounce and Mi5 at 30" and 2 ounces.


My 400w HPS burned some of my autos a couple weeks ago and they were like a 2ft away...a got em under a 400W CMH now and all but one have recovered and are doing great....now...wish I would have known when I started...


no probs.

Im not sure about a 400w hps over 2ft away been to much light. not that I have any reason to doubt NHMI if he says this is the case....

NHMI did the bleech badly? do you got any pics before u switched lamp?

as for mixing hps and mh, i found you get less stretch on the plants, which for me is good for some phenos not to great for others.


Bit conflicted, have read that should go with 20/4 and read somewhere Mdanzig said let em roll at 24. Have been at 24 for 7 days since seed.
also, ACBract nice grow. Never would of thought to go that low with lights, bit apprensive myself. I know you loose intensity with distance, but am far from any stretching going on with mine as of yet. Any other benefits going that close?


Also, have been reading alot on the boards about CFL grows with auto flower strains and am dumbfounded with the results I am seeing. Is it over kill using the amount of light that I am? Will I see benefits in yield etc? Thanks again you guys rock!!


Also, have been reading alot on the boards about CFL grows with auto flower strains and am dumbfounded with the results I am seeing. Is it over kill using the amount of light that I am? Will I see benefits in yield etc? Thanks again you guys rock!!

Using lights that close definitely makes denser buds and higher yields. My cfl grow always goes good, but the buds are always airy loose and fluffy. Still good potency though. Loose buds are good for less mold in humid places.

Here is my cfl thread:


There were six 1.5 gallon grow bags with a total of 9 females and it yielded almost 40 grams. Thats from around 200 watts cfl.

From 800 watts (400 MH and 400 HPS) I can get close to a pound of stuff thats denser.


I lowered the 1000hps to 3ft this am and pulled the 400mh. Been watching them all day for signs of too much heat. All looks well leaves all reaching upwards to light. Promise pics soon


Will try to post pics this weekend. Computer is down and been making these post from ps3 on open signal. Also, can someone Please tell me how many post must make before you can PM? Really need to talk to Mdanzig about this strain.