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Mixing sequence for Pro-tekt(silica) cal-mag and base in r.o?

I`ve always thought to add cal-mag supplements to r.o. water first then your base nutes. Now I`m using pro-tekt silica supplement and it calls for adding it first before base nutes or calcium lockout will occur. So what would be first in r.o. water cal-mag or protekt? I`m thinking cal-mag because how could you use tap water and pro-tekt considering some tap has calcium? I only use 5ml of cal-mag+. Thanks


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
makes sense using the protekt first....

the silica binds WITH organics, causing them to be useless...

with silica first, there would be no chance of binding, if its completely mixed into the water, before other nutrient...


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Protekt .... Base nutes .... calmag ... then PH to desired level .

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
I use pro tekt as my ph up so it goes last. Never a problem.
I go base first then supplements in no particular order.
Maybe I'll learn something here.
I talked to the techs at dyna-gro and they said as long as the pro-tekt doesnt cloud up when you add it, it should be fine. They didn`t sound very convincing though. I`m gonna try a small sample of cal-mag first then pro-tekt and see if it clouds up. If you`re adding pro-tekt after your base nutes the silicon will bind with calcium and fall out I`m told.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I talked to the techs at dyna-gro and they said as long as the pro-tekt doesnt cloud up when you add it, it should be fine. They didn`t sound very convincing though. I`m gonna try a small sample of cal-mag first then pro-tekt and see if it clouds up. If you`re adding pro-tekt after your base nutes the silicon will bind with calcium and fall out I`m told.

that person you talked to is an idiot....

ive been using protekt for 5+ years, it clouds up 100% of the time....

id call back tomorrow and ask for someone who knows there shit....


Active member
If you add it first don't worry about it.
If you add it anytime thereafter I highly advise taking Kcar's advice.
That's what I do.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Interesting. I guess cause I use it as ph up only I must not use enough to get locked.
I think I add 5ml to 10 gallons of H&G A&B
add silica first

i found the more i added it last, i have cloudy suspensions floatin around (presumably from dropping out of solution)

adding it first, no more cloudy suspensions.

i have also noted that if I add silica last, i have to use more to bring it up to the same ph than if I had added it first. strengthens the view on silica binding actually being legitimate.

sure there are exceptions and nuances.

if anything trust the guys at Dynagro. they do truly know their stuff and shy from the fluff as well.


Well-known member
adding the silica first before you lower pH is very much part of using soluble silicates. As they are much less soluble at our relatively low desired pH. Depending on the concentration you are using the silicate at, this can be very important.

cloudiness is hard to avoid with soluble silicates, but proper addition goes a long way towards it.
I did a little test with a gallon of r.o. Added 5ml of cal-mag+ roughly 200ppm then added 5ml of pro-tekt. No cloudiness. OK this is how I was leaning. Some tap has the same amount calcium and magnesium as 5ml cal-mag+ per gallon. You have no choice but to add the silica after. I decide to call a couple companies that sell base nutes along with cal-mag and silica supplements. Both botanicare and advanced reps said when using r.o. always add cal-mag first then base, then any other additives. Great... I get to do a side by side and see for myself


grotek silicone states to add it to neuts last and then adjust ph,and ive always done that,as far as calmag i add it to RO water first to 100ppm then base then additives then silicon,just how i do it....


I feel nothing and it feels great
i was just about to say something about Grotek Silicate.

wonder if it reacts differently than the Dyna Gro Pro-Tekt ? ? ?


pro-tek sucks whether i add it first or last, i get a cloudy rez with it and although it doesnt seem to be a problem...

ive switched to bloom silica from agricultural organics and no longer have the cloudy rez problem.

it cost 5 times as much(per lt) as protek but its 10 times as strong.

do the math, its worth it and say goodbye to cloudy rezez 4ever


finally a thread about protekt. i know its off subject guys but how many ml a gal do you recommend in aero cloners? i wanna make sure i dont overdo it and hurt the clones
Where I live the tap water chemistry seems to be seasonal and once in a great while, Pro-Tekt will cloud going in first -- it should go in first per label directions (IMHO, the chemists at the company that makes the stuff, regardless of brand, actually know best how to use or apply it). All one needs to do is dilute it before adding to the rez.

If, for example, you need to add 100 ml then, put that in a 1000ml container and slowly add water while stirring. Pour the 1000 ml container in teh rez and you are good to go.

Tree King -- I clone in rockwool and the little one's don't really see any silica until they go into cups at 10 to 12 days, I use up to 2 ml per gal.

Ganja Maker

Damn, I'm glad I checked this thread out. I didn't think it mattered with the silica and calmag. I only mix by the gallon but, I use RO water and I usualy would do base,supps in any order, then adjust ph. I took notice that when I wouldn't rinse the tsp between using the calmag and silica the silica would turn white. So should I be doing silica, base calmag, then adjust ph?


I talked to the techs at dyna-gro and they said as long as the pro-tekt doesnt cloud up when you add it, it should be fine. They didn`t sound very convincing though. I`m gonna try a small sample of cal-mag first then pro-tekt and see if it clouds up. If you`re adding pro-tekt after your base nutes the silicon will bind with calcium and fall out I`m told.

What Dyna-Gro told you is correct. If you add it and nothing clouds up then, by definition, no precipitation occurred and everything is bueno. If you add enough water first before starting to dump stuff in the order is not going to matter one bit...other than you do not want the pH to be so high that CaPhosphate falls out. Having said that you might get a little bit of localized precipitation but mostly that clears right up and is not a problem

People tend to throw nutes in way to early before they have enough water. If that is what you are doing then it is best to add anything with Ca last...cause its the one that causes all of the problems.

Think about this for a second. No matter what order you add stuff all of the ions end up in the witch's brew you just created. Whatever is going to "bind" (whatever the fuck that actually means)...lets call it whatever is going to precipitate would do it regardless of order if you added water completely first and then added nutes.

It is concentrations and pH that matter...not order unless you are throwing nutes in too soon before proper dilutions can be achieved.

Don't believe it. Take a gallon of water and then add whatever ml or grams per gallon you are using...change the order on the next gallon, then again...till you have exhausted all possible combinations. Measure the EC of each...I will bet you they are the same. If you have precipitation they will not be the same. Think.

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