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mite fighter's


Active member
Some strains are introduced as mite resistant & i'd like to hear what others think this trait is a result of ?

I have, since first getting these lilbastard's :mad: been seeking strains/phenos with this characteristic because i personally do not like to spray anything on my plants accept the occasional distilled water early in veg. I have found neem treatments are nice & seem to give the plants a harder (shinier') leaf look but haven't needed/used any in more than 5 yrs' & with these several new strains coming up i'm starting the 'hearty plant' search again :yes:

My thoughts on "mite resistant" strains are only based on the few plants that i have found that have either: 1) too hearty/thick/dense of a leaf cell structure that the mites just bite a little early on & never cont. cause the plant just ain't havn' it :noway: (&/or)> 2) the taste just isn't right for the appatite(sp) & they leave a few marks early on sometimes & again never cont. this is while other stain's i have worked with get consumed if no treatment is kept up.

My current example is of course my burmese phenos both just will not let the mites affect them (another reason they are nearing 4ys running now)...also a shiva strain i grew yrs' ago had this same resistance. What strains do you feel(have experienced) have 'mite resistance' ? Also what do you think it is that makes them this way ? Any input is very welcome have a fantabulous weekend everyone & dont forget to check out seedbay this weekend the quantity & quality of strains is growing by the day ..not to mention the kindest prices anywhere Peace all 3ld :joint:
NYCD. Me and my roommate got a cut of NYCD and have been growing it for a little while now. Regardless of the severity or number of mite infested plants around it, they never touch it. I always sorta figured this had something to do with taste or something like that since this has a very distinct citrusysmell taste even in veg. Stoned idea, part of it may have to with smelling in veg, the smells and tastes come from oils so plants with more stinkin veg would have more oils? Could the mites not like those? Just an idea.


:chin: good thread 3leg...
I also have wondered kind'a the same thing...
Exp: We had mites really bad and they seemed to like the c99xa11 (ate them up!) better than the NYCD or G13 (they lasted and produced at least some).... OR, is it like you guys said, that Genetics play a huge part, if the plant can withstand the feast.... OR, is it that plants with more concentration of trichromes prevent them from spreading and laying their eggs because they get stuck, so they avoid the heavily coated areas....

Or is it a Mite Preference?... lol... :confused: Where's them Mite experts when ya need'em?.... :smoker:


lol very interesting read.. i do agree also pretty much with what you said 3leg.. or like Ms. grateful said " preference" hehe.


Active member
Thanks Sammy so we know there is a NYCD pheno that is resistant to :alien: attack. Very good to know mabey one of these SDv3 s' will bring a little of the east coast NYC funk & make the cut in the moma room(as a mite fitr') . I sure hope so & hope i dont screw these seeldings up..been a while since any youngn's :nanana: were around.

Ms. Grat3ful glad you could share some of your wisdom :yes: & i hope other breeders will also share. You make excellent points & i have read i think Soma wrote ...don't quote me though...that very dense buds like his rock bud are too dense for mites or mold to get a foothold...as you aluded to Ms. G. Also one of my b. phenos has very dense rock hard buds that i Always worry there will be mold...every summer...but never once :woohoo: & this pheno never has any mites at all either in veg & certainly never seen them in flower...no doubt i'm very greatful for this. So density(bud structure) & heavy crystal formation are a plus in the mite fight. All good info ..imho. Many thanks Ms. G & please don't be a stranger as i value your input.

NYC & CJ thanks for stopping in & hope ya continue to contribute ...that goes for everyone that's posted :wave: See ya soon Peace 3ld :joint:


i know that blueberry does the opposite...it really attracks the little palnt killing mites.......i grew citrocilla and the mites stayed off.....


I had a mite infestation all over my G13.'s I had 2 big trees. So I know that G13 is not mite Resistant.

I sprayed the plants for a couple of weeks (once every few days) with a HOT CHILI water solution and this got rid of them.
The Hot CHili/pepper water soloution is amazing. Works very well and does not harm or burn or do anything to the plant.- Except get rid of these mites.

I reccomend this to everyone. - this tip comes from Wernarnd from Positronics seeds.


Active member
Thanks Draw & Ronley for the info :yes: & your fine tip on an all natural pesticide.
It's good to hear the different strains & their resistance(or non) efforts against attack/infestation.
Anyone else have thoughts on what makes certain strains unique to this trait :chin: ...all great thoughts so far Peace out for now 3ld :joint:


sag's - bubbleberry

sag's - bubbleberry

This sturdy plant produces larger buds with more strength and taste than original Bubblegum or Blueberry. Bubbleberry is very hardy and spidermite-resistant. Pungent, sticky flowers with an overpowering aroma provide the smoker with a bubbly high and a long lasting buzz. Filtering the air system should be mandatory when cultivating this cannabis delicacy.

ADDED 10/17/05

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Active member
Right on Sddcs i've wanted Sag's Bubbleberry for years & have heard from a few people that it's a good 1 for mite resistance. A nice hearty looking plant i might just add to my collection next year. Thanks for bringing back around a thread i had forgotten all about. I hate mites & hope more people will share their experiences. Yf 3ld :wave:


Out of all my strain's grown, Blue hen and Super blue hen are mite attractor's along with silver spice, might be the haze in them, my Lemon Cake strain get's them, not as bad, maybe because of early trichome production. Big bud x romulan cross also seems to like mite's. The only one I have grown to be some what mite resistant is the Willy D.

williamwonder crossed with NYCD, so maybe it is te NYCD in the genetic's that make this so.
Star Gazer grow went well, not sure if mite resistant or I did not get them that run as perventive measures were followed.

Basically I have only noticed which stains the love the most, screwed that the one's I want to grow seem to be the ones they like to feed on, but I do believe trichome production on the plant has alot to do with it. They will hang in the leaf as long as they can, then move to an area they can exsist and most the time this is topping the bud with web's, if this is taken away from them, well they like to go between the leaf finger's and stem or from stem to bud leaf, but they do move to area's of lower trichome production, at least on my plant's.

I do not spray my girl's, use preditor mites, but they do not last but a few week's on a 12/12 schedule, so spider mites can out last them.

I do think this is the way to go if they are an issue in the grow room, better to first grow things they do not like, keep them out.

Will be interesting to see how this all developes.

stay safe and grow the same way.



My little pony.. my little pony
I think its the oily terpenes or when a bud is greasy good. The mites can attack when the buds are young but as soon as that greasy terpenes kicks in they seem to keep the buds at a good distance. I have a strain like that and when I trim it at harvest time it gives off this weird kind of effect that irritates my eyes that I can only describe as a combination of mint/menthol and onions. Doesnt smell like it, just feels like it. Ive had mites give those buds wide distance.


Bubblegum Specialist
Sour Bubble has proven to be the most resistant strain I have grown and probably because the dense bud is hard to penetrate and so sticky perhaps.

Neem works well for me. BOG


Active member
Nice to see more offering up their experiences :yes:

Thanks Gamera i appreciate yaz stopping by & adding to the list of mite fighters. That Hog has sounded like a hearty strain all along...good to hear mites don't like it. Realhigh thanks for passing on your experiences as this is probably one of the best ways to get info..thanks for your input. Verlite i wondered also if the terpenes had anything to do with resistance since 1 of my Burmese plants is very greasy & mites do little damage to it. Thanks for sharing you thoughts. Bog ...my man glad you made time to share & i figured some of the breeders like yourself would have some real insight. That Sour bubble sounds great & also like you i prefer neem(when necessary) since it has several benifits along with mite/bug resistance. That fungiside you pictured is the same 1 i have used. It works well for lot's of potential hazzards. Good stuf that gardensafe neem.

Well from my experience & what has been shared it sure looks like early trich formation & bud density may cartainly play a huge roll in resisting these bugs. Great that more are sharing...hell all the books i've read over the years don't have this much info about resistance & strains that fight back. I will always search out plants that defend themselves since i really do try & avoid spraying at all. Yf 3ld :wave:
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nukn futz

tough love :biglaugh:

seriously though i`ve been getting my sog clones from the same plants for a few years always taking clones from my cloned plants, I take a simplistic approach to hydro growing. i`m very very light with my nutes to the beginning of the third week then I start laying into them heavily. i`m also very aggressive with my lighting. its basically survival of the fittest in my garden and after the first few runs they started thriving. my incoming air is also filtered well, my rooms are spotless and totally sealed and i`m the only person going into the rooms always wearing fresh clothes and never being around any other plants, cannabis or otherwise.