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Mist's Ebb&Gro with ST#3XBlack Russian grow diary




Well stoners this is what I get for smoking what I grow while I am supposed to be paying attention.
I burned my new girls a bit last week. And what I did was sooooo stupid and then again very easy to do. I went to the canna site and used their grow guide for my nutrient mixture since I didn't use Canna nutes to vegg the last round, just for flowering. Well I put in the required criteria, gallons, type of water etc.. and then it gave me my nutrient mixture. So then I went in and mixed it all up and let her fly.
Well the girls weren't liking the mix to much and I was going to redo the nutes and lighten them up a bit so I went back to the Canna grow guide ( I hadn't written it down) and put in my grow criteria again and what it gave me for a mix was way lower than what I had done previously and that is when it dawned on me that I had put in 30 gallons on the site and then used that mix to make 25 gallons in the resovior, DUH!!
Soooooooooooo, they were a bit over ferted and got burned on the edges a bit. Now they are looking fine after a couple days of the proper nute mixture and all should run fine. And the burned stuff will be getting trimmed off later anyhow since it will be on the bottom of the plants.

So the moral of this story is to don't be stoned when you are working and WRITE SHIT DOWN!



I just noticed this morning that the little purple pheno clone was finally showing some signs of vegging. It has taken FOREVER! for it to get to this point, but I am sure that it will be worth it in the end. I still have to actual plant revegging too, but whichever one gives me a good cutting to make a mother out of will work for me.

The rest of the mothers are getting out of hand. I was pumping them up to take 50 plus cuttings for another grow and that has gotten delayed so I am just waiting to see if I will have to cut them waaaaaaay back or even start over with new mothers. There are 5 of them in there, LOL! Maybe I will just flower them out with this grow when I add the new light.



Mornin' Mist,
Sorry to hear about your nute burn. Doesn't sound too bad though. I've seen some people push nutes until they get a tiny bit of burn and then back off. That seems extreme to me, but the point is that they recover from mild burn very rapidly.

Congats on your re-veg success. I've found indica dominant strains re-veg easier. And I think you'll find that your little re-vegged girl will become a natural bonzai clone Momma if you keep it clipped back. I had a Buddha's sister regged which I used as a clone Momma. Wonderful Momma but lost her while on vacation.
Hang in there...it'll all come together,


Welll the nute burn is a nonissue now and the girls are doing great. They are in their last week of vegg now, but they already have preflowers all over them.
They are lush and happy now though and have been worked into nice little bushes.



MIst, been looking for the sweet tooth #3 pheno and punabutter for a min, had it back in 98 or 99, cant find it since! Any ideas?


MIst, been looking for the sweet tooth #3 pheno and punabutter for a min, had it back in 98 or 99, cant find it since! Any ideas?

Sorry, I haven't run acoss that cross before. There are so many out there that it is hard to keep track. Some crosses just don't make it through the years either.


Going to be crazy!

Going to be crazy!

Hmmmmm, I was looking back at my last round with this strain and have realized that this round is going to be crowded.

The last time I started with 8 plants and looked like this on day 1 of flowering>

And ended up looking like this in flower with 7 females>

Now I look like this with 12 plants and a week to ten days left of vegg>

I better be heading over to the hydro store and get some netting, LOL!

Gonna be a good one:joint:


Flowering time is upon us and these girls just got their first dose of 12/12 last night. I will be putting the new light in early next week. I am just not made of money right now and had to put it off to pay some bills. But this grow can't do without another light so it will be in there as soon as I can.

And so it begins again>

And an update pic of the little purple pheno clone.

This little one took 5 days for rooting and then 6 weeks for any new vegetative growth to start. But well worth the wait!
I always see this as something magical when it happens and I am still waiting for the actual plant that I am revegging to how some new growth too. But with this little girl I can now be sure that I will not loose this pheno.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
uh oh better get that net.. walmart sells then for 1/2 the price as my hydro store, same net, as does home depot. those 2 places actually carry a few items the hyrdro stores mark up a lot. even walgreens is carrying the same digitimer i bought a while back for 20 plus bucks and walgreens is 10 bucks. i want to open a hydro store the more i think about it. 100-200% mark ups damn... get rich quick scheme # 420 open a hydro store!


I was going to go with the plastic netting at my local hydro store which is 10.00 for a 4x8 section. The nylon string netting in just 6.99 so I can't imagine they are making too much off of it.


Yes, I did in the beginning. There was a quick round of fungus gnats, but I got them under control and haven't had any recurences.


A cloning sidebar

A cloning sidebar

Not to digress from the subject of this thread, but I am putting a little cloning sidebar in here because of some people who doubted how fast my cuttings were rooting and I thought I would show the entire process from start to finish and the results of these steps.

So here we go.

Of course you want to start off with nice healthy mothers>

Then we have the tools for the job>


The cloner is a cheap Daisy 8 site aero cloner.

The bucket with 4 gallons of water gets 6 capfulls of the Clonex clone solution and the ph adjusted to approx. 5.8. This is normal tap water. Not RO or distilled. I used to use a cap full of Ionic bloom instead of Clonex clone solution and I am sure that a cap full of Flora bloom would do the same thing. The object it to give them something to live off of but not stimulate them to be wanting to grow while they root.

Then I take the cuttings. This part I think has been covered in just about every clone tutorial out there so I wil skip where to cut them from. Just make sure you take nice healthy cuttings.

So here are the cuttings with the bottoms cut at a 45 degree angle. For those that don't know why you cut them at an angle it is so that the water won't hang there as a bead and will instead run off.

The cuts>

I then take the cuttings and scrape the outside layer of the stem for approx. 3/4" from the bottom and this breaks the harder outer layer of the stem and allows the roots to break through easier. It is especially helpfull when taking cuttings from older mothers (Like these) that have started to develop woodier stems.
Hold the knife/razorblade at a 90 degree angle to the stem while doing this or you will slice into the stem and that would be bad, LOL~

The stem will end up looking kind of frayed on the outside like this. It just takes light stokes to get this result so don't go at it like you are peeling potatoes.

Now I take the cuttings and dip them up to the point that I scraped them in Clonex gel. Some people think that this is an unnecessary step because the gell will get rinsed off the outside of the stem in the aero cloner but I do it anyway and let them sit till it dries for about 5 minutes and have always done it this way so why stop now.

Now it is off to the cloner>

Notice that the light is approx. 16" above the cuttings. This is essential for the rooting since you don't want them to be trying to grow, just root.
I also don't use a dome to keep in the humidity or even mist them while they root. I believe that misting or keeping them covered with something that holds in moisture and keeps the leaves wet promots rot. For those that use those methods, keep it up if it works for you.

So there we have it. I will take a daily picture of these cuttings and post it each night since these went into the cloner in the evening and we will see where we are at on Friday evening.

Any questions about this or if I missed something feel free to ask.

Happy growing.



Active member
Hey Mist
Very nice journal. Love the play by play cloning demo.
Never occurred to me to let the cloning gel dry. When I read what you wrote and thought about it, was kinda of "well, you dumb ass -- of course" moment. Got a whole bottle I almost shit canned because I couldn't see any difference running side by side. Have really good success, but earlier and healther never hurt anyone.
Curious what size pump is that in the Daisy 8 site aero cloner ? Do you monitor the temp or let her rip the way it goes?
Thanks again -- make me wonder what other obvious details I miss.


Mist, I admire your work to universal proportions.

I was hoping maybe you can throw me some insight into my grow since this will be the first time running both hydro and Ebbgrow, maybe advice, things to prepare for, anything that comes to mind that you would give a newb using your system...

I am in the process of building the room, and should hopefully have it up and running by this next weekend. The strain is either platinum OG, or the cheese, I havent decided on what the winner will be, but Platinum is winning by a landslide so far. I am running a 2x4 tray for veg (with floranova for now, Im not too happy with the sludge) under 4' 8bulb t-5s as for mother and clone.

I will be running the ebb n grow system 24 site (x2) so 48 sites total on a perpetual cycle, (4) 1000w AC hoods, with sealed CO2 in a 10'x11'x8' room. Nutes, Im pretty sure will be AN, with a hybrid of others. Tonight the pond liner goes in to the room, followed by the electrical tomorrow, then everything else, so I dont have pics of the room yet. Is there anything you can think of that you can warn me of in advance before I get snagged?

Im hacking the test subjects tonight (ignore the disgusting dead leaves, pretty sure its a P defiency, wasnt able to dial it in until it was too late). The front cola is the cheese, the rest is platinum. WELL, maybe while we're on the subject of the test plants, do you guys have any insight on my plants problems? Like I said, Im pretty sure its a P def. Either caused by a high ph of around 6.5, or the medium was too cold (I have an ac unit aiming into the grow box on the ground. It worked fine early on to keep heat down (shitty borrowed 400w all-in-one ballast hood that heated up like crazy with no venting ports) but once the canopy grew in the ground stayed cold as hell while trying to cool up above). So do you think extremely cold buckets could stop P from traveling to the top like the pictures show?






Ok sorry, I'll take it one step at time, I got ahead of myself. Thank you for your time, I appreciate it from everybody.


At first look the plants seem to have been burned by the heat of the light, but that is just by what I see in the pics. Really hard to say with almost all the bud leaves being totally brown.

I will tell you what I can about this sytem since I am only on my second round with it. The main thing that I have noticed is the need to flush the plant sites since there is an obvious nutrient salts buildup in the top 2 inches or so of the hydroton. I flush the sites out once a week during the early vegg time since there is more light/radiant heat getting to the hydroton. As the plants start to fill out I space the flushes out to every coupl weeks and continue that throughout the grow. Some people like to fill their resovior with plain water and let that run through a few flood/drain cycles and then drain it and fill with fresh nutrients. I personally use a hose with a sprayer to rinse the salts out of each unit. I bought an adapter for my bathroom sink that allows me to attach a hose and that saves so much time for many things. But that is no secret item, LOL, but it is a life saver for many things. I am always suprised how many people don't have a garden hose for their grows.
Anyhow, I rinse them all down while I am draining the system and that seems to take care of that problem.
Oh yea, speaking of draining the system. That can be a bit of a "What the..." moments when it comes time to do it. When you assemble the system you will see that there will be a 10" peice of hose that you put into the controller bucket on the fill side. This is what I use to drain the system with. I attach a length of 1/2" hose (the same kind the system uses) to that hose and then unplug the fill pumps cord from the controller and plug it into a power strip and it drains away. Another thing is that to completly, or as close as you can get, empty the resovior it helps to tip it to the side and let the pump sit on the deep side and you can get down to about a quart left in the bottom.
But these are mostly common sense things. When you get it all setup and running there will be other more important questions I am sure.
And I will give my endorsment on Canna Nutrients for this system. This is the first time I have switched from Ionic nutrients in many years and not gone back after one grow. The Canna Aqua line ROCKS!
The plants are lush and green as you can see in the pics and I have had absolutely no issues with them.

I guess that is all I can think of right now.


cloning sidebar day 1

cloning sidebar day 1

Well the first 24 hours nothing is really happening rootwise of course. The cuts all look nice and perky though and that is always good to see.


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