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Mist's Ebb&Gro with ST#3XBlack Russian grow diary


Amazing job Mist. Care to explain your pH adjustment schedule? The plants look immaculate!



Amazing job Mist. Care to explain your pH adjustment schedule? The plants look immaculate!


All I do with the PH is adjust it when I mix a fresh resovior of nutes and then check it each day to make sure that it hasn't gone too far up of down and adjust if needed.
I try to keep the ph in 5.8-6.0 range, but I know it is going to fluxuate a bit and you just can't go freaking out when it does.

THanks for the compliments.


Ashes, ashes, we all fall down!~ LOL!

They are Whacked!

The girls are all drying now.

I kept the one purple pheno to revegg

And I also have the rooted cutting from the purple pheno in a bubbler unit to vegg.

All I have to do now is clean the system, set it up for 12 plants and move the clones in. Then it will be on to the next round. I plan on vegging these clones for a bit longer this time. Some of the plants on the first round were only about 6-8" tall when I put them into flower. So this was just the test run to find out who was who in the pheno lineup and I think I found some real winners. I can't wait to see how they do with a bit of training.

Not too much of a mess to clean up either

The clones are ready and waiting so I better get my ass in gear!



Thanks everyone that posted on this thread. :nanana:

And now everything is ready for another round. I will have pics of the clones in the system tomorrow. I got it all cleaned up today. Really wasn't much to do and only took a few hours.

Ready to go:jump:



Round 2

Round 2

The clones are in and the quantum ballast is on the 50% setting so I guess all there is to do for a while is check the ph level each day.

I give the CAP Ebb&Gro system Five Stars:headbange on ease of use and the plants just love it.

So I guess I will keep this thread going with the second grow. Here are the new babies and I wil be doing some crimping on these to bush them up for a better yield this time.



Hi Mist,
Congrats on a successful run. I'm building, or rather have built (since it's done) a 17 pot Ebb and Flow modeled after the Ebb&Grow. I'm having some serious concerns about flood time. I just used 1/2" vinyl tubing to connect everything and I'm finding that the fill and drain time is really slow. If I use a 15 minute flood timer setting, the pots don't get filled enough (just over halfway). I don't think it's related to pump size...I'm using an ECO-396). Also the pots at the far end of the chain don't fill as much as the close ones. And drain takes forever too.

If I used a 30 minute timer setting, including drain time, some roots would be underwater for longer then 45 minutes which I consider too long.

So what timer settings are you using? Do you have any of the problems that I listed? I really feel I should have gone with 3/4" hose but it's a major hassle to re-do that. I know you're busy right now, but if you have any thoughts...I'd be grateful.


Well with the Ebb&Gro there are 3 outlets on each side of the controller bucket and they suggest that you use a few pots on each outlet as possible. So I have 2 buckets connected to each outlet. That gives it better flow than having a whole line of 4-6 buckets off of one 1/2" line.

Do you have some pics of your controller?

As for feeding times and length of each feeding, I am kind of off the beaten path. Most people I see on here feed like 4 times a day for 15 minutes and only while the lights are on. I, on the other hand, feed every 3 hours ,for 30 minutes each time, around the clock.
The plants didn't seem to like it as much when I was only feeding for 15 minutes 6 times a day.

I am not saying that is the only way to go. Just that it is working well for me.


Thanks Mist,
So you have 6 outlets on your controller. I can see how that would help. I only have three, but I have plenty of room to add more. My longest chain of buckets is 6 which sounds like too many.

I don't have a picture of it set up but here's a shot of it in it's finished location. I used a small res (10 gallon) hoping to keep pump cycle time to a minimum.

No problems with roots with the 30 minute flood? Apparently not judging by this harvest.


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That is a very nice looking controller. Actually looks better than the CAP controller I have!

I actually finally got a chance to get a good look at the root structure of my plants when I was doing the cleanup after the harvest. I was used to seeing them all throughout the grow with DWC and I got to wondering if there was something wrong when I never saw any poking out of the bottom of the buckets. But I think that with my feeding schedule they didn't need to poke out into the lower area to look for nutrients. I prefer to bring the nutrients to the plant and not the other way around. And the buckets WERE full as hell with roots. All nice and healthy too. They just didn't need to fill the lower area too I guess.

Yea, add some more feeder lines and you will probably have a nice fast fill and drain cycle. I have been watching mine go through a couple cycles to make sure that it is draining right. Seems that when you completly drain the system and start over that the drain pump in the controller gets a vacuum seal going and won't drain. So after taking it up out of the water, shaking it and putting it back all flows good. After that there is enough solution left in the controller that it doesn't get locked again. Just something to watch out for. Can happen with any pump.

Oh yea, the CAP controller is only 3 gallon so that might be something that will slow you down a little to since you have to fill the resovior too. But a couple minutes here or there probalby won't be an issue once you get it tuned in.


That is a very nice looking controller. Actually looks better than the CAP controller I have!

I actually finally got a chance to get a good look at the root structure of my plants when I was doing the cleanup after the harvest. I was used to seeing them all throughout the grow with DWC and I got to wondering if there was something wrong when I never saw any poking out of the bottom of the buckets. But I think that with my feeding schedule they didn't need to poke out into the lower area to look for nutrients. I prefer to bring the nutrients to the plant and not the other way around. And the buckets WERE full as hell with roots. All nice and healthy too. They just didn't need to fill the lower area too I guess.

Yea, add some more feeder lines and you will probably have a nice fast fill and drain cycle. I have been watching mine go through a couple cycles to make sure that it is draining right. Seems that when you completly drain the system and start over that the drain pump in the controller gets a vacuum seal going and won't drain. So after taking it up out of the water, shaking it and putting it back all flows good. After that there is enough solution left in the controller that it doesn't get locked again. Just something to watch out for. Can happen with any pump.

Oh yea, the CAP controller is only 3 gallon so that might be something that will slow you down a little to since you have to fill the resovior too. But a couple minutes here or there probalby won't be an issue once you get it tuned in.

Thanks so much Mist...
Very useful information. I noticed your pots are all clumped together. I had to string mine out in a line because my grow area is long and skinny. Still, I'm hoping that the addition of more flood/drain circuits will help.

I've thought that I might try putting something in my res to displace some water...just as a test to see if having such a large controller IS slowing me down. Certainly worth a test.

I installed my drain pump inline so hopefully I won't have that same issue. I appreciate your input.


I only pull them together in the beginning of the grow so that I can get the light right down on them while they vegg. and have a smaller area to cover. As they grow and start to spread out I also spread out the continers. What I do is kind of the hose around the last one on each feeder line and that shortens them up. Once you have more feeder lines you will see what I mean.
I want to see more pics of your setup. Get on the ball with the camera brother!!




OK Mist,
You asked for it. I only have a cheapo camera and minimal skills, but I'll try. My bloom area is 4 1/2' x 11' though the actual room is "L" shaped with a little area for the res and controller plus a little work area. My lights are one stationary 600hps and two lights on a mover. 600hps and 400mh. You can see shop lights strapped to the wall...those are reptile lights to add UVB to the grow (a little experiment)

I chose 17 pots so I could stagger them a bit so as not to get too crowded width-wise. Two rows of 6 with a staggered row of 5 in between. Res is a surplus industrial barrel painted black. I installed a float with a line to my RO system so it will auto-top the res.

I originally planned on initiating the system with a new strain for me. But they aren't growing well. Finicky and prone to mg deficiency. So I planted more seeds.

Currently I have growing a White Widow x Black Pearl (a home-made cross I did with a special sativa pheno of WW) Another home-made cross called Creamsicle (WWx Cali Orange) and the two front left that are low flat looking with long leaves. Those are a Marocxskunk special. So probably one of those will be my first run. Oh, also I've planted some seeds I got from an Internet buddy. Jack Herer x (AIxNL)

I have to say that I'm a little distressed by my initial reaction to the function of this system and have been contemplating converting it to a top drip irrigation which would provide better oxygenation and I could essentially use it as-is by using the controller only on the drain setting to pump return flow back into the res.

So there she be...questions?


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More pix

More pix

I wanted to put all three lights on the mover, but it was too much weight. The reptile lights are mercury vapor 60 watt and simulate full sun UVB levels at 3 feet. I have a door switch so they go off when I enter the room.


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I like your setup a lot. I think that most of your issues would be solved when you add more outlets to your controller. Looks like you have plenty of space for some monsters too.
I thought about building my own but I am tired of the DIY things like trial and error. I had my eye on the Multi-flow system for a while, like 3 years , before I finally got one. But your setup looks like my larger DWC system. Only difference is the controller.

Good looking plants too. Are those seed grown or clones?


Hi Mist,
I seriously considered buying a ready-made system. But I've always been a DIY sort-of guy. There is the inevitable tweaking of any DIY project. I actually combined two different controller plans, which really complicated things. I was very nervous about the float positions and I wished I'd spaced the bottom two floats further apart. I can plug the hole and drill a new one to relocate...and may do that while adding the extra drain lines. I hope you're right that the extra lines will speed things up.

My ceiling height is 7' so I should be able to handle some nice sized plants. I've grown a few 5 footers on a sativa run I did winter before last. Haze skunk hybrids.

The plants are from seed. As soon as they're big enough to clone from, I'll do a cloning-for-sex thing and then train the females as clone Mommas. It'll be so nice to have a few clone Mommas to chose from again.

I did some traveling and lost some great genetics. I had a super potent sativa pheno WW which was frosty and resiny. Also I had a Buddha's Sister momma...nice indica. But I made some interesting crosses with them before I let them go.

I still have a bit of time before I get things rolling. The first seeds I started were supposedly Kona Gold and they behave like sativas. Just can't decide yet. Looking like I'm only getting two females out of ten seeds. Even now they have an interesting aroma.

I was drying some leaf to sample and forgot them in the microwave. Caught on fire and now my place smells like the inside of a bong! Hope nobody comes to the door.


LoL, I didn't that once with about a 1/4 oz of bud at my parents house. Everyone was upstairs watching a movie luckily.

As for the system, I think it will really amaze you with the speed it will fill the buckets with just 2-3 per line as opposed to the 5-6 you have now. Just think of how much more water will be moving to each bucket.
Can't wait to see it in action. You going to start a grow diary?


Oh Shit...at your parents house? Bet you had a mad scramble opening windows! Hey, are you still running the DWC? Why did you switch? Never done DWC but I've heard you get really rapid growth with it.

Far as a grow thread...I just don't know. Never done one. It adds a different perspective to a grow, I'd imagine. Sharing it like that. I'll put some thought to it after I get all the wrinkles ironed out of my new system. There sure are planty of E&F fans around here.

Well, you take care. Going to lay down and rest my weary bones...


I stopped running large scale DWC setups because I got tired of all the contant maintenance. I was always checking air pumps, airstones, Feed lines etc...
With the Ebb&Gro all I do is check the ph once a day.
I do still use DWC for my mothers in a big tub with 5 mother plants. And also 2 bucket bubblers. One with the purple pheno I am revegging and another with the purple pheno cutting. Those are all easy with just one air pump each and I can check their status easily. It is harder when you have 20 huge plants and you have to crawl your way between buckets to the back to check an airstone.
I have been doing DWC for a long time now. Here is an old post of mine on CC about DWC. Look at the date on the post, LOL! And that was a year after I started using DWC.


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