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Mister D's Vertical Redemption


half cat half man half baked
Haha. Cenex is a chain of gas stations of sorts in the midwest. They serve agricultural communities. No wonder she's stinky...it's that ditch weed nobody talks about.


Active member
Vic - I was taking pics of the room when I dropped it. Thing was on so something fried internally :moon:. Guess that's what I get for standing on one leg doing jumping jacks and trying to take pictures from creative angles ;).

Bobble - Well I suppose I should just thank both of you for collaborating to make my life easier. Even if it wasn't intentional :biggrin:.

Village - Good tip, but the camera has gone over to the dark side from which there is no return....

Ichabod - I'm blaming both of you if my plants are dead when I get back state side :laughing:.

Catman - Not really sure if that is even the correct spelling for the strain, but I assume that may be where it got it's name from. It reeks of pine trees and diesel fuel. The smell is so strong even a glass jar won't contain it. Reminds me of road kill skunk in that sense. It's a very closely held cutting around my area. Less than a handful of people have it. I'm not even supposed to have it actually. The guy that brought it to the area, or possibly bred the strain HATES me (long story), and told the people he gave it to (mutual friends) not to pass it to anyone, especially not me :laughing:.


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Ichabod - If they are dead i'll just toss them in a vat of acetone, and make oil. Then I'll blame you guys for my lack of motivation :laughing:

So I got my new camera and it doesn't have a memory card like it's supposed to. Called the company, they will send a new one out. I don't have time for all that, so I went to the store and bought one. Get it home, pop it in the camera, camera says card cannot be used? WTF does that mean? As far as I know there is only one kind of SD memory card, just different GB sizes. I'm not up on all the latest and greatest though. Anyone know more about this?

Got my ebb/flow table built for veg, still need to plumb the reservior. It's a 4x8 table with a 100 gal rubbermaid stock tank, being topped off via float valve connected to a 55 gal. poly barrel. Going to do some testing later today to see if I want to use a 250 or 500 gph pump to flood the table. Any thoughts from the peanut gallery? Blumats are getting close to dialed in the flower room, the plants absolutely love them :biggrin:. Two 65 gal vertical water tanks on the floor daisy chained together, feed an elevated 27 gal. tough tote from home de pot. The manifold is 1/2" flexzilla setup principally the same as bobbles. I'll get pictures and better descriptions as soon as I finger out WTF the deal with the memory card is.
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Update time. Racks are built and mostly filled. Blumats are working just as expected. I did open one too much and had a flood while I was gone for a few days, but nothing bad happened as a result. Plants all survived, flood was contained in my pondliner pool. Just sucked it up with a wet vac, hand watered everything and reset the blumats. At any rate here's some pictures and explainations of the setup

In the picture is the "doorway" to the racks. I have another rack that will be put in next round. It's out to allow room to flower my bogglegum momma. You can see the 1/2" flexzilla runs around the top of all the racks with feeder arms dropping down between each set of racks. All blumats are plugged into these feeder arms to prevent air from entering them.


Next up is two 65 gal. tanks plumbed into a 500 gph pump. Each tank has it's own inline filter to keep the blumat free of anything that might plug the 3mm hose. I will be adding ball valves (shut off) between the tanks and filters next time I visit the grow.


This is the intake (1/2" green hose from pump) and the 1" overflow for the elevated res.


The overflow runs down and tee's off into each 65 gal. tank. This creates a waterfall into each res, serving two purposes. First it helps keep the nutes evenly mixed, and also adds oxygen by way of the waterfall. The grey stuff wrapped around the overflow hose is pipe insulation. Comes in 6' pieces, and works great for blocking light.


Also one of the most important parts of setting up blumats, an air release just after the res. Just a piece of hose/pipe that rises above water level in the elevated res. Allows any air bubbles to be released before they can even get into the manifold. I could literally hear the air being sucked out of the manifold the first time I opened the ball valve in the pic below.




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Top down. The lights are centered under the 14" exhaust. In combination with the floor fan blowing up, I can hold my hand comfortably within 6" of the bulbs.


Shot of the middle


Two lights and a tip


Left side. Need to do something better with the lamp cords.


Kind of hard to see in this picture, but the floor has about a 1/2" of water on it from the flood. I anticipated this happening at some point. A rubberized sealant spray was used on the bottom foot of all the racks. Water proofs them and keeps mold from growing in case i'm gone for an extended period after a flood. I also built an 8'x8' frame and lined it with pond liner to keep the water contained if there is a flood. Looks just like my ebb/flow (next post) table only bigger.


Also forgot to mention, all of the racks are lined with orca film for maximum reflection. I used a spray on contact cement to make sure no bugs/mold/water/whatever could make a home between the wood and the orca. Honestly I can't tell any difference in reflection between the orca and the primer that everything is painted with. Probably going to grab a light meter to do some testing, cuz just looking at it makes me think I wasted 85 bucks....


Active member
I like the rubberized coating! Let's hope it doesn't off-gas... bahaha... Just fuckin with ya. With maximum bitchin' airflow it doesn't matter anyway. Nice build. Am I seeing things right though, you have your clear reservoirs in the light? What are you doing to prevent algae? I also didn't know that they make the flexzilla in 1/2" ID. Now I feel like a jackass telling krunch that he did things wrong. lol... Oh well, I'm sure he knew where I was coming from. I'm happy the manifold is working out... but we must solve this slime issue!


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Made some changes to the veg room also. Took my drain table and turned it into a 4x8 ebb/flow table. It's 8" deep, same as the flower room. The bottom is lined with the grate normally used to diffuse light in a flourosecent fixture. I forget what it's actually called, but it's being used here to aid drainage.


2" overflow (still needs a piece of pipe to raise the water fill level to 6"), and 1/2" flood/drain fitting connected to the pump.


This the main res for the table, 100 gal. stock tank. It will be continuously topped off via a 55 gal barrel and a float valve. Should keep my ph nice and stable.


Here's the top off barrel. Convienently already light proof :biggrin:


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Weed killer - Thanks man, stick around for the show :biggrin:

Bobble - I plan to wrap both 65's with orca to light proof them. Havn't done it yet cuz I wanted to take pictures for everyone. On the other hand I have several 150 gal. tanks at the other spot that have never been light proofed, I just scrub the algae out when it starts to bother me. Never caused any problems other than being ugly. We must get to the bottom of this slime deal though! I was talking to a gro bro about it yesterday and he said he's been running sm-90 through the blumats no problem. Guy has 300 of them going and no issues. So between me never having it in my res and him, we can eleminate that from the equation. All he runs is GH @ 6/9 and sm-90 though, no drip clean, boosters, etc. Really starting to wonder if we just got a bad batch of drip clean..... more thinking. I'm going to email H&G about it. Oh and wanted to ask you or fred if you notice sm-90 clouding up your water when mixed with GH? I never had this happen with biothrive or PBP. Doesn't matter if I add it first, last, middle, ph'd or not. That is the reason I didn't put it in the blumat res.

FHC - Thanks buddy it's coming together finally :biggrin:

In other good news, I won't be leaving the country. China won't let me in :laughing:. Which is honestly fine by me. Only time I like to leave the country is for vacation, not for some work related fuck show :moon:. What this means for all of you is i'll be around to continue the show, and won't have to blame ich for my dead plants :laughing:.

Probably should mention everything is 3 days into flower. It's actually a couple days more, but I was working in there with the lights on for the first couple days.

Edit - I added a picture and some more explaination to the above posts
Sorry to hear about the death of the camera, the dessicant was long shot but it's worth it to try.

Nice looking build. I'd eliminate those dips in the feed line though and I don't really like the looks of the plants above the feedline. It will work fine with adequate head, but since gravity works top down, why not always feed down if possible.

Looks excellent though, D. Bring on the flowers.


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Ich - :laughing: Dude you're killing me with your lacking sense of humor.

Vic - Good advice on the dips, and raising the feed line. I thought about it, but it's not needed because the elevated res is actually higher than the soil line on the top plants. I am a little bummed about the camera, but it was time for a new one anyway.


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With all that low grade shit bobble is pumping out you should have the market all to yourself ;). Stem shoes might be a lil rough on the feet, but hey maybe you're one of those dedicated, back to earth, non smoker hippies i've been hearing so much about lol.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
With all that low grade shit bobble is pumping out you should have the market all to yourself ;). Stem shoes might be a lil rough on the feet, but hey maybe you're one of those dedicated, back to earth, non smoker hippies i've been hearing so much about lol.

I just have my wife chew on the stems till they are soft then She pulls the fiber out and weaves it.

Selling bud will probably beat my sales in seed.

Anyway can stay long got to charge the car.

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