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Missouri medical marijuana bill is introduced


I was born and raised in Mo. This bill will never make it through. The people are too closed minded for this currently.

Remember the picture at the Hemp Museum in Amsterdam? It has a 1979 picture of a man who is my age that got the longest term for the least amount ever. Like 1.5 grams or something. He was from Columbia. He did 20 something years for that.

It is nice to hear that they have made it far enough to propose it but with the voters being so Meth scared and conservative it will never go. And the people of Mo. lump all drugs into one group so.........Pot islike Meth to most of the population.

Good luck though.

Never say never!
I've been to a music fest in salem mo called schwagstock.. its awesome imo. And thru most the people I met made it appear like the rural areas would support the cause..

I hope I live to see the weed freed nation-wide. Any attempts from the midwest bible belt is progress. It'll take time, but I gotta keep hope..
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Nothing as of yet. I have noticed though, that the song "Last dance with Mary Jane" by Tom Petty is not censored anymore. It may sound silly but for my entire life they have always censored the word "joint" or replaced it with "now" (so lets get, to the point, lets roll, another NOW). Not a huge step but it goes to show that not as many people around these parts are offended by the mention of it like they used to be.

They still censor pretty much any drug name as well as "god damn" (they cut out God, leave the damn HAHA!)

But as far as legislature goes, no significant news as of yet. A bunch of rallies are being held in Columbia and even a few in Jeff City. Check out sensiblemo.org, its one of the larger groups of pro potheads around Missouri :)
Nothing as of yet. I have noticed though, that the song "Last dance with Mary Jane" by Tom Petty is not censored anymore. It may sound silly but for my entire life they have always censored the word "joint" or replaced it with "now" (so lets get, to the point, lets roll, another NOW). Not a huge step but it goes to show that not as many people around these parts are offended by the mention of it like they used to be.

They still censor pretty much any drug name as well as "god damn" (they cut out God, leave the damn HAHA!)

But as far as legislature goes, no significant news as of yet. A bunch of rallies are being held in Columbia and even a few in Jeff City. Check out sensiblemo.org, its one of the larger groups of pro potheads around Missouri :)

right on bro will do


New member
its just sad that i will have to be a cripple or have some debilitating illness to have the priviledge
im not young but im healthy damnit
and i plan on staying that way


Nothing as of yet. I have noticed though, that the song "Last dance with Mary Jane" by Tom Petty is not censored anymore. It may sound silly but for my entire life they have always censored the word "joint" or replaced it with "now" (so lets get, to the point, lets roll, another NOW). Not a huge step but it goes to show that not as many people around these parts are offended by the mention of it like they used to be.

haha I cannot even imagine how that would sound..round where i grew up it was always just blanked out..just silence were that word was..i think a lot of songs were like that growing up, which would explain why none of them made sense, they were missing half the words!


New member
I'm from the Show Me state and I think that it'll be tough, but a lot of those "backwoods folk" are already growing... so it stands a fighting chance.


just moved here from california could not believe all the wild hemp growing everywhere what is with this state haven't been here in 30yrs seems like nothing has changed crappy mexican swag overpriced green missing cali already