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Miracle Grow targets us


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
lol stupid, i bet he hates this organic forum. turning hundreds possibly thousands away from MG all the time.


senior member
Did you notice the Pot forum quotes? I expected to hear from the professor....... Scrappy


Saw that. Sounds like MG will just be acquiring smaller companies already in the cannabis nute game.

All we should expect is for some of these acquired companies to change up product lines, probably not for the better.

Now when monsanto jumps in, hello roundup ready ganja.


Just so you all know, the University of Mississippi is the only place in USA that grows Federally legal cannabis for the NIDA. And it has been suggested that the University gets its cannabis seeds from Monsanto. So the idea of round up ready cannabis isn't such a joke. Even though it's federally illegal, many companies already have patented/trademarked names for cannabis products when/if they become legal.


Living with the soil
I guarantee these guys have been all over MMJ for years. Patented strains,business deals with the leading companies like MG,etc..
If there's a niche to be filled in the wild west of MMJ you can bet you'll see a lot more from their competition.

I guess it's up to the marketing team on how well it's received by the MMJ community....better have some sharks,tigers,and naked chicks on the bottles is all I can say.


This is welcome news indeed!

Think about the cost/logistics benefit from switching over to a 100% Miracle Grow garden/nute program. Everything can be sourced at Walmart, Target or the local Piggly-Wiggly Supermarket in Butt Crack, Arkansas.

Toss in couple of bags of MG potting soil, a jug of 'grow' and 'bloom' and of course the obligatory 'micro-nutrient' mix - you're done! Plenty of pocket-money and time to take care of life's real challenges - plinking beer cans with 'da boys' out near the 'crick' with their modified AK-47's - fun times!

For an effective marketing program to stoners, Scotts will have to up their game and hire the usual panel of sock-puppets to appear at grow sites extolling the benefits of putting your medicine into their hands. Touching isn't it?

"Better living through modern chemistry"


Kant C Shyt

Active member
Thanks for the link Scrappy4, that was a nice informative read. As there aren't many grow shops near my area the major soil I buy is MG. I've recently used the oganic choice line a lot more also. When i've made my own "super soils" in the past the base is some type of MG potting soil. I will have to say that last year I had the best results (fastest growth and biggest plants i've ever had) using MG products and smartpots, it was a bomb combo. You just gotta make sure you have a nice flush at the end keep in mind. This year again i'm using MG products while keeping the K.I.S.S. method in mind. I don't have extra cash to go out of town and buy hundreds of dollars worth of what other growers consider better products (Roots Organics and FF lines of soil) In my eyes i'm using a good product already its just knowing when and how to apply it to my certain situations. We'll see how it goes and let the results speak for themselves. Ya'll take care 1

mad librettist

Active member
oh god, I just rized all over the place.

. I don't have extra cash to go out of town and buy hundreds of dollars worth of what other growers consider better products (Roots Organics and FF lines of soil)

If you want to learn to do it even better and even cheaper, this forum is for you. I would never steer you towards expensive products, with the exception of calcined DE, which you can keep using for years.

For the record I don't consider the ones you listed to be great products. Making your own dirt is the only thing I recommend. If making your own does not fit your situation, you probably have not tried and are imagining it's difficult.


senior member
Thanks for the link Scrappy4, that was a nice informative read. As there aren't many grow shops near my area the major soil I buy is MG. I've recently used the oganic choice line a lot more also. When i've made my own "super soils" in the past the base is some type of MG potting soil. I will have to say that last year I had the best results (fastest growth and biggest plants i've ever had) using MG products and smartpots, it was a bomb combo. You just gotta make sure you have a nice flush at the end keep in mind. This year again i'm using MG products while keeping the K.I.S.S. method in mind. I don't have extra cash to go out of town and buy hundreds of dollars worth of what other growers consider better products (Roots Organics and FF lines of soil) In my eyes i'm using a good product already its just knowing when and how to apply it to my certain situations. We'll see how it goes and let the results speak for themselves. Ya'll take care 1

As much as I suspect your post is tongue in cheek, I have smoked some nice mg grown smoke.

But that was in the 90's. If that is all you have listen up.
and, I believe, I know my ass from a hole in the ground, :tiphat::tiphat: I have wizened up late, after years of meditating inside out, and upside down. After untold hours in prayer, I now realize the holy grail is a living earth. All hail living soil:thank you:

We can't freaking escape the fact, it's all about microbes. Not only are you now at this very moment a sad sack of microbes, your manifest destiny in life is to feed more microbes. Get with the program my friend!

Make your destiny microbe Disney land, post haste. Ditch the MG, cultivate your local ditch, your outhouse, anything but MG...?scrappy


You've all seen miracle-gro's new slogan right? "success starts with the soil" or something like that. So damn funny coming from them. Just wait until it's legalized and we can get the bomb nugs at Walmart!!!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
There are 2 lines that I use and there not expensive but very good. I will never use that stuff. They would need to do some aggressive marketing and testing. Im sure someone will buy it. I know most of us wont.

Botanicare and Canna lines. These run about 25-30$ per Liter. The CannaBoost is 80$ for a Liter but is good stuff. Right now im using Botanicare and love the stuff. I will be trying Canna bio very soon.
Watch the video of the CEO on the left....LOL.

"I love gardens...but the idea that you would turn your whole yard into a garden...is a bunch of bullshit. You know, I mean, you gotta be kidding me. Lawn's are American, they are wonderful places to be, they are not harmful to the environment, and the only people who would say that are people who are ignorant of the facts."

Grade A douchebag.


Active member
I believe I can state this:

I have seen no company before, that by increasing its market cap value ever increased its product quality. Quite the opposite happens most of the time imo.

As for selecting mj as one of their priority niche - big fucking deal :) As if most of the foods Cannabis needs is anyhow uniquely meant for cannabis only.

I do know this however: By putting all that money in marketing and branding and market conquering they will have to take into consideration one huge aspect. Increase of the price of the product. Why? Because there is no way they will ever consider either dropping it down or leaving it the same. That's not how smart corporations will work nowadays.
It's MJ.... growers DO have some extra cash to spend for their nutes most of the time.

lol the CEO's a dick :) Fuck you, you dick we make our own fucking nutrients :) Urs are no match to ours and cant compete with the price like... ever?... :p
I guess it's up to the marketing team on how well it's received by the MMJ community....better have some sharks,tigers,and naked chicks on the bottles is all I can say.

Hey Capt. how about these for slogans:
This weed doesn't get the roundup
Miracle grow, helping to treat the sick because we believe in miracles....


Active member


Active member
I got the impression they'll just buy a biz, like, say, Fox Farms, then just market it aggressively under the umbrella of Scott's products, which means we'll see it at the big box chains. Sadly, to recoup the acquisition cost, prices will rise and quality will suffer.


Active member
Ammonium nitrate/calcium nitrate

Ammonium nitrate/calcium nitrate

These are the reasons 25 + years ago miracle grow became popular with small cannabis growers .
At that time you couldnt easily get general hydroponics or canna feed in the uk .
Most garden centre nutes ie phostrogen ect didnt contain ammonium nitrate or calcium nitrate
they contained calcium citrate great in soil but not in hydro or rockwool that was just coming on the market.

At this time i was growing peppers and cannabis in the uk
working closley with grodan and there rockwool and there calcium/ammonium addition subtraction ladder for ph control.
I got Fay richardson there nutrient chemist to help me formulate a grow and a bloom feed that as near as possible matched my considered ideal NPK n trace
Using phosphoric acid (hard water feed) for the total P content and acid dosing with nitric acid.

So obviously miracle grow with calcium availability and the rapid growth from ammonium nitrate and its ph buffering action in powder form availble in garden centres was popular cheap also
Yes it can taste a bit harsh to smoke due to ammonium ions
but it worked .

Well i exspect miracle grow hydronutes will be formulated well but will still include some ammonium nitrate.

I still make my own nutes tweaked over 20+ years and wont change i know where im at with my softAC water or my hard well water.

Lol i strongly suspect the miracle grow formulation will become popular but some will deny using it .A

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