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Mint's White Label Rhino



A few shots at 5 weeks...or 6...I'm not really sure. Soil grow. Fed with FoxFarm TB and BB with some seaweed extract and epsom salts every now and then. There's also a shitload of powdered eggshells mixed into the soil. I just started mixing a tbsp. of molasses in as well...just for good measure.

One more thing...I've got some extra Rep-Cal ultrafine powder (for reptiles) that I just decided to throw in. It's made out of oyster shells so I know it'll help...but it's also got vitamin d3 in it...not sure if that's going to do anything good or bad but so far all is well. :joint:

I'll take her out just before harvest and get some whole plant pics in natural light. She's one big mama jama though so I'm only movin' her once.

Take care,


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Sorry, I should've been more clear in the title...just didn't want it to sound redundant.

It's "White Rhino" by the seed co. "White Label". :joint:
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Oh well, I had to move her to clean the room so...here's a few more pics from 5/6 weeks...damn she was a pain to drag out of that room. Note to self: No more giant clay pots. :wallbash: I had originally planned on flowering this plant outside and not having to move her around at all, that's why I figured 'meh'. I mean, it's glazed so it doesn't have that annoying water absorption/release going on...but it's like a sack of bricks.


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UPDATE: Humbug!

So I've got some good news and some bad news...

Good news is after sampling a few lower popcorn buds...even after a microwave quick-dry...this stuff is killer. I guess she's a little further along than I thought...due to the fact that I had started her outside and flowering had been initiated before I brought her in. I am so stoned right now off of some sugar-leaf...at the rate I'm typing it's going to take me about an hour and a half to finish this post. :abduct: Problem is I'm pretty anal about my spelling...and my fingers are all fumbly bumbly right now...is there like an auto spell check where...ah nevermind.

Oh shit....hahaha, I forgot about the bad news....ummm, right. Oh! I've found some f***ing bananas...not a lot...but enough to give me a twitch in my right eye. I'm fairly certain it's because of a bad light leak I had in the edges around the door...seems my gasket wasn't properly fitted. Just caught it and fixed it yesterday so hopefully that won't be happening in the next gen of clones.

Peace, :moon:

Guest 64665

Nice plants! I got some White Label Rhino going outdoors right now. 4 females and they are getting big quick.


Thanks 045_DEUCE... :wave:

I had some WR going outside last year. They did very, very well. Slightly different pheno, but similar. The buds on this one are more dense, and it has less of an odor. But last years outdoor rhino was all good, and plentiful. :joint:


Thanks for the compliments guys. I should be getting a better camera pretty soon...hoping for a rebel xti if my connection comes through. Then we'll see some real pics. :D

Mia- Seeds came from DrChronic a couple years ago. Always had a good experience with him. No drama. No delays. :yes:

A few more pics...first is my flowering white rhino's sister outside next to some geraniums that I thought were weeds until I noticed my neighbors fluorishing garden on the other side of the fence. I had no idea geraniums sent runners, but I guess so. Heh, my neighbors have the craziest looking monster plants on the other side of the fence b/c I dump all my runoff right there. Wonder what they must think...lol....


More budj...



A bud in the hand...

A bud in the hand...

...is something something something. :D

(I know...she's not ready. Don't fret. It's just popcorn.)

Sparkle happy numb glitter, looks like to me and you have a mean case of it! My friends are crazy bout our(Mia/M) White Rhino, solid numb body high if you have pain blow the smoke out and the pains will follow! ~Vince


Whoa...walked into the growroom this morning and it smelled like.......steak? That's a new one for me. Up until now she's smelled like juicyfruit. Meh...

Almost done though... :D


Done...finally! :woohoo: :joint:

AND I just got my Pump-N-Seal in the mail today. This thing is so easy to use. Just poke a hole, stick on 'band-aid', and pump for a few seconds. Pretty damn convenient.

Some finished product...now I know why they call it White Rhino- It hits hard and fast. I'll do a proper smoke report once she's cured for about a month. Suffice to say, I'm pretty pleased so far. :joint:


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Thanks Closet_Grower. :wave:

I'm sure yours will look just as good. Soil is very forgiving.

We'll see how the next batch compares. It's White Label Rhino again...but this time in a hempy bucket(1/4 vermiculite, 3/4 perlite). I like to do several runs of a strain before I cycle it out of the garden. It's easier to get a feel for the nuances of that particular strain, as well as provides a control group for any experiments or different techniques I want to try. :joint:

Took some cuttings today of one of my outdoor plants. I think I'll start a thread in the "grow diaries" forum for that though...this one for flowering pics...

Take care,


Well after a few weeks jarred up I'm thinking this stuff is at it's prime already. Smells earthy and organic, with a hint of lemon pepper. Tastes like pumpkin spice and has a very peaceful, but lucid high that hits immediately then settles into a cool, mellow ride. Almost like an out of body experience...my mind feels like it's floating independently of my body.

High-ly recommend. :joint:

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