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Minnesota Passes Medical Marijuana Bill


Active member
The Minnesota House of Representatives finally passed a Medical Marijuana law after decades of trying. The new law allows for medical marijuana to be purchased and consumed ONLY by terminally ill patients. The "dying" clause was added in a last ditch effort to pass the bill, which already passed the senate and now awaits the Governor's signature. The republican Governor is expected to veto the bill. (this is the same Governor who refuses to let Al Franken take his seat in the US senate!)



It is some progress and good news for the terminally ill, but for everyone else (relatively healthy people worth arresting in the states eyes) nothing is different which is sickening. It can be used as medical aid for the terminally ill but you can imprison someone else who uses it medically even for debilitating illness? give me a break, thats ABSURD, and taking the general public for complete idiots (then again whats new?)
I'd liken this to plessy vs fergusson, "its progress right?" you will hear the state say..
not. good. enough. PERIOD

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
It's a start...

It's a start...

Just wish we had the votes to override the veto that's sure to come from our governor.

GreatLakes THC :joint:
What would Jesse Ventura do?

Throw ALL Democrats and Republicans OUT. They failed! (Even Democrat Farmer Labor partiers too).


If things go right it should be up for popular vote on the 2010 ballots.

lets hope they can pass a state constitution amendment.
