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Minions of the Dark

Good Morning All!! Fracking, well that is something that is a HOT HOT topic here in SW Colorado....out on the flat lands, to the NM northern border, natural gas wells all over the place! Alot of them on the Ute Rez....I'm assuming the Tribe sold out....Most property buyers down south from me either didn't hold onto their mineral/gas rights or sold them (& regret it now)....BUT!! The nearest gas well to me is approx. 20 miles away....I do own my mineral/gas & would NEVER EVER EVER get rid of them....bad bad gas wells!! As for celiac, I myself have a problem with Gluten, but I'm NOT celiac....so, he may "lean" that way...which is a good possibility! I think (the more I read & research) that he may sit on that Electrolyte Edge...go one way, healthy...barely tip the other direction? Complete imbalance....with the nausea/vomiting it doesn't take much to tip that balance...but I also think there is a potential problem down here with contaminants.... Found this last night + others...
Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/24/marijuana-pesticides-contamination_n_3328122.html

~Sundance~ It makes perfect sense to me if presented in this way..... EDIT:: Yes Hatch, there are cities/towns that have banned medical/recreational dispensaries & Large grows (for sale)....My small town did just that (Bayfield)! LOL No dispensaries or grows within 4 miles of town limits...Personal grows, yes...Each County voted for/against the new state laws, then each city/town was able to set their limits....Of course, Bayfield has only about 1800 residents & has an odd mixture of people....Aging HIPPIES & their offspring on one hand, Cowboys & Ranchers (& offspring) on the other....that's why I love it so....LOL It literally take 4 mins to "tour" Bayfield.... http://youtu.be/GGxy9uf_p2c
BUT I'm up here.... http://youtu.be/AkD2uh8Ku08 Check it out!
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Pagan Extremist
If he hasn't been seeing this doctor for quite some time over these symptoms, that diagnosis is irresponsible and a indicator that the doctor is on a personal crusade. Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is both very rare, and rather new.

abdominal pain, repeated vomiting, and an urge to take hot baths.

Gastritis, psychogenic vomiting, the cyclic vomiting syndrome, celiac... there are a LOT of much more common things to look over before making such a rare diagnosis... it's akin to just handing out diagnoses of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria

Has he had numerous visits to the emergency department for episodes of abdominal pain and intractable vomiting? Do you ever find him retching, huddled on the shower room floor, shrouded in steam, with the hot water beating down on his back?

Actual clinical definitions of Cannabinoid hyperemesis:
The vomiting episodes are cyclical, occurring every few weeks or months. They may be preceded by a period of intense morning nausea. I’ve seen two patients who had old food with the first emesis. The vomiting becomes bilious and culminates in intractable retching or ‘dry heaves’, which may last for hours.

The abdominal pain has often been described as epigastric and colicky. It may be diffuse. It may be constant. There may be a component of abdominal wall pain from the force of retching.

The temporary relief of symptoms with an extremely hot bath or shower is a learned behaviour; consequently, it may not be present at the initial presentation. However, once it develops, we are not talking about a routine bath or shower. Baths and showers may last for hours and be repeated up to 20 times per day. One wife said that her husband spent 300 of 365 days in the bath (7). The water-heating bill may become enormous. I’ve seen one patient whose gas bill was several hundred dollars a month. The patient may check into a motel or finally come to the hospital when they have exhausted the hot water supply at home.

On examination, the patient is very distressed and retching repeatedly. It may be near impossible to get them out of the shower. They may appear anxious or agitated, with sweating, tachycardia and postural hypotension. They are often continuously sipping water. Abdominal wall pain with a positive Carnett’s sign may be present (16). There may be a low-grade fever if they have recently been bathing.

Chronically, the only therapy reported to be of benefit is cessation of cannabis use. How quickly it helps is uncertain but my impression is that once the patient leaves the emergency department, they will not return if they stop using cannabis. However, symptoms return within weeks if cannabis use is restarted.

I believe that the clinical description of CHS remains incomplete. I have seen one patient with frequent small bowel movements during his attacks, and another two with features of temporary gastroparesis. The polydipsia and the diaphoresis can be quite impressive. There may be other symptoms and signs that we are missing.

Finally, why does the chronic, heavy use of a drug noted for its antiemetic properties occasionally cause a cyclic vomiting syndrome? There has been much speculation but no definitive explanation. Suffice to say, nobody knows!

Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is more akin to an allergy than an upset tummy... I believe the hyping and over diagnoses of this rare disorder is an attempt to negate several studies that have demonstrated the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids for nausea and vomiting... lessening its "medicinal value"


Pagan Extremist
Stop Toking, Be Healthy (The Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Song)

reefer madness bullshit.

Trich Shots.....

Trich Shots.....

To harvest or NOT to harvest...that is the question...Hurry up, damnit!! LOL I'm ready to yank these ladies & kick the "teenagers" (as Pak likes to call them) into the BIG BIG ROOM....So, just because I'm bored, here are some Trich Shots just taken on 4 ladies waiting to be chopped down...

~Sunny~ Avon (unknown bagseed): 2 plants w/ HUGE multiple buds....Lavender: 2 plants w/ medium size fluffier buds...& Blueberry: 1 plant w/ medium size TIGHT purple buds....dried & smoked sample of each last night...The Blue is amazing! Great taste & HIGH for just being plucked from the plant..:woohoo:


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Active member
Found an open nanner on one of my two nocturnals outside. didn't see it out there five days ago when I was giving everything a caterpillar seek and destroy mission. Didn't find any 'pillars yet.

I guessing s/he will be done by end of September. Couldn't find anymore nanners upon her, up down or hiding. Well couple seeds will be a nice treat to find come harvest!


BAHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! LMFAO!!!!!! Oh my gawd...OH MY GAWD!!!! That video had me on the gawdamn floor!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You, Sir, are a fuckin' NUT!!

As for the irresponsible diagnosis, I totally agree...I'm telling you, after labs were drawn in the ER, with the low K+ (& +THC) in a matter of minutes.... Cannabinoid hyperemesis! Of course he was showing ALL of the symptoms, Sea...including the obsession with showers! That boy went thru almost 1,000 gal of water in 2 days...no shit! I couldn't keep him out of the shower...He claimed it was the only thing that helped..

He was agitated, pacing, "restless leg syndrome", nausea, vomiting, dry retching...all of it, but I don't know how others react at home when they feel like shit, I also take showers/baths, don't you??? He has NEVER been to the ER (or seen by private Doc) since he tweaked his knee in a fall (he was 16??).....

"Do you ever find him retching, huddled on the shower room floor, shrouded in steam, with the hot water beating down on his back?"....yep, sure did! Over & over again...LOL But again, I do that when I'm feeling like shit...

I still think he got ahold of a contaminant/pesticide/BAD SMOKE...& considering how rapidly weed is absorbed thru the lungs by smoking, I can see that all happening! & the more weed is grown FOR SALE in dispensaries, at the rate they are trying to do "supply & demand", I think you're going to see more & more of this (or other ailments) pop-up in the ER/Private Practices...

~Sunny~ I HAVE TO show that vid to him when he gets home from work....Yes, he's at work, feeling a little burned out, but Much Much better....LOL & smoking his usual amounts of weed (dispensary...damn!!).....Thank you soooo much for the input & opinions, Sea (& others!) :dance013:


Pagan Extremist
well... let the poor kid smoke with you LOL quit feedin him dispensary shit and see how he does... anything is possible... maybe he does have it... I'd shoot for a cleaner product and see before I cut myself off totally... but only he knows exactly how bad he feels... if it is really debilitating maybe he should think about quitting.


Active member
Come on mom hook a kid up already!! That's is terrible that he is going thru that, hate being burnt out and still working. I hope that he finds some relief and comfort soon, so that you can rest easier.

As per your harvest question...I'd say let em go another week, but you can see best. They're quite beautiful with the colors and the trichs! Congrats!

Frustrated currently from a couple of terrible adventures into town today. Make a short story long...people can be inconsiderate and inattentive.
Yes you have to stop for a pedestrian that is already in the cross walk...I waited my turn, unlike you.
Yes you did cut me in line, it isn't funny, then you slap my back with full cup of coffee in my hand, thanks for the burn asshole.
Yes the speed limit is 25mph I am 100% sure. What reason do you have to pass me at 45mph in the middle median in a school zone....oh you needed to go to the post office...well eat a bag of dicks you dried up ole [insert explicative].

Fun times, going to make a run to the store tonight and just pack it in for the weekend. Don't want to deal with any of those there people. Makes me want a drink, bagel time instead... smiles everyone I will be okay...thank you for the vent!


Active member
He is so pale it is blinding...but I just can't looook awaaayyy.

WWJD...What Would Jesus dance too.

Thanks Sea & B.D.J. mission accomplished.


Active member
So the new movie equalizer...doesn't it look like man on fire that he made decade ago?? I don't go to movies, but just seems like lazy hollywood silliness


Pagan Extremist
He is so pale it is blinding...but I just can't looook awaaayyy.

WWJD...What Would Jesus dance too.

Thanks Sea & B.D.J. mission accomplished.

LOLOLOL next time someone asks,

"What would Jesus do?"

...remind them that flipping over tables and chasing folk out of the building with a whip is well within the realm of possibilities...



Pagan Extremist
And now for something relevant.


Minion City Diesel 1
Went in small, stayed squat, almost no stretch at all, great stacking so far... dense... smells fresh, but not a very strong odor... I already have 2 more small clones in flower to give every pheno a 2nd chance before any decisions are made. This one seems spider mite resistant.



Minion City Diesel 2
Stretched about 2.5x, just starting up really... this one had the rather wide leaves. already smells a bit more than #1, but again, not a very strong aroma as of yet...


Minion City Diesel 3
This leaf twist has me intrigued... still way too early to tell any traits


Minion City Diesel 4


Bug Scissor Hand
some canna coco butter, this is the first time i use coco oil, looks good thought nice color .looks like 2 lb maybe?


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Bored all to hell.
Caught up on everything, drizzling rain outside.

Snapped some pics for the hell of it.

Start out with some plants just put into the flower room.

This is Pimp daddy purps reg breed #1

PDP #3 looks like a symmetrical christmas tree

This is my 09 cut of Halo
Will get a bottom branch dusted with Halo BX3 male in a couple weeks.

It's been a slow process to get Halo 09 re-stabilized from it's pre-flower problem.
Working for 2 years, never exceeding 18/6 and showing improvement.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Few more pics.

This is Nocturnal #4
Tested at the top spot at 18.79% on first run.
I will be running her at the lab again since I think she is sooo much frostier this run.

Couple budshots of Noc #4

This a shot of Nocturnal #14
Looking mighty fine, and the smell OMG the sweetness.

This is Nocturnal #12
This one was also not tested on first run.
We'll she what she's got in 8 weeks.

I got the itching to run another batch of the Noc's.
I feel the best is still in the seed sack.
Wish there was a quick way, sadly NOT!
[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=50632&pictureid=1308967&thumb=1"]View Image[/URL] some canna coco butter, this is the first time i use coco oil, looks good thought nice color .looks like 2 lb maybe?

I make infused Coconut Oil all the time, but I have NEVER combined Oil/Butter....How did you do that??? I'm about ready for a change with this harvest....

~Sundance~ Ok, had a talk with the KID...Of course he will NEVER walk away from weed, but I think he needs to stick with Mom's Smoke for awhile & STOP buying in town when he is running low...or eat my Edibles...that is the plan, but did you EVER stick to a Plan at 25 y/o?? LOL I never did, but we will see how it all goes...He thought the Hyperemesis Vid was classic! LOL Of course he was very High when watching & not on my Smoke...L'il Shit...do they ever just listen??? HA!


Active member
I make infused Coconut Oil all the time, but I have NEVER combined Oil/Butter....How did you do that??? I'm about ready for a change with this harvest....

~Sundance~ Ok, had a talk with the KID...Of course he will NEVER walk away from weed, but I think he needs to stick with Mom's Smoke for awhile & STOP buying in town when he is running low...or eat my Edibles...that is the plan, but did you EVER stick to a Plan at 25 y/o?? LOL I never did, but we will see how it all goes...He thought the Hyperemesis Vid was classic! LOL Of course he was very High when watching & not on my Smoke...L'il Shit...do they ever just listen??? HA!
How can I make my Bubble hash into oil?

Just heat then refrigerate then heat then refrigerate
And again. Heat to 180 for 20mins ?? I get board with
Butter after awhile


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Few more pics.
This is Goblin Queen #6
The highest THC of my garden to date.

Some real greasy stuff.