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Minions of the Dark


some guy
The Kraken is creepin.


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Active member
Beautiful Gals you have there Lord, I would
Love to walk trough there brushing all of them
Ever so gently just to spend the next few hrs
Sniffing my arms. Haha love thy Noc


Got a handful of more freshly trimmed noc....better than money right about now.


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SG that picture of Noc #3 looks killer too. Actually 3, 4, 5 and 6 all look great.
I'll join Hillbilly brushing up on the noc girls for smell on the arm. They do look uniform.
Where the other pheno's producing different smells? Any idea which genetic parent is showing in the different looking cuts?(1, 2)

Also like the look of the Goblin queen #2. Looks like it might be a good candidate for structure. That is some nice bud building.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
SG that picture of Noc #3 looks killer too. Actually 3, 4, 5 and 6 all look great.
I'll join Hillbilly brushing up on the noc girls for smell on the arm. They do look uniform.
Where the other pheno's producing different smells? Any idea which genetic parent is showing in the different looking cuts?(1, 2)

Also like the look of the Goblin queen #2. Looks like it might be a good candidate for structure. That is some nice bud building.

Nocs are bred for sweet smell.
They all smell great.
I'm staying away from judging them too early.
Some will need to be re-run due to errors.
Will let the scales and testing lab be the 1st judges.
I'll be the final judge when all the facts are present.

I made rookie mistakes getting the grow restarted.
Plants too small, soil too hot, flowered too soon.
The next run with the Goblin queens are looking stellar.
Fast, perfect growth so far.


Active member
End of week2

End of week2

I had to put these Original Halo sisters under the 12/12 earlier than the rest because they were starting to stretch and I'm limited to about 4 1/2' total height (including the pot they sit in). They finished the second week and they're still stretching so I'm hoping they don't go more than about 6" in the next couple of weeks. I don't want to have to top them again. I've had my tops burned before when the plant grew too tall.

Original Halo

Another Original Halo


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
I had to put these Original Halo sisters under the 12/12 earlier than the rest because they were starting to stretch and I'm limited to about 4 1/2' total height (including the pot they sit in). They finished the second week and they're still stretching so I'm hoping they don't go more than about 6" in the next couple of weeks. I don't want to have to top them again. I've had my tops burned before when the plant grew too tall.

Original Halo
[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=50417&pictureid=1244994&thumb=1"]View Image[/URL]

Another Original Halo
[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=50417&pictureid=1244995&thumb=1"]View Image[/URL]

No need to top further.
Get some tomato wire ties or use plastic coated wire strands.
LST them down, rather than cutting back.


Active member
End of week 1

End of week 1

The rest of the SG genetics are finishing up their first week. My flower area is beginning to fill up. I have more than I like in there. Here they are.

Neon Purps

I've got her in a 10 gallon pot and she's sharing the light with Mildred and Trainwreck. This one will be fun to watch.

Goblin Queen

Another Goblin Queen

These 2 are sisters but the last picture shows that she is stretching more than her sister. I'm wondering if she is going to stretch like the Original Halos.

Goblin Girl

Now she is so pretty. I'm wondering if she will carry some of the color into the flowers.

Another Goblin Girl

That ends this week pictures. I'll put up more next week.


Active member
Err'body lookin real healthy pak.

Thanks C4, I've seen a handful of spider mites but I was checking closely today and most are dead from the IPM. It's spring here in my forest and the spider mites are on the move. I'm just going to watch for them. Today I only found 4 alive and I squished them. I looked for eggs and didn't see any. So I'm hoping they hitched a ride on my clothes and I found them before they got firmly established. It's the same every summer with the spider mites. I love living in the forest but then I have to deal with the mites.


Pagan Extremist
hit up a insect supply joint for some N. Californicus mites and keep a couple flowers around... N. Cali is a spider mite predator that can survive and populate off of pollen in the absence of prey
Mixed up some hot soil today. (Subcools super soil recipe reusing old soil with some tweeks added)
Reamended and screened out large debris from the soil cooked the other day. Added the extra ingredients to the soil and blended it all together.
Will bubble some worm tea with water, castings and molasses with some bacteria for the soil to cook for a few weeks.

Gonna use the big debris I screened for the worms to turn into castings. Leaves and stuff not completely broken down.

Happy with the quality of the reamended, cooked, bug free soil. Turned out looking better then ever. Thank's Minions for all the help over the last year. Really made a difference in the hot soil comming together. Will mix it with the cool mixture and let you know how it worked out.:dance013:


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Pagan Extremist
Glad to see you're gettin it goin... Subcools mix might get you through, but its not really the best by a long shot... this is the best writeup I've found on why the subcool mix is inferior in many aspects... all of the reasons why are spelled out pretty logically.
I'd use the whole mix you have there if anything, not the "layers"... that just don't happen in nature and a real farmer would laugh his ass off...
its stoner science.

What's So Cool About Super Soil? The Super Soil Recipe Breakdown.


Pagan Extremist
Understanding how to build a soil can be simple.

You only need good compost or worm castings and a few good soil amendments covering the NPK range. Add to that a complete lineup of minerals and you are done. You can source whatever is best locally and you don't have to use ANY set recipe. Just make sure you have Compost, Nutrients and Minerals.

The part where people fail, is keeping the soil alive and full of microbes that can actually process the added minerals and nutrients fast enough to keep up with the plant. You require the appropriate life involved.

here's a good resource outlining various soil recipes that are organic... subcool and the rev's semi-organic mixes wont make that list.

Potting Mixes for Certified Organic Production