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Minions of the Dark


Active member
I totally overlooked this seedling. This one got abused as a baby (over watering) but is coming back strong. There is some variegation in the leaves.

Another Goblin Queen
What trait are you trying to breed for in the Goblin queen?
Color? What about bx a clone? Might work if you find a none mutant or try and breed out that trait. Do you know which parent spread the trait?

Just hooked up a new item that helps cut down the watering time. Think they are worth using over a watering can. The sink attachment is priceless for cleaning and filling.
What do you use minions??


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Sorry haven't been posting much as I've been busy fighting the good fight. GQ, halo 2 and GGirl seem to be chugging along. Grabbed a few cuts of the GQ but the halo and girl not quit ready yet.

This fucking incredible cut is looking well................you know.


Second group is a chocolate afghani (chocolope X afghan #1)accident that was female so I flowered her out to see how she did. Not quite as heavy yielding and squat as I would have liked but looks and smells nice.


Last ones the Green Crack clone. She smells great and is killer all day smoke.


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Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
What trait are you trying to breed for in the Goblin queen?
Color? What about bx a clone? Might work if you find a none mutant or try and breed out that trait. Do you know which parent spread the trait?

All my crosses are for finding cut only gems.
I'm not gonna be a seed producer, though I breed seed plenty.
Most of my projects are to protect my favorite genetics.

GQ most likely got it's high mutation rates from GG directly.
The D Queen male must have a hidden mutant gene that matched up with GG mutant genes.
Only a guess of course.

If I ever want to clean the line up, I will pop a few new D Queen males and rebreed the F-1 all over again.
I feel the chance of repeating the mutations are hit and miss.
No future for the current seed stock, would take more work to clean up than back tracking and re-breeding.

Good thing about GQ's are its great qualities, once a clean female is found anyway.
The bud is very good, worth the hunt.


Pagan Extremist
Put a lil of my GQ in the air.... the smell on this one is very limey with a touch of sandalwood and baby shit...

powerful stone... I smoke a lot .... and a lot of hash.... but I was noticeably more stoned after a few hits even though I've been smoking already this morning.... puffin GQ was like shifting gears.... my high got low pretty quick.... big thumbs up on this pheno.

Gold Hill Ganja

What's up minions? Finally got lab test results back on the 2 nocturnals. Nocturnal #1 tested at 18.5%thc and .2% CBD and nocturnal 2 tested at 17.5% thc and .1%cbd. Not too shabby. The owners of the club I got it tested at wanted to know much I bud I had and if I wanted to vend. I told them it was gone already, my grower friends already raided the noc stash til the was only a personal jar left of each. But the club is excited about next season and these crazy unique tasting buds. They all liked the slightly fruity afgooey taste. Two of the bud tenders said it had a afgooey taste to them in a blind taste test. And everyone said they were stoned off it. So if you like afgooey and rioting fruit nocturnal might just be your girl.


So glad that you posted that Gold Hill! I was wanting to report back here that I finally got my first taste of noc this weekend! I haven't let it cure quite long enough yet but its adequately dried and still has that smell of blueberries. I smoked some Friday night and then again last night all from the same harvest. My first doobie tasted surprisingly minty and clean rather than how I expected based on the smell. Then last night I rolled another and this time I could taste a very apparent fruitiness that was more in keeping with the smell. The high was very nice....like a weight that slowly increased on me until all I wanted to do was sit there and listen to music drink some cold ones. I cant wait to try some butter with the trim!

Thanks once again SG for this gift to my garden!

Gold Hill Ganja

Ya I noticed the smoke did not taste like it smells, it's more gooey metallic sweetness charactoristic of afganhi family of weeds. Not the loud thing I ever smelled but unique and complex, and 3Ds you hit it on the head with the description of the high, like a warm cuddly weight sitting in your body.


Pagan Extremist
Quiet round these parts... I had an eventful day.... somewhere along the line, when noone was looking for one second... I had a mischievous lil imp run through my garden... The youngest Halo might be drowned at this point... I'm actually taking my fungus gnats seriously for once and I been hittin em with BT water every 3 days... In the SIPS a few are lookin heavy from over water.... The youngest Halo got a few more gallons her SIP was just overflowin LOL... And apparently it was decided that a Goblin Girl no longer needed a head.... I moved halo to the back to be left alone... but I dont know if she'll pull through.. a few hours later and she's lookin real damn sorry...

But... I'm not a cash-cropper, and everybody else is un-molested and doin well... so I loaded up some GQ with some Flo wax... and began to give a shit a little less...


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Hope you can get ahead of your bugs.
I use spinosad to control bugs in soil.
Doesn't kill soil mites, but nails them gnats larvae.

Things have been slow.

Spent a good deal of the day building ramps to and from my trailer.
Will be starting the 2nd flower room Saturday.
Things are filling up, no room to walk.


Indeed, it has been more quiet than normal but life has been pretty full so at least I dont have alot of catching up to do. Sorry about happenings in your garden C4; it sucks when things happen we dont like or cant control but its never as bad as it seems in the moment and there will always be more opportunities, to learn and grow and itll just get better with time! Youve got a good head on your shoulders so youre capable. It sounds like your ladies will be just fine and if the halo doesnt pull through mayhaps you have a clone of her handy to take her spot, if not there will be other gems in your future no doubt. Wish I had something to offer on those gnats but Ive never dealt with them before; hows that BT working out?
Good idea to chillax with some great smoke:) Ive never tried topping bud with wax, its always been a separate deal for me but I really should try that. Soon Ill have some of SGs beans so Ill be able to make some wax out of that trim in the future, very excited:)!

@ SG - Im sending the good vibes your way to help you through your surgery, sounds like youre prepared and I hope it goes smoothly! When you get the time it would be awesome to see whats new in your setup. Some pics of the GQs would be great.
Like I said, I should be receiving some of your gear soon and Im stoked to give them a go; thank you for sharing these treats with us all!

Ill be around, later ladies and gentlemen;)


some guy
Indeed, it has been more quiet than normal but life has been pretty full so at least I dont have alot of catching up to do. Sorry about happenings in your garden C4; it sucks when things happen we dont like or cant control but its never as bad as it seems in the moment and there will always be more opportunities, to learn and grow and itll just get better with time! Youve got a good head on your shoulders so youre capable. It sounds like your ladies will be just fine and if the halo doesnt pull through mayhaps you have a clone of her handy to take her spot, if not there will be other gems in your future no doubt.

Fortunately for C4, I acquired a Halo clone from him 2 weeks back (along with a couple others) and I was able to rid all of his gnats from my girls with some DE and a little TLC. He's not lying, guys. The Halo he gave me in a little .25 gal pot had hundreds of them fuckers (I don't mind dealing with gnats though as I have a small grow space and managing them is easy even if you let them go rampant for a bit). Acquiring free clones where the only problem is fungus gnats is A-okay in my books. 99.99% of the time I'd be more worried about mites from donated clones. And because he was able to help me out there will be plenty of gems to be reciprocated. Gotta love good karma.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Soon Ill have some of SGs beans so Ill be able to make some wax out of that trim in the future, very excited:)!

@ SG - Im sending the good vibes your way to help you through your surgery, sounds like youre prepared and I hope it goes smoothly! When you get the time it would be awesome to see whats new in your setup. Some pics of the GQs would be great.
Like I said, I should be receiving some of your gear soon and Im stoked to give them a go; thank you for sharing these treats with us all!

Ill be around, later ladies and gentlemen;)

I'm going to get some pics out this weekend.
Things have been purposely let to get overgrown before I get the 2nd flower room back on line.

I never thought I'd have to make my grow ADA compliant.
Sucks getting old, but a crime to myself not to prepare for it.

I'm glad you got beans coming.
I'm sure you'll enjoy not only growing them but being able to interact with the group.

Thanks for the friend request.


Right on DrT! It feels so good to spread some love around:) Its good to have supportive peeps in your area, thats for sure. With each new friend made, the closer we all get.

Ill keep that tip in mind in case they pop up, thanks for sharing. Im with you, a few( or maybe a few million, haha) gnats is nothing compared to some mites!

@SG - For some reason it slipped my mind to "friend" you, Ive really enjoyed your good vibes so it makes sense that Id be your friend.
Ill be looking for those pics then. It sounds like youre going to have a jungle o buds on your hands pretty soon; id be there in a heartbeat to help out if I could, better believe it! I can offer this little tidbit; try looking into MSM(methylsulfonylmethane), its good for joints and could help you through your healing process.
Keep it positive and you be just fine; some things in life we cant change but we can change how we look at them.

I got a pack of each and Im planning on running some of each which Ill have room to do as soon as they arrive hopefully. Im very excited to be able to interact more and share with the group:) Ive got a camera now so I plan on documenting the whole process.

Keep up the goodness bro!


Pagan Extremist
ahh... I've had the gnats ever since a while back... some of y'all remember me TP'ing into thermophillic soil and grabbing some FFOF... that's what done it... my mites just arent populating everywhere fast as I figured.... as for the rest... nothing can be done when a 5 year old autistic godzilla wants to "help" LOL... he ran off in there tearing off tops and leaves... I guess its his version of trimming.


Hey everyone. I have been busy last few days so i have to go back and catch up. First i want to say my son and his wife gave birth to my fourth grandbaby yesterday. Healthy beautiful baby girl. So its been a long couple of days. :woohoo:

Best part of being a grandpaw is sendin em home when ur done playin with em. :laughing:

Ok so i took quite a few cuts of my Halo 2x about a week ago. Lots of growth going on and they look healthy so i put my big female in flower. I have some Ravnus and some GQ in jars dried and on bout wk two of cure. Sampled the Rav tonight. I might have a pheno on me hands. Really nice sour citrus smell. Actually smells like sour diesel with a tangerine twist. Honey says the tangerine smell is very distinct. The stone is a great head buzz that hits hard out the gate. High only lasts a couple hours whereas the buzz from gq lingers quite a bit longer. I give ravnus a thumbs up for a daytime smoke. Flavors are similar as i said, to sour diesel with an awesome twist. :tiphat: . Mom rav is bushy and doing well.

Alright folks, Elvis is going to bed.
SG, got ya in my best wish good luck too cantankerous to stay down thoughts and prayers brother. :dance013:

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