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Mini-Me F & D + LEDs

God bless

Great thread pet flora. Hope you don't mind me lurking through your thread lol. just researching all the info I can about doing dull grows with just LED's. You seem to know what you are doing and have lots of great information. Thank you for the informative threads bro. Jah bless.

God bless

Great thread pet flora. Hope you don't mind me lurking through your thread lol. just researching all the info I can about doing dull grows with just LED's. You seem to know what you are doing and have lots of great information. Thank you for the informative threads bro. Jah bless.

I meant FULL grows not dull grows. Gotta love auto correct. Lol.


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For several years I have been developing my top feed system draining to outboard rez.

The last 2 grows I used Hydro Halo Drip rings, which work great, but... are they an unnecessary expense?

Reveg plant has been in a bubbler. Now that it is filling out, water consumption > 1g per 24 hours, which is hard to monitor. Plant was drooping late yesterday due to heavy water consumption

Time to return to my roots

Mini-Me F & D

For several years I have been developing my top feed system. The last 2 grows I used Hydro Halo Drip rings, which are expensive, clog with algae, even though I drilled out the drip holes, I still had to clean them every ~ 2 weeks, but they work great.

They were necessary when I was using the inverted lid from a ~ 2’ x 3’ storage tote (the lip was ~ 1”) as a drain table inside my DIY 2 x 4 wood frame draped with windshield reflector and insulating foam board.

Feed cycle maxed at 30 seconds in order not have nutes spill over, but was sufficient for the plants.

When I first started growing indoors, back in 1980!, I used a simple F & D under a 1000w MH (street light)

The 2 tubs were filled with gravel rock.

Plants grew great, but my x wife killed them by not refilling the rez while I was on the road a week at a time

This time I will have 2 actual grow tents (3 x 3 & 4 x 4). Each will have one plant, and one led panel/system

I had to rethink how to feed 2 separate tents from a single rez

Time to return to my F & D roots, but incorporating lessons learned over the last 3 years...

Thanks to fast draining Air Pots (or Net Pots) it is not necessary to fill the tub with anything

Simply put the planter filled with rock (I use polished ornamental stones from The Dollar Store) in the tub

Set feed cycle to fill the tub ~ half way up

Currently top feeding using just a right angle 1/2” connector

As to tote size, a ~ 4g tub is all you need per plant

Parts Per Tote

~ 4 G storage tote (~ $5)

Net Pot lid for 5g bucket (~$4)

2-3 bags of ornamental stone (~@ $1/)

1” Bulkhead fitting ($4) *may need O ring to prevent drip

1 ~ 160 gph water pump (~ $10)

I plan to run 2 totes from one pump. which may require either a bigger pump or longer feed time

Half inch tubing + 2 elbows for a single F & D (< $10)

Outboard Rez

Any bucket that holds ~ 3-4 g of nutes with a lid will work... or cover with foil


Deep Cycle Timer (~ $60) to flood

Currently flooding 45 sec each 45 minutes

I hooked this up an hour ago

One minor leak to fix on the bulkhead'

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I was into a mini flood and drain a long while back for mums and early cuttings. Found it best to use a small rubbermaid with ebb flo fittings and small size net pots inside of black pots with holes in the bottoms rather than running multiple small buckets on lines as it was less hassle and less to mess with. Plus easier to move them around as you needed. Love me some hydration ebb flo though!!!


New member
wow!! your quote says it all. I question new methods, because I was taught a certain way, which I have yet to master. So as follow maybe i will become less skeptical and try new things.


New member
Gray Wolf : with toot extensive knowledge and thinking out of the box, I have a question for you. Goal is to produce medicine with a strain % of about 50/50 CBD/THC to make capsules. I really don't know how the dosage of about 100mg/ capsule is calculated as it seems like many folks are 2:1 converting fluid volume to weight. Any way, questions is :

What do you think the outcome would be for medicinal purposes of
A) a dry ice extraction (70-90 microns)
B) bake to decarboxylate
C) mix weighed product with 'x' Volime is coconut oil in its solid state (where's my crucible?)
D) measure dosage strength and place in capsule (or use sublingually )?

Could really use your expertise.

Thanks GW



F & D Netpots root question

F & D Netpots root question

i got 2x1meter floodtables which i actually try to improve.
i bought a hole drilling tool with the right size for my small netpots (50mm) -so i gonna put a lid over the table, with holes for the netcups, instead of using anti-alga-foil for cover. (looks like pirates system)

i plan to grow long roots in an aerocloner and transplant the clones to my floodtables as soon the roots are able to touch the ground.

there is also a root-mat layed, so they never try out. it sucks pretty a lot of water. 4L/m² says the label.

i am just wondering if the roots will feel fine like this. or if it´s necessary to use misters to prevent more moisture?

i could build an easy aeroponic irrigation without problem. just ordered the misters cause i like having them for cloners..

the hole point of me is useing as less hydropeppels as possible.
actually i am running the rockwoolcubes direct on the tabel. only to develope roots took to long on my oppinion thats why i wanna change the system.

thank u very much guys!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i got 2x1meter floodtables which i actually try to improve.
i bought a hole drilling tool with the right size for my small netpots (50mm) -so i gonna put a lid over the table, with holes for the netcups, instead of using anti-alga-foil for cover. (looks like pirates system)

i plan to grow long roots in an aerocloner and transplant the clones to my floodtables as soon the roots are able to touch the ground.

there is also a root-mat layed, so they never try out. it sucks pretty a lot of water. 4L/m² says the label.

i am just wondering if the roots will feel fine like this. or if it´s necessary to use misters to prevent more moisture?

i could build an easy aeroponic irrigation without problem. just ordered the misters cause i like having them for cloners..

the hole point of me is useing as less hydropeppels as possible.
actually i am running the rockwoolcubes direct on the tabel. only to develope roots took to long on my oppinion thats why i wanna change the system.

thank u very much guys!

I am a bit confused reading your post. Misters are not needed in F & D/E & F. I have 6 grows using HPA misters which is a vg system, but one needs near lab parameters (RH/temps) to bring it home.

First pic: I start seedlings/clone is a larger bubbler using 3" net pots. When the roots are big enough I transfer in tact into individual totes

LP misters are a poor set up for cannabis, as the roots are being soaked 24/7. This is different from DWC where the nutrient solution is aerated 24/7. Aeration provides a nutrient/O2 rich space between the water line and the bottom of the lid. This significantly increases bioavailability and helps develop more roots coming out of the net pots

I have proven that big root balls are not necessarily needed to grow big plants

Here's a few pics, one of a 500gm+ plant grown in a small DIY F & D tote. Note the small root ball is from another plant

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sorry about the confusion gg writing high is not easy i am foreign speaker. thank u very much for the fast answer. really really nice i love this forum here!

so to make it clear:

i plan to put the well (aeroponic) rooted clones on the Floodtable for bloom. they sitting in holes/netpots and everything else is covered from light.
will the roots be happy just hanging in darkness (with nothing else than a root mat they could grow in). my pump is flooding the table all over- everything gets wet no dry aereas.

i asked about the misters cause this would be my second idea if u say, the roots might need more humidity if i hang them in and don´t put them direct on the ground. just worried if they could dry out eventually.

what ever i would love to keep it simple and stick to the E&F.
think its really cool and i don´t like expensive coco ferts and hydropepples is almost same chaos than dirt.in my oppinion not really an improvement.

Your DWC system is more effective than E&F i guess?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
sorry about the confusion gg writing high is not easy i am foreign speaker. thank u very much for the fast answer. really really nice i love this forum here!

so to make it clear:

i plan to put the well (aeroponic) rooted clones on the Floodtable for bloom. they sitting in holes/netpots and everything else is covered from light.
will the roots be happy just hanging in darkness (with nothing else than a root mat they could grow in). my pump is flooding the table all over- everything gets wet no dry aereas.

i asked about the misters cause this would be my second idea if u say, the roots might need more humidity if i hang them in and don´t put them direct on the ground. just worried if they could dry out eventually.

what ever i would love to keep it simple and stick to the E&F.
think its really cool and i don´t like expensive coco ferts and hydropepples is almost same chaos than dirt.in my oppinion not really an improvement.

Your DWC system is more effective than E&F i guess?

first, there are a lot of Americans posting here whose English is far worse. So no apology needed

It's not that DWC is more efficient overall, BUT, it is for vegging/cloning as I can put a lot of them in one tote. I have harvested some nice plants in DWC, but F & D is much easier to maintain

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