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Mini Mama Cabinet


More info

More info

A little more info for you guys. I'm going to put a lil tiny webcam inside the mama box.. why you ask? just because I have one sitting around. Im also going to put a small speaker in there with a playlist of floyd, marley, tosh and maybe some dead mixed in 24/7 get some good vibes in there ;)

heres a parts photo and a pic of the small webcam.. then Im getting to work.




Lights are in

Lights are in

Well I got five of the six light sockets in, one was a piece of shat, oh well I will probably add another one or two anyway.

there are some obvious light leaks, I guess thats what you get when using shoddy furniture for a grow zone.

Regardless the to do list looks like this.

- Paint interior white
- add couple more sockets
- drill holes for wiring out back and vent out back.
- install remote temp sensor
- install webcam + speaker
- figure out digital timer for lights
- caulk edges and leaks.

run for 8-10 hrs and get an Idea of temperatures and to see how much ventilation will be required.

then get some seeds and get some girls going.

anyway heres a pic with the lights in and on.



Getting there

Getting there

Ok so far this evening I added 2 more 27watt 6500k cfl, lined the inside of the cab with white paper (keeping in the low budget mindset)
Sealed up all joints, so most of the light leaks are gone, with the exception of 2 cracks in the front door, which will just get sealed from the outside with electricians tape when ever opened, as the cab doesnt have to be too stealth.

I also routed the wire through the back of the cab, and set up the timer. I am currently running all lights to do a temp check.

I tracked down 5 bag seeds from an unknown strain so I will start germinating them tonight and get some pots ready.

I am also hoping to install the webcam tonight.

heres a few photos, sure is bright in there after I put the paper in.

ps. Don't worry the actual flowering room will be done properly.





Update... Appears that the temp inside is a very stable 80 degrees, far cooler then I had thought it would be.

I am still considering a small computer fan mounted inside a piece of pvc, with a couple of elbows to keep light out.
you are definitely moving in the right direction, do you have any idea what your humidity is? if you don't have it at, say, at least 40%, growth may be slow. once i got my humidifier (cool mist, brought my temps down too) growth took off.


Thanks bro, nice to get a little feedback, not sure of the humidity right at the moment, but I would imagine it is too low, im going to set up a wet/dry bulb thermometer so I can keep track of the humidity. I was thinking about using one of those little ultrasonic mist things they put in those little lamps that make the cool mist, might be perfect for this little cab.

Anyway It looks like a couple of the seeds are going to split pretty soon so Im gonna go get some compost dug out and warming up in pots.




Well seeds are definently viable and germinating, in the couple hrs i've been home they have split and started to sprout, I prepared some good organic potting soil and perilite in 16oz cups, labeled and dated them 1 through 5, and I will put the strongest apearing and first to split seed in pot 1 and work my way down and see if the germinating speed has any outcome on the quality and vitality of the plant. just for curiosity sake.

a quick pic of the pots being ready in the cab.



  • mf farmer
    mf farmer
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how long does it usually take for a germinated seed after being put into soil a little deeper then its own size to pop through? and how moist should soil be kept?




Ok the webcam has been mounted inside the cab, nothing exciting to see yet, 3 seeds germed and have been put into labled pots, one more of the seeds appears to be getting ready to split too.

None have poked through the dirt yet, hopefully in another day or so.

I'll put a pic from the webcam up. even though its pretty dull right now, I mostly put it in as a convienent way of looking inside without breaking the seal more then a couple times a week.

I'm also considering whipping up a co2 system from an iv drip bag and baking soda or something, will show what I come up with.

enjoy the weekend


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Progress finally!!!!!!!!!!!

Progress finally!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok well Bagseed, number one poked its head through the soil tonight, I got a feeling about this plant, seeds 2-3 are next and I would imagine they will be peeking by morning, 4 I think I may have damaged when I tried to help it open up (I know I know). and number 5 is being slow to germ.

More pics coming in the morning...

yay.. my first little plant.. gonna name her miss quick


Officially growing now

Officially growing now

well as I said, BS1 aka missquick is starting off strong and BS2 is right behind her, I know they may not end up being girls but positive thinking.

Is it ok to go 24 hr until they all have sprouted and then switch to 18/6?

heres a couple shots from today

I also got a temp and humidity sensor, they were just put in so not quite accurate in the pic.


  • bs1missquickjan1010.jpg
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  • bs2jan1010.jpg
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  • "Apricot" growing under hybred
    "Apricot" growing under hybred
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Temp appears to be steady at 80 deg, humidity is running about 65, is that too high? Im going to keep an eye on the humidity as Im not sure that that the gauge has stopped moving.


ok well temp is up around 85 and humidity at 70% seems a little much, Im going to start working on another cab to transfer these too, with ventilation and a bit better of a layout


So I have 2 plants that appear to be thriving, though they seem a little leggy, but they were quite far from the lights, I have moved them to so that the leaves are about 2" from the light now, hopefully this will encourage more foliage and less height.


UPDATE plants are looking good, flipped to 12/12 a week ago, I will post some pics tonight

can anyone tell me if it will be too stressfull to give them a 24/hr day of dark, as I have an unexpected house inspection tommorow?


If you have an inspection, i would go ahead and do the 24dark... i would say the little stress would be worth it. No sence on a risk that may prevent trouble... MJ is a weed, it can survive some of the worst conditions and recover finegood luck on inspection...


thanks, the inspection will go fine, just a bummer to have to put my little sweeties through this. will try and get a couple pics up this morning


VI I wouldn't even worry. I have turned off my lights & my air circulation for 24 hours before with no ill effects. Keeps the smells trapped up too ;)
The ladies will be fine, glad to hear you're confident in your inspection