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mini cab


tryin to help

tryin to help

i am dont understand cm so i had to convert to inches to figure out your size...

*First off, i would mount cfls to the top of the cab.
*42watt bulbs would be ideal but 23 watts work just as well.
*I would put like 10-12+ sockets...
i say the more the better cause it will leave you the ability to experament with the wattage you use... you can use a bunch of low wattage, a couple high wattage, ect. just experament to see what works for you and the plants...
*i would use mostly 27k spectrum but also have a few 50k for some balance but 27k atleast...

*With the given space i would say you might need to train them cause you wont have much height for errors so be careful.

*A soda bottle is about 3.5" in diameter from what i deen online so you should be able to fit....
3 bottles deep by 6 bottles wide...total 18 bottles

Now, if you can mannage an eighth (3.5grams) per plant...
8 eighths per ounce + another 8 eighths = 2 oz. with 7 grams left over.

if you can yeild 7 grams per plant, which many people do already...
that will give you about 4 oz total....

*I would definitly have a passive intake and would make a carbon filter from scratch instead of buying one cause they are pretty expensive...

idk... if you have more questions just shout..
but remember to search and read too....
some links in my sig...
diy link-o-rama is a good start..

As for Moms and clone, you'll need another box from the info i gave you but just search around, youll find stuff everywhere..

Can you post some pics of what you have wo work with also?

Good Luck
Merry Christmas!!!:eggnog:


:eggnog:ya, sorry thanks for the correction.
low watts could be scattered all around the cab for experiment purposes... see if lower buds can get more light it nowmally wouldnt recieve but yes, the higher the better but consider heat issues too.. a small cab will bee to be trained well so they dont grow into monsters! hehe

Happy Holidays!


Active member
what would u add to a 60cm high 60cm long 30cm wide cab?

i got no ideas and need a 2oz/month output^^

First off, I'd add a bigger cab or revise your harvest "needs". If that's the size harvest you are looking for - you'll need something a bit bigger in terms of a cab.

I would not be building a CFL cab looking for two ounces a month.

If that is the amount you need, you need to build a cab with 440w of PL-L lights - that's 8x55w. That amount of light will produce 2 ounces a month, on average (about 8 to 9 oz per harvest).

Alternatively, you could go with 2x250w HID or one 400w CMH. Either choice will increase heat issues for you, however. 2 oz a month is a perfect amount for 440w PL-L if you want to keep heat down and minimize cooling issues.

I've posted a ton of links on PL-L lights. Here's a link to the links you will need to find your gear.

By the way - for 2 zips a month - you'll need a bigger cab. 80cm(h) x120cm(w) x60cm(d) should do nicely and will provide the proper space to mount 8x55w PL-L in miro4 reflectors above your grow with a perfect light footprint illuminating the entire cab with about 5000 lumens per sq. foot.

Here's a link to a 330w PL-L grow for inspiration.