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MileHighGuy's 1st Organic Hydro Run


Active member
:wave: Here is the Breakdown:

9 (5 Gallon) Bucket RDWC setup.

1000 Watt Hortilux Eye HPS
2(432 watt) T5 8 Bulb hung vertically
Phantom Digital Ballast
Water Chiller

Natural Nutrients:

Freshly Brewed compost Tea from my local hydro store, they are awesome and have 2 vortex brewers going 24/7

I added to gallons of Grow-Tea filtered through a Bubble Bag :)

Then added 1ml per gallon of Humbolt Hydro Carbs (Molasses)

Then I dissolved a mild mix of Earth Juice SeaBlast Water Soluble Dry Nutrients derived from sea bird guano and other fun stuff. (I filtered this mix through the bubblebags and was really pleased to see almost all of it go through my bubblebag filter) :laughing:

There are about 45 gallons in my controller and buckets, I have an air stone in each bucket and one in the controller, after 48 hours I have a nice foamy and clean brew running though my whole system :)

All of my water is filtered with a tallboy outdoor water filter for chlorine and sediment. So far everything is looking really clean :)



Active member

All I will use (If all goes well)

Compost Tea
Humboldt Hydro Carbs
SeaBlast Dry Nutrients


I soaked the new Hydroten in Fresh filtered water for about 8 hours


Nice Foamy Airy Brew :)




More Pictures to come soon!!


Smile Vs Cry
ohhh welcome back buddy...very interesting project again..
look'n crazy efficient clean tent, should bring us some high quality show!!!


Active member
How are you like the sea blast nutrients? Did you use the grow or just using the bloom?

Hey Green Thumbs!

I hope I love this SeaBlast, just started using it.

It dissolved very well in cold water, I stirred and let it sit for 15 minutes the stirred it again and it was almost 100% dissolved.

I'm only using the Bloom :)

However, the reason I'm only using the bloom is because my Grow Tea that I get at the hydro store has some of the SeaBlast Grow in it. Not alot, but enough to help with the nitrogen.

In about a week, my plants will tell me if they like my mixture or need more... I'll let you know How I like the nutes as I go.

@ Killer - Good to see you as always!!! Love your Attitude, This go will be better documented than my last...

And, so you all know, I'm starting a Hydro Greenhouse vegetable company this year and will be moving to 3 acres and setting up the greenhouse in about 1 month!!!!!


Active member
Nothing new to report, so I figured I'd give a few more details.

All 9 Plants are Trinity.

This strain is one of my personal favorites and has proven to be a very PM resistant strain.

I'm excited to see the results of using the compost tea in the hydro setup....

When cloning with the tea I saw root nubs in 5 days and full roots in 7-9 days for all plants.... and historically, this trinity strain has been more difficult for me to clone :)

So far, everything is looking beautiful with almost zero transplant shock, only the T5's are on right now... and only half way on.

lights are at 24/0 and will be switching to 18/6 in 1 week followed by flower 1 week after.

With Organic, I was mainly worried about clogging... and I gotta tell you, so far everything seems much cleaner.


Smile Vs Cry
sound a killer genetic bro, also im happy for you ..3 acres umhhhhh much work should be interesting ehhh!!
keep us posted..we want see your great job buddy!!!


Active member
PH was at 7.0.... not used to that, the lucas formula always had it dialed...

But that's okay!

I lowered the PH, it's now at 6.0... I'll check it daily for fluctuations and see what happens.

PPM were at 150-200 when I started.

I've now increased to 350-400'ish and the tea is looking strong.

Roots are touching water in all the buckets and I'll be tracking new growth for deficiencies too see where my nutrient solution needs to sit.

New growth is very light green so far, so If nothing changes in the next 48 hours, I'm adding some more nitrogen.

I'll have a photo update tomorrow!

Peace and Puffs
Looks like everything is coming along nicely... yea hopefully a little more nitrogen will fix the light green on the new growth. Are the seablast products 100% organic.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Nice thread MHG, really interesting. I'm very curious in see how your organic mix will interact with an R-dwc setup.
Your grow looks really clean with a lot of potential, nice thing about using b.bags to filter bigger agglomerates and keep the lines free.

How do you modify pH? are you using organic stuff or straight phosphoric acid?

Are the plants turned dark green after adding N? what kind of N do you used?

Thanks in advance for your time an for sharing your stuff bro.Best luck for this grow and for your new work :wave:


Active member
Seablast products are not 100% Organic!!!

I was originally going to go with only 100% organic... but not every product has the money and time to get certified...

Anyways, maybe next time around once I brew my own tea...

I was going to use the new Age Old Organics Hydro line... but I called them and it's not organic either...

Oh well, this should be better than the GH... haha

I'll update again soon, I just moved 5 miles away from my old house and my old Roomate is supposed to handle everything... yikes, thats a scary thought.


Active member
Awwww shit....

I Forgot to post over here.

Check out my signature, I ended up Moving and having to leave my whole setup.

I"m now re-building my setup and I decided to go coco for the time being.

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