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Mile Hi's 3000w 24 pot Ebb & Flo



keep on keeping on! you are legal and they just wasted more tax payer dollars...sorry about this shit man, your ladies are lookin great though!


wow dave that is a CRAZY story;
cant speak for what i would do because im not in your shoes --
im a registered caregiver for 5 patients myself plus my own card has extended plant count limits (im still only growing 7 plants right now though and 5 of those are in veg) -- this shit has me worried all the caregiver raids that seems to be going down... i keep all my paperwork at my house but i haven't registered my address anywhere or with anybody so i dont think i should be worried at this point

i would sure be thinking about packing up and moving locations... but i mean LEO did leave all your stuff and just take pictures? thats a trip...

sounds like you went through some serious stress right there unnecessary; so sorry to hear that... whatever direction you choose to go from here i wish you luck you've been nothing but friendly on these boards im sure you have some good karma headed your way

thanks for the bud shots they look great!


Hey Dave sorry to hear about the PD man, that sucks. It's something that crossed my mind often.

But the girls are looking frosty and I'm diggin the bud porn. Just remember why you do what you do.
sorry to hear bro. it also happened to me last week. busted down my doors in my warehouses causeing thousands in damage to my door's. they searched everything took pics confiscated my computer and then left almost as fast as they showed up. i also have a very good lawyer and as soon as we find out if the feds are interested we will be filing all kinds of complaints and law suit to recover damages.


sorry to hear bro. it also happened to me last week. busted down my doors in my warehouses causeing thousands in damage to my door's. they searched everything took pics confiscated my computer and then left almost as fast as they showed up. i also have a very good lawyer and as soon as we find out if the feds are interested we will be filing all kinds of complaints and law suit to recover damages.

Sorry to Hijack Dave, but Im curious RMC, if you dont mind, how many plants did you have?
Sorry to Hijack Dave, but Im curious RMC, if you dont mind, how many plants did you have?

no prob...RMC has multiple warehouses...:tiphat:

Ok...update on my situation...

They came to my house and beat on the door, I called my atty...he said to answer the door with him on the line, so I did. They presented me with a warrant to search my grow... I tell them it's legal...totally. They then tell me to hang up my phone and turn around....I said to them "am I under arrest" and they say "no...it's for our protection"...of course I tell them my atty is on the line with me and they said to tell him to meet us at the grow...and they cuffed me. It was DPD & CBI. We got to the grow and they were starting to go in when the atty shows up and asks why I was cuffed and where the warrant was....they take the cuffs off and the atty tells them, they have permission to search...but not destroy nothing as I am in total compliance with the law..in fact I have 12 patients and only 24 in flower, 8 of which are down and hanging now. They go in, look at my paperwork, go into the garden, take pics...then turn around and ask me if I need a ride back home??!!!! Of course, if I had been unlucky enough to not have a good atty, I would be in jail.

I politely refused the ride.

So today my atty calls the DPD as well as the DA that got the judge to sign the warrant. According to the documentation...a "confidential informant" told them I was growing 200+ plants...

BS...there are quite a few friends that know I grow...fewer know where or how much...not their biz. Man I wish I had never tried to go "legal"...that's how they had the address to the grow..

My take is they are going to be doing a bit of this to scare some of us...outright harassment!!!

The atty says that I should just go about biz as usual...so I am going in tomorrow and trying to get this crop finished...have patients waiting. Then I am thinking about finding me a piece of mountain property and getting away from people, away from the city and off the grid...

I fucking hate cops!!!
...and oh yeah...the "our protection" thing...really?? My 50 yr old crippled ass is gonna try and get physical with the musclebound goons that showed up...what a fuckin' joke!!!


...and oh yeah...the "our protection" thing...really?? My 50 yr old crippled ass is gonna try and get physical with the musclebound goons that showed up...what a fuckin' joke!!!

Nah man, resisting will only make shit worse. They can lie and say you reached for their gun and put a bullet in your head, no questions asked. Not worth it. My buddy got harassed by some cops unnecessarily, and he tried to file an injunction or whatever it is with his attorney and try to sue the police department. After his atty did research on it, he said it would be best not to file or sue, because this particular police department was so corrupt, if they found out they were being sued by someone they tried to arrest but couldn't, they would just stalk them and plant crack on them somehow...actual advice from his attorney!!! God Bless America!


Active member
i hear people saying more and more that they wish they never registered as a business and tried to go legal. i don't know how i feel about it, but i have friends that are going underground/off the grid as we speak. sad...
hey cannagirl one of our biuldings has 64 plants in it 32 in flower and the rest in veg. in our other biulding we had 101 plants with 39 of them being in flower. i personally have 30 patience including myself and my partner has 18. so we were way inside of our #'s and with all city,county,and state licenses we are fully playing by the rules.


How you doing today Dave, nerves calm down a little bit?

Any word on who signed the warrants in either search?
on my warrants the judges signature is to cramped to make out, but the detective who made application to get a warrent is det m. lehmkuhl #1867z. im actually making copies as we speak of the warrents to go to the press because our local law inforcement is now denieing there were any raids and that they were rutine inspections. i'm meeting a rep from cmmc to get these doc's to the media this morning.
Hey there, hope things are going better today.
I have recently been through the same thing, but it happned back in November 09 before legislation had even begun.
The story is oddly similar, we are just now getting to a resolution, 7 months in the making, of dismissal.
It is a total and utter joke what the police do while at grows, fumbling around as if they knew what was going on in these rooms.
I had 10 officers in my grow for about 3 hours, in which 3-4 of them helped themselves to my couch, playboys and ski magazines. A couple officers took pictures and they confiscated leaves, a lap top, patient info and took ass loads of pics.
In the end, they charged us with 3 felonies, which is very upsetting.
Now that its 7 months later, and it has come out that all we were missing was a non-existant business license for a off site grow, they are wanting to form a agreement to dismiss if we dont sue them.
All I can say is if you are playing by all the rules, DO NOT MAKE DEALS WITH THESE PEOPLE, in the end the truth will prevail. Do what your lawyer said, operate as normal, keep your nose clean in all other respects of life.

And to those of you who abuse our system with too many plants/pounds, however strict and obtrusive it may be to you, beware; because the man is out in force.

keep it 100


ok folks...I've had a few drinks, so bear with me...

I am stuck harvesting by myself (lawyer's recommendation). So this will be a lil bit of a drawn out process....pics tomorrow, I promise...


Dave, I was curious now that this grow is done what you thought of the Sunleaves Rocks for media in the E&G buckets? Much better than Hydroton?
I have 27 buckets to fill,, and am contemplating maybe just getting the netpot lids so I can get away with significantly less media... Any thoughts??
Awesome journal, but really sorry to hear about your LE trials and tribulations!
