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Mildew And Other Problems: Day 60 Flower! Help!


Today is day 60 of flower for me. Trichomes are almost all cloudy but very few amber. Easily half red hairs on 2 of my 4 plants... but they aren't quite ripe.

I found some mildew on a lower bud on one plant today. Before I new what I was dealing with I bumped it and it poofed some spoors that were immediately sucked into the chamber onto 2 of my plants.

On top of that I noticed a few male flowers on 1 plant.

I'm growing in soil in a small chamber, so the plants are only about 8-inches each and essentially solid buds straight to the soil level. This might be the problem.

My question is: What should I do? Should I harvest early? Can I treat with peroxide at this stage? Can I just cut out the effected bud? Similar problem with the hermaphrodite... can I just cut off the male flowers?

Sorry for many questions. Emergency! Help! Sorry no pictures.


all praises are due to the Most High
hello man,

how many days do you say they have left? is the hermie also almost finishing flower?

you can cut the affected buds as well as the male bananas, and afterwards spray 3% H2O2 dilluted in plain fresh neutral pH water, 1 part H2O2 and 3 parts water.

can you control the humidity where you grow? lower it too.

also spray the top of the soil and do not water for at least 5 hours after having sprayed the hydrogen peroxide. spray the whole place actually.

if you have 5-8 days up to harvest, watch those plants closely everyday, repeat if necessary, also after you spray, with care, shake excess water off plants.

I have harvested plants after 3 days of application of H2O2, but these were outdoor plants and they got some rain in the morning before harvest, I dunno how fast H2O2 breaks down indoor though.

good luck

paz y salud


Active member
ICMag Donor
hello zorakspg, are you sure you have PM, are you sure it was not pollen from the male flowers you say you have. do you have what looks like water marks on the leaves near the infected area?. Personally i would(if you have PM)cut the branch off and put it in the freezer, to kill the PM, and make hash with it.Good luck mate


The plants that I am growing are from Bagseed, so it is difficult to say exactly how long they will require.

As for the H2O2, as long as it is acceptable to spray the buds, I will try this.

I will be watching these girls like a hawk indeed.

As for the pollen vs. PM, what color is cannabis pollen? I'm pretty sure it is not white, I am also fairly certain the anthers that I found were unripe, but I'm not certain because I've never had a hermaphrodite this far along before. Lastly, the PM is pretty distinct since it has spidery tendrils that snake out across the surface of the buds.

When I've grown in the past it was in a much larger (C13) cab, now I've downscaled to a small box. Microgrowing is truly testing my horticultural skills!

Thank you guys for the advice.

One more question: How leery should I be of the bud I get off the infected plant? As in, if it looks okay, can I smoke it?
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I sprayed with 1 part 3% H2O2 (v/v) 2 parts H2O. I only sprayed the two plants I've noticed infection on so that I can see how they respond before risking the whole crop. I also sprayed the walls and floor in there.

I shook off all the water I could. I then left the cab door open and put a bigger fan pointed inward to help dry it off.

I've read very mixed things about the various methods for treatment methods around here, so I am really skeptical about this. But it is better than nothing.

Does that all sound good?

Does anyone know if this is the same stuff that grows on the soil? In my non-cannabis garden I sometimes notice a whitish fungus growing atop old leaves and also on soil surfaces? In those instances I remove the old leaves and just ignore the soil stuff. It has never caused a problem... but none of my other plants consist of densely packed buds of hundreds and hundreds of delicious flowers....

I need to go smoke a bowl!


all praises are due to the Most High
zorak, the thing with PM so late into flower is that there is not much we can use without damaging the flowers... there is product I have read here many people use and swear by it, they even use it a couple of days before harvest, it is called greencure, i think it cures PM very effectivly if i am not mistaken, along side with other molds and fungus...
hydrogen peroxide will help you prevent the PM to spread at this stage, but it is difficult to kill the PM with h.peroxide alone, specially late into flower, but it is a safe way to keep it under control.

good luck



What about after harvest?

What about after harvest?

Paz and others,

I will work to stop the spread by treating a few times with H2O2 up until harvest which isn't far off now.

I am wondering what will happen when I harvest and begin the drying process? Will the PM spread? Or will it not be a problem assuming I can cut out any bits that are infected?




all praises are due to the Most High
zorak, in my experience with plants that suffered PM, just cutting the affected parts and drying in a well ventilated place without high humidity (important) was all that was needed to keep the non-affected parts healthy, they never showed signs of PM growing on them or anything, so I think they were safe to consume.



I get the feeling that the H2O2 and the infection will drastically alter the flavor and potency of the bud though.

When plants are attacked by pathogens and treated with chemicals they redistribute their allocation of nutrients that they acquire to secondary compounds and immune responses to ensure survival. That's the same reason that infected plants undoubtedly yield lower... unless those secondary compounds happen to be cannabinoids.... then "hell yeah" I say!

Alas, no thorough research on the cannabis plant!

Legalize it!