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Mikado x NL#5


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
I found amongst my seed stash some very old freebies from SB of Mikado x NL5. I can't rightly remember the year which I got these but I could be as far back as 2005.

If anyone remembers this cross and who made it please chime in.

I put all 10 seeds to sprout and came up with four viable seed. Of the four seedlings three weren't as vigorous as the one choosen. Thankfully she was female. This beauty outgrew, had bigger leaves and generally left the others behind. The rest were culled.

I'll post some pics in a sec...



~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
here's some pics so far...

I'm a little worried about bug mold but so far so good.

These pics are about a week old and will post more shortly..



~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
Thanks guys, there will be new pics to come.... Just hoping bud mold doesn't strike!!


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
Some more pics and progress...

Some more pics and progress...

Hey all,

Here's some more pics of the progress the MikadoNL5 has made. There were more but IC server decieded it was going to let me upload them all!

She's being quite slow on budding which comes down to stress from high winds in my area plus a flood light that comes on all the time and interrupts the dark period.

Otherwise she's looking healthy and has really pulled through all the bugs and other stress that the summer brings.

I'm a little worried she's not going to fufill her full potential since an early chop seems on the books. I think she may go on till October at this rate.. Plus the likelyhood of bud mold. Was hoping there would be more Mikado in her which would of resulted in an earlier finish...



~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
some more pics..

some more pics..

Hey all...

Here's some new pics of the Mikado x NL5.. She smells very fruity indeed with some very nice purpling of the leaves.. Looks like there is still a way to go yet..

No bud mold that I can see so all good..



Active member
That Mikado x NL5 looks delicious and frosty. Nice colors too.

When do you plan to harvest it ? As you say it looks like it needs a bit of time.

Good luck with budrot (or rather without :) )


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
Hi brother Hanuman

I haven't checked on her tonight yet but it seems from when I last looked that she has started to turn with more pistils turning orange/amber. I think she could go all the way till the end of this month but depending on weather, and the dreaded rot, might cut her earlier.

I'll have new pics soon..

Thanks all for the interest.


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
Dried Nuggies!!!

Dried Nuggies!!!

Hey all,

So here's the final pics of the dried nugs from the Mikado x NL#5.

(sorry for the shitty pics!)

The smell differs from the three jars of curing bud. It goes from incredibly sweet fruity funk to pine. This main batch I have still to sample but the lower smaller buds have mostly been consumed..

It is very VERY indica! I find it hard to move after a pin joint. Sounds are enhanced and it can be a little trippy on the onset. Not sure where this might come from since there is very little sativa in the genetics. So far so good!

I'm surprised at how strong this outdoor plant is. It has to rate in the top 15 strongest herb I've tried. It was looked after very well though and it just goes to prove that with a little care anything can be grown even in harsh northern European conditions (although the summer was very good this year).

Hope all have enjoyed this little thread even if it is to peek at the crappy photography.. Thanks to the unknown grower for the freebies from way back in 2005. Whoever you are, you knew good plants when you saw them..




So no cuttings or seeds to live on :(
Sounds like you got some good potent smoke man.


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
So no cuttings or seeds to live on :(
Sounds like you got some good potent smoke man.

Yes, it was a very nice smoke the coota.. But I wouldn't say it was worthy of being cloned or pollinated. It was just an old freebie pack I found at the bottom of a deep freeze stash of seeds.

Thanks for the interest though man..


Brother kalbhairav, this is the diversity of our passion, whereas I would loved to have a play with them genes. Mikado is now extinct but held in high regard by those who still have it, I wonder how legitimate the NL side was, early Sensi perhaps, tho did/do they sell a pure NL? They definitely had access from nevil.
Anyways if I ever find mikado again Ima snap some up.

Thanks for the report!.


~~ ॐ नमः शिवाय ~~
Hey Coota,

The NL line was from Joey Weed and from there i have no idea where they got their NL line. I can remember that the Mikado was a pre 2000 (not sure if that's right) clone of the growers. If not 2000, then 98. I can remember from the packet it saying it was from before the time Federation changed hands or something.

I'm sorry that this might of been something you would of liked but I didn't know that Mikado was no longer in production.

I think Sbou has some Mikado x C99 under the GN Collection banner if that's any help..


EDIT: In fact it does. Here's the link: https://www.seedboutique.com/store/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=25&products_id=2324

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