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Midwest Outdoor Season 6

Phish Dude

hey im representing michigan here, thats midwest right??
anyways starting my plants in a greenhouse whenever the snow melts.
until then...


PS420, were using identical approaches, except I grow from seed instead of clones, everthing else is the same. . Your dates are exactly the same as mine. At 38, I can and you probably can too, start setting them out to harden off by April 5-10th, if I pay attention and bring them in at night. I like to get them under natural light as soon as possible. Then starting the 1st of may until august.
Im getting ready in the next week to start my very first plants. This female will be used to provide clones for any grow site that results in a male.

Lets all hope the weather gives us a good year. Its gotten so unpredictable. I guess were all getting started!! Yahoo


New member
Hey what's up my fellow midwesterners?

I won't have any plants in the ground until the start-mid may!
Right now the midwest is covered in snow (in my area) and I'm itching to get out there.

The weather is kinda weird for growing cannabis. Somehow we manage though.

Peace and pot


New member
Paradimebag-Don't fret it man. This snow should be gone in 30-45 days. Watch out for frost too.

The deer might nip a couple of your plants, so plant extra.


Active member
hello my midwestern friends.
One thing that I always wondered about the midwestern growers.

with all the wild hemp in your area, does anyone do outdoor breeding in the midwest?



In my area there's very little wild hemp, very little. So yeah, I'm banking the outcome of my breeding project on my ability to grow enough plants for selection in the great outdoors!


Get two birds stoned at once
Must suck having to deal with feral pollen in the Midwest, do you guys find a bunch of random seed sometimes?


Yes.. There is random pollen that finds its way to mine... Where you all are from you dont have to worry about that?..

Phish Dude

ive never seen wild hemp around my parts, i find it very unlikley that a hemp plant could survive this far north anyways.


Well-known member
Feral hemp is very common in my part of the Midwest. Travel along the cornfields and every year I will see plants and groups of plants on the edges of them. I have actually had feral hemp (my best guess) pollinate my girls and screw my seed stock. I say best guess because I really cant prove it but I found and culled the plant about 30 yards from my grow.

When I was a teenager I saw a whole pasture of feral hemp. Very small because light filtration was negligible but it was a shit load of immature 2 ft plants.


I deffinatley have had some probs in the past with hemp pollen. Some years it's worse than others last year I found very few seeds. But the seeds that did form could have been from a male I didn't pull early enough or something could have hermed? That's why I will only make seed stock indoors it's more controlled.

But around me I know where there is feilds of hemp that grows everywhere. I can spot it in the ditches very easy. I always get a kick out of the big patches that grow right before you get into a city. I always wonder if the cops just don't recognize it or they know it's wild and don't really give 2 shits that it's growing there.

Way back in high school we used to go pick garbage bags full. We would sit in a shed and throw a pile in the middle of the floor and start it in fire :bashhead: . And it's true what they say ditch weed will give you nothing but a headache. But even though the stuff is worthless for smoking I still love visiting those big feilds and seeing how beutiful those plants are.
C-town's how we ride

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Midwest how we ride

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Hey all midwest growers. Good luck with everyones planning and preperation for another beautiful season. I´m waiting in my area for the record amounts of snow to melt also. I´m going to be doing some genetics from Unleash the Green. Some different GG crosses and whatever else I got thrown in with it. This is only my second season growing outdoors and my first with real genetics so I´m real excited and very optimistic. Good Luck!



Active member
Game on. I'm building plastic tents so I can start early. :) Harvesting in June and October sounds way more appealing.


Active member
Days are coming upon us fast! hope everyone has started there beans or clones and preparing the ground! soon itll be here and youll wonder where the last year has gone so quickly :)


Get two birds stoned at once
DrHydro said:
Yes.. There is random pollen that finds its way to mine... Where you all are from you dont have to worry about that?..
I've never seen wild/feral hemp around me in NE, but I've seen it a lot in WI, grows on the sides of golf courses, in cattle pasture, on the sides of fields... everywhere it seems. Theres a golf course that cuts it down every year but then it just comes back every year, they started leaving stockpiles of sand on it lol.


So who's doing pots, and who's going straight into the ground? Myself, I'll be going straight into the ground once I get good roots in the Rapid Rooters. I'm just doing waaay too many for pots.


I found out my specs:

12 Holes about 2 ft long by 2 ft wide by 2-3 feet deep... should be alright.
Next to a small stream of mountain water,

--10 Hashberry seeds (have yet to order..DOH!)
--2 Chemdawg X SD IBL seeds (havent broken soil)

I plan on using a total of 100 watts of cfl for a few weeks and moving them to the plot.

I filled the holes with B.O.S.S. soil. I have never used this type of soil before. any feedback? My friend works at the store and gets broken bags for free.

My soil mix:
D lime
Bat guano (10-3-1)
Kelp meal
BOSS soil...

Pictures soon. (once i find my camera...lol)

As for feeding, any suggestions? This is my first attempt outdoors. I try to stay away from bone/blood meal for obvious reasons...(deer)


More about B.O.S.S

Its an EKO compost and spaghum peat moss
Infused with Micoryhzzae (SP?) which i am familiar with
And it says mix half half with surrounding soil

Hope it works out...

Good Luck to all! :joint: