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Well MDK, I've been making hash for myself for over 30 years now, the bubble bags were a great addition to the arsenel of tools available to us for hash making, but, after all of this time, all I want is some simple hash that doesn't take many hours to make, I can also be wasteful if I want, but really I'm not, I squeeze 100% of the good stuff out of my material, the pic show the drying bubble material which when dry I mix back into my soil when I turn my buckets over, and the bubble water is the best organic tea, add some sensiZYM to that and its heaven for my plants they love it, so as you can see I get 100% from my bubble material ;) I've also done experiments to see what was missed by making bubble hashish and my results show that if you do 3 runs there's just about nothing left to harvest unless your a bubble zealot, I'm not a zealot anymore but we need zealots to keep the torch lit.

MDK I don't know if you have seen my member picture gallery? but the link below should take you there, I've got lots of great hashish pics of my work in there, this gallery here at ICMag is only showing a small percentage of the pics I've taken over the years.


Jellyfish, my friends are stupid as crap, I swear to Shiva lol.


Ok, here are a few more pics I took this morning, I have all new hoods coming for the flower room by friday, Ill add pics when those come. These rooms are in a basement and they have A/C and heat to help with temp control, no external ventilation is necessary but I do have it set-up, I run an ozone generator of odor control. I only use Dyna-Gro Grow and sensiZYM (advanced nutes) for my whole crop cycle, just PH adjusted water the last week of flower, this is probably the most I've writen about my garden ever lol.


My own cross, already grown out in Denver, Co. with promising results, this is the first time I've grown any myself, I'm lazy I guess? I made this cross like 2 years ago.


Got Roots? I love this bubble cloner, 100% all of the time.



Veggie room is 12' x 7' , pissed me off it was only 7' wide, if it was 8'+wide it would have been perfect for a table.


Watering set-up, I think bababooy asked?, its a .900 feed line with 1/4" vinyl, not 1/4" drip line, the 1/4" drip line is to stiff, the 1/4" vinyl line is very flexible and easily positioned with a stake. Its not fully functional yet but will be after the next harvest.




New hoods this week, it looks so messy now? maybe its just me.



Blue Dream Tops Ummmmmm!!!!!!!! they get hair cuts in a week.


Peace Out My Bro's and Bumpy Bro's


I feel nothing and it feels great
i concur. everything nice, neat and streamlined. :good:

here are a few shots of whats happenin in my neck of the woods. the first couple pics are my cloner and veg area. 2x 400's (1 mh & 1 hps). all kinds of strains. white widows, diesels, grapefruits, afghan kush x yumbolt, pure power plants, northern lights, darkstars. next 3 are the grapefruit diesel i posted the other week. shes just about done. started her flush today.


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Horse-toothed Jackass
I second that. Very neat. U must have the Dust Buster on a holster.
Is that a hashmasta-kut style Ti vape? Very nice, if its yours.
How do you run ozone for odor control if you dont vent to the outside? Isnt ozone bad for plants and people?

Nice tent, Farmdale. Is that the 4x8? Those are nice and roomy. Not as good as growing in a room, but still, pretty spacious.
that used bubble material that u are drying out for amending...

i make canna milk from that... gets u high

i'm also all about getting all u can from what u got, hehe


I feel nothing and it feels great
my veg area is actually just in an open room. i flower in 2 silver edition huts that are 4x4 (but more towards 5x5) one w/ a hooded 1000w hps and the other w/ a cool-tubed 600w hps.
i have pics of my flower tents but the lights are so bright the pics dont come out as well as i would like them to. im picky about my pictures lol. ill have to take them all out individually sometime and get some shots of them


Active member
Holy HEAT WAVE Batman! My central air can't even keep my place down to 70F w/o any equipment running... My girls are lucky, they have their own extra cooling system... I'm left to suffer in an 80F house when the lights are on...


Thanks scoot and lemon.

farmdalefurr: Dude, I love the pot-pourri selection you have, I wish we had gro tents when I started, I could have used one big time, lots of flavor, I wish I could grow a bunch of different types like you do and I used to, but I can't right now, I've been thinking of adding another 1000w in the corner for exotics?.

Bababooey: Thanks mon, 7 years on nuc subs made me a very sterile grower I think?. Why yes thats my kut-vape, old-school before the GonG joints were added, I don't use it much these days as I've always preferred bubble 10 to 1 over oil.

I've looked online for legitimate info that says ozone generators are seriously harmful and have yet to find it, if you have a link ill go look at who they are and what they have to say about it. It can be an irritant if your exposed to it for a long period of time, but, I only run the generator when ppl I don't want to smell the garden are coming over, I just turn the recalculating fans off in the garden and the ozone generator on which is hooked into my central air circulating vents and run it for several hours at the most, then its turned off till needed again, my friends always say they can not smell the garden when the generator is running and the fans are off, this is the only way I've found to effectively kill the odor of my large garden, again a "large garden" that stinks allot, you have to do what you have to do sometimes to be safe, and "your not going to live forever" so don't waste your time worrying about the small things I say. ;)


MDK: Ummmm!! Got Milk? lol, sounds good, maybe you could post up your tech for us?, i would be interested in knowing how its done.


I got this yesterday, I did a test spray on a few plants at 1/2 strength this morning, if it doesn't kill them ill hit the rest tonight, will see how this stuff works out for me.


Peace Out Hash Scouts
Hash Scout Troop #420, Troop Leader.



Horse-toothed Jackass
Bobble, this heat has been BRUTAL. The humidity, especially. This feels more like Florida or the Gulf Coast, with the high dew points and unrelenting sun. Wonder how those Florida indoor growers deal with the heat. They must have multiple A/C units...

Max: Ive always thought that joining the military would whip my pussy ass into shape. I guess one thing the military teaches you is not to be afraid of hard work, no matter how menial it is.
Ive been planning a new setup and Ive been debating whether to use ozone or a carbon filter for odor control. I would need to run it 24/7 though so im not sure if using ozone would work for me, as it would be recirc. I just dont like the idea of using the big ol carbon filters all the time, because they restrict air flow and im not keen on the idea of buying a huge, heavy filter every year. Your setup seems to work for you, since you dont run it all the time.
Let us know how that Forbid works. I'm always interested in new and improved ways to battle the borg.

MDK, how tall are those sticks? 3 feet? The garden has grown appreciably since the last pics. Plants look very healthy and lush as well, not a deficiency to be seen. Do you use pest control at all? What are you aiming for, a Sep or Oct harvest? At the rate theyre going, you might not have room to walk between the plants pretty soon. Not a bad thing, btw...
stakes are 6' tall, but prob foot to foot and half in ground. plants are between waist and chest high on average...

the space between them is already WAY limited, sucks to walk in there with 5 gal bucket...

pest control? lol, humans are the only pest that concerns me much... this plot is right next to farm fields so most the animals i would assume know where the food is... there is some minor leaf damage due to insects, but what can ya do...


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, i thought those sticks were pretty tall, but hard to tell the scale.
Those plants look very healthy, and it looks like insects arent putting a dent in them at all.
What are you going to do during flower? You'll probably be covered in resin if you have to move around in there a lot.


Whazz happnin midwest? Checkin in from the show-me territory.


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Kanye WeED

Active member






ill post more later now i have to figure out if this store has the 33" trinity that i broke a few weeks ago

Hey what up dude I'm from Indiana i really like the looks of this strain......id be interested to know if you would be willing to do some trading beans......I have always wanted to try a strawberry strain....


Max: Ive always thought that joining the military would whip my pussy ass into shape. I guess one thing the military teaches you is not to be afraid of hard work, no matter how menial it is.
Ive been planning a new setup and Ive been debating whether to use ozone or a carbon filter for odor control. I would need to run it 24/7 though so im not sure if using ozone would work for me, as it would be recirc. I just dont like the idea of using the big ol carbon filters all the time, because they restrict air flow and im not keen on the idea of buying a huge, heavy filter every year. Your setup seems to work for you, since you dont run it all the time.
Let us know how that Forbid works. I'm always interested in new and improved ways to battle the borg...

Yeah, my time in the military was actually some of the best times of my life, fun fun fun, at one time I even slept on-top of a real live sub-roc in the torpedo rm, thats a nuclear tipped short range missile, I could reach below the head of my bunk and touch the war head, plus the trident sub I was on with the 192 nuc war heads it carried, boooom, to funny to think about it today :D

Well it seems to me that a charcoal filter is good for the air exhausting outside the house, but even with one exhausting outside I always had a stinky inside, thats where the ozone comes in, we never answer our door unless we know someone is coming over, and ozium spray is my emergency odor killer if needed but all of my utilities are remote-read so no one I have to worry about has to come inside.

So far I like the Forbid, if you can ever actually like a pesticide/insecticide? haha. Its odorless, easily emulsifies into water, and my 1 treatment so far seems to have really knocked them back?, I still see some around but a 2nd and 3rd treatment should tell the tale, it does have some serious warnings compared to most of the pesticides/insecticides I've used as far as its toxicity to humans, it only recommends you use it 3 times per crop cycle, this statement has me wondering why because I used it the one time at full strength and it did not appear to have any adverse affect on the plants, like wilting, or leaves curling up or leaf burn so I'm curious as to why so few uses?. it does look like it could be used up to the end of flowering, unlike all pesticides/insecticides i've used in the past that will cause premature maturing, this (Forbid) does not look like it would cause that to happen, man I could go on for hours about how much I hate pesticides/insecticides so Ill stop now, F' the Borg.


Horse-toothed Jackass
PGW, is that one plant? Looks like it's been vegging for two months, if it is. You think trimming some of the fans as the buds grow will increase final yield?

Kanye, Dr. G hasnt been around the midwest forum for a while, think he's out west now growing medically...

Max: Thought u meant a torpedo-launched Tomahawk cruise missile when you meant a sub roc, but then I found this on Wikipedia:

"SUBROC could be launched from a 21 inch submarine torpedo tube. After launch, the solid fuel rocket motor fires and SUBROC rises to the surface. The launch angle then changes and SUBROC flies to its destination following a predetermined ballistic trajectory. At a predetermined time in the trajectory, the reentry vehicle (containing the warhead) separates from the solid fuel motor. The warhead, a W55 5 kiloton nuclear depth bomb, drops into the water, sinking rapidly before exploding in proximity to its target. A direct hit was not necessary."

A 5 kiloton underwater explosion would ruin any submariner's day. That's less than Hiroshima/Nagasaki, but in a package small enough to fit on a torpedo.
The Trident missile sub was and is the most powerful war machine ever devised, with its ICBM's that could turn an area the size of Connecticut into a sea of glass half a world away. Thankfully we no longer have a real need for this ability, for now.

Ive not noticed that my other pesticides caused premature maturing. Do you mean trichs turn amber too quickly, or the flowers stop growing too soon?
I did some research on ozone and I think Ill use regular old carbon for odor control; ozone is ok as long as the levels are below a certain amount, which im not sure i could maintain.

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