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midwest growers unite

Uncle Remus


No pens or meters here...Tried em and IMO they are a PIA...I stick to my old school dropper kit :noway: I don't even check my pH when I do res changes each week anymore...I know exactly how much pH down to add for every week at each stage...Just a mid week vheck to find out who's hungry...Another thing simplified

Tents are out of the question...I have two young kids...Enuff said

When i add back nutes I mix up a gallon jug with whatever that week's schedule calls for, same as you would for a res change...Adjust the pH and add back to your res...Why fuck around and try to figure the exact ppm's to add back and how much of this and all that shit?...My way is simple and it works great for me

What kind of notes are you keeping?...I printed nute schedules listing every week of each stage which includes the amout of pH down to add...Saves time and simplifies having to look up shit...I keep track of everything in a monthly reminder/daytimer...Makes it simple when looking anything up, check clone cut dates, when I started flowering what, ect, ect

Once you understand how to "read" your plants by pH, and how fukin SIMPLE it is, your gonna see incredible results...Get the hang of DWC (its very simple) and you'll realize a 10yr old could do it EASILY...Basically 5th grade science stuff

Now, you ARE smarter than a 5th grader...Aren't you :nanana:

BTW: I do apologize to everyone for the constant, and annoying use of the word "simple" in my threads here (spoken in a "Monty Python" like way)


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
baba - i hear ya on those sourdogs, mine are also slow vegging. so far, from my experience they don't stretch too much in flower either. keep us posted on how they turn out!

i have some of the tw x as that is gonna be flipped in the next couple weeks and also a proper lookin purple phreak that i hope is female...


Hope this thread doesn't get to full of pictures..

be safe yall ... new pres new rules be careful what you wish for with the pictures... no troll no homo.. all love n much protection I'm :dueling: enguard aka endguard.

The pictures are very nice btw. didn' wanna forget
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Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
I'm 1 bucket away from maxin' out....

I'm 1 bucket away from maxin' out....

my garden...I just put my bonsai romulan mom that was in soil in a bucket and here are some pix..Hope this helps.:joint:

Here are my nute formulas in an easy push button 2.3 gal. dispensers.

I added about 2.5 cups of my veg nutes in a 5 gal. bucket. Even though this is a permanent flower room I still use my veg nutes in the first 2 1/2 wks. of flower..then i start using my flower nutes. Btw, i dont do res. changes at all, i just add the flower nutes. I also don't know or care bout my ph or ppm's.

In this pix I just added just plain ol' chicago tapwater. I did take the romulan and washed off most of the dirt b/4 it was put in a net cup.

Now all it needs is time to acclimate to it's new enviornment.

Whole set-up as of today....right on schedule.

I gots 15 hydro buckets and a few soil grows in the set-up. I counted my plants and it turns out i have bout 22 plants in there of various strains. My SWC/TRON grows are also doing well, will take pix of them when they really start to bud up.
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Horse-toothed Jackass
UR: I did keep a schedule for a couple months last year, when i first got my EC pen. Everyday wrote down the PH and EC for each tub in an excel spreadsheet. I did it just to figure out if there was any relationship between EC and PH; when PH dropped a lot I there wasn't always a corresponding increase in EC - sometimes EC would stay the same or decrease slightly.

I'd like to think I'm smarter than a 5th grader but if you asked me who our 14th President was I wouldn't be able to tell you. :rasta:

I'm going to start another excel log; it's more work but it's nice to keep track of everything, at least until I get it down pat. Do you use outlook as a dayminder?

DS: My Sourdogs are still seedlings; they're vegging out though, a few are more vigorous than the others. As they get bigger they should grow faster; if a plant grows 10% bigger every day, obviously a bigger plant will grow more than a smaller plant.
Is slow growth an og trait?

DE: I thought Obama would be friendlier to MJ users? Isn't he going to stop the dispensary raids in MMJ states? Maybe tell the DEA to focus only on hard drugs? He's basically the first president who openly admitted to juvenile MJ use...

PC: Wow, you're using empty laundry detergent bottles for your nutes? Doesn't the label say not to reuse those bottles? Seems to be working for you regardless...
Yeah, it takes a plant a few days to recover from the transplant shock of going from soil to hydro. Once they recover and start growing roots in earnest, they'll take off.
I can't believe you just harvested that room in the last month or two. Good turnaround!
How often do you keep your moms before flowering them? You're supposed to be able to keep bonsai moms for years...


Yeah my 2 are like a 3rd of the size of the Hashberry F2s started 24 or 48 hours earlier. They look real nice but small and weak spindly stems on mine. I was planning on taking a picture or two, perhaps tonight after work.


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
speakin' of Obama...

speakin' of Obama...

PC: Wow, you're using empty laundry detergent bottles for your nutes? Doesn't the label say not to reuse those bottles? Seems to be working for you regardless...
Them detergent bottles have been in-service since 2001...just rinse it out very well that's all. Again, I'm being a non-conformist, I just wanted to make my grows easier, just shake and press for the desired amount.
Yeah, it takes a plant a few days to recover from the transplant shock of going from soil to hydro. Once they recover and start growing roots in earnest, they'll take off.
I can't believe you just harvested that room in the last month or two. Good turnaround!
How often do you keep your moms before flowering them? You're supposed to be able to keep bonsai moms for years...
Hell ,i used to just toss them in the trash after i took a few cuttings off them but in the past 2 yrs. i've been putting them in soil in ziplock bags...just recently i've been washing off the soil and putting them in their own buckets.

Here's a garden not too far away from Obama's house in Hyde Park. All in soil, I supplied the cuttings and seedlings. She actually did very well, being that this is her 1st. grow.:joint:
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Chef Dude

new pics of the dudes garden 1/27/09

new pics of the dudes garden 1/27/09

so here i sit at day 35 of 56-65, and i am very happy with the progress of my children and extremely satisfied with my investment in advanced nutrients. this is turning out to be one of my best harvests yet and I am putting the next harvest into flower tomorrow. I will now have 40 plants flowering in my 7x7 grow tent with 1000w on a 4ft mover(best investment yet) and it is going tedious to get around in there but well worth the trouble to harvest once a month. I put some new pictures in my album so be sure to check it out, but heres a few of the prize winners for ya.

Sweet Tooth main cola 35 days

Mental Floss Top nug 35 days

One of my best investments yet by far

Mental baby stretching out first thing in the morning on day 35

Sweet Tooth top nug

My 35 day canopy


Horse-toothed Jackass
Of the 6 sourdogs that popped, 3 are more vigorous than the others. It's been a while since i popped a seed that wasn't a runt, so to me they don't look too slow, but i could be wrong.

PC: I just used my 5 gallon bucket i use for mixing nutes and ph up/down for a bubble bucket run. Figure if you can use old laundry soap jugs for nutes I can use my bucket for a bubble run (there's never any residue in there, and i rinsed it out thoroughly beforehand).
I didnt do too bad for my first time using bubblebags. Pics to follow.
You're like the jedi master of setting up mj gardens. Have clone, will travel.
I hear Obama had crazy security for blocks around his house; like the Secret Service knocked on everyone's door around him to get to know the neighbors.
Now that he's in DC, there's probably a lot less federales around his house.

CD: What kind of tent do you have? Was that light mover hard to install?
That's a nice, even looking canopy.
Are you going to let some strains go longer than others or are you going to harvest them all at the same time?
Which of the two stains do you prefer?

Chef Dude

BABABooey, the tent i got from an ebay store, not sure of the brand but you can see it listed on ebay in gyosupplies ebay store. its 76x 76x76 and well worth the money to have the space, and non toxic relective walls.
the mover was actually easy to install just three screws threw the tent and into the ceiling joists of my basement. i think im going to put 2 600w hps on the mover though for effieciency and more light.

Chef Dude

oh and the canopy is even because of tiering, the ST is on a table and raised about 6 inches off the ground, and yes they finish the same and are the same age.


Horse-toothed Jackass
CD: Those tents seem really cheap! Like 1/4 the cost of a hydrohut. Free shipping too. So cheap I might pick one up for a veg/cloning area... maybe.
So you've had this thing running for over a month and no 'toxic plastic sickness' from the tent material yet? Sure doesnt look like it.
Have a question for you tent growers in general: are you able to hang lights/reflectors from the roof of the hut? I always figured there were some sort of sturdy poles running through the top of the hut that you can hang reflectors and fans off of.
Chefdude were you not able to hang the mover from the hut itself, necessitating drilling through the hut and into your ceiling? My setup right now, that's not really an option, I'm not in a basement...


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
baba - the tent itself is metal poles forming a frame that the tent slips around. there are additional metal poles with clamps on each side that connect onto the top of the frame, therefore resting on it. there is a rated maximum weight, find out a ballpark for your equipment and then start asking different places the specs on their tents. reflectors, lights, fans, carbon scrubbers, etc all adds up. personally i don't mount my scrubbers inside and pull exhaust through, rather i have only ducting coming out the tent and i pull air through to the fan and then push through to my scrubber.

it was an adjustment i made so that i didn't hafta even think about worrying about a collapsed tent.

Chef Dude

my tent came with no such light supports I have always been just on chains to the cieling through the tent until recently when i went to the mover. no the lattice that comes with mine though is only strong enough to support wiring and hosing the fan is hung with twine from the outside frame of the tent. its more just an enclosure than a self sustained grow unit, but its also a lot cheaper and you can do the same things with it. i just went and got some new shelves to do a better job at tiering since today will be the first day of 40 plants in the flower room. I'll be emptying and rearranging the entire room tonight with pics to follow for all you avid readers of the dudes adventures in the cultivation of our sacred herb. I also found the dirt I use today in a 2 cubic foot bag for a dollar cheaper than 2-1 cu ft bags, Bonus, and I have a pretty good relationship with my local hardware store so they cut me a bulk deal on perlite, its good to familiar relationships with a few people in areas that you have to maintain, just dont get too familiar. If they ever get too bold and ask me what im growing I just say that in todays economy it makes sense to grow your own food and save money. or that my wife, which i do not have, is a teacher and growing flowers with her students. im pretty excited to see how crowded its going to be in the flower chamber. I am also going to build an auto watering system in the next few weeks thanks to uncle sam and a hasty return. I have also started a new generation 4 days ago and they are going into dirt tomorrow. but no problems with plant poisoning the interior is just white pvc vynil. I am starting work in about 4 hours 40 min so pics will prolly be after midnight edt.

Chef Dude

glad to have you jack. let us know if we can help

everyone else:
I started a thread in contests forum and i think you should all check it out, I think bababooey might be especially interested in it, who knows maybe me and you can write an article on the subject together it would be an amazing endeavor for our cause.