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Mid-flowering leaf death/yellowing. Please Help.


New member
Hi, this plant is at day 33 of the flowering cycle. Recently all the leaves started bleaching out. A lot of them were pulled off before this but you can see the affected areas from the pics. I'm wondering what could be causing this? The container for a plant this size looks too small but would that possibly be part of the cause? Thanks for your time.



Green is Gold
Something's wrong when you click on the picture's it's not enlarging so it's hard to see. But I think most of these leaf yellowing and spotting problems has to do with the pH of the soil. I know when I was growing without adjusting the pH of my water I was getting all kinds of lockouts and my leaves would yellow and die before their time it seemed. I started pHing my water two grows ago and ever since then I do not have that yellow leaf problem anymore and I'm getting bigger buds. If you are not checking the pH of of your mix AFTER you add the nutes then you are gonna have problems. I don't know if that is what is going on in your case but that is what helped me out.


New member
hi, thank you for your reply:thank you:. that is great advice for anyone who doesn't do it, but the water for this plant was ph adjusted after nutes added. After everything is mixed the water is ph'd up to around 5.5-6. I think a ph imbalance is causing a lockout here, so maybe it was screwed up a few times and this is the result? If so, how can this be corrected to at least sustain what is still attached lol? Maybe use plain ro water for a while? The runoff from the pot was tested and it was around 5.5-6.5 range as well. I fixed the image issue, so now you have a better look.


Green is Gold
Hey yeah the pics are working now, thanks. You said your pH is around 5.5-6? That is too low for soil, that is the range for hydro, so I bet that is what is going on. In soil you want your pH to be over 6...somewhere between 6-7 is good for that medium. To raise the pH you might want to try top dressing a little dolomite lime into your pots, maybe about 2 or 3 tsp per pot and see if that will help bring it up a little. But definitely having your soil below 6 is not good so I'm thinking that's probably the biggest problem right now.


I would not fuck with it you are half way through flowering. I would give a good flush and resume feeding at a higher ph. And yes the too small a container can attribute to this. And also let leaves fall off naturally because they are helping slow done the spread. when you pick off leafs the problem moves on to the next one faster.


New member
Ty for the replies guys. Bob, I think that's great advice about the leaves and something I was thinking about earlier; the leaf may not recover but letting it get "eaten" up till it falls on its own might preserve the more of the others until the problem is fixed.


Green is Gold
Trying to help fix things a little now could make things a lot better for you later. I'd try something over doing nothing cause 30 days is kind of a long time


New member
Hi again, thank you for your advice. That plant improved a lot after a good flush. I think there may be a similar problem happening in the pics attached. It's now day 46 of 63 and I'm wondering what you guys would do with a buds reacting like the ones in the pictures. Would you also flush in this scenario and give regular water for the final two wks? Any input is appreciated:)


New member
no1 wants to bite? 2 ph'd gallons ended up being used. Runoff was still slightly acidic, so I think an acidic soil environment is the main culprit here.


hey bro i cant see closeup of your pics, always the pic editor pops up instead of pic closeup ..