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Microwido's Grow 800w CMH



Day 1.

Here you can see the room layout. 5 Gal buckets, 2 x 400w CMH lights. White Widow strain. Notice I am not using any ventilation for the lights, and they are running fine. Also you can see my homemade ballasts lol.

They are so bright that I need to wear sunglasses when in the room or I immediately get a headache.


-400 w CMH bulbs (advancedtechlighting.com)(Horizontal)
-DIY HPS ballast (htgsupply.com)(Only magnetic and none switchable ballasts work)
-Maxwing Reflector (htgsupply.com)
-Growbright Fan 427cm+ Can 66 filter. (Only buy the best carbon filter, I bought a Goblin and it simply did not filter all of the smell)
-LG LD40E Dehumidifier
-Mylar Blankets, 10 for 15$


1 50lb bag of Miracle grow soil 3 month
2 50bl bags of Advanced grow 9 month
1 25lb bag of sand
2 25lb bags of perlite

(can find that all at walmart)

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Day 8

She is looking pretty healthy and large for 8 days from sprout.


I started them in peat pellets, but yeah I prefer to transplant them as little as possible. I figure the more stress early in the plants life often determines the sex, so having 0 transplants is optimal. I even cut the netting off of the pellets so the roots don't get strangled.


Looking very nice thus far! Going to have my eye on this one in the near future.

I too have to wear sunglasses when I peek in my closet for a visit, the light is a bit overbearing on my retinas.


Very nice, ur setup is making more of a beliver in the CMH lights, which i will now go and buy.



Sleeping Dragon
Micro Looking Good. !!!
id add white poly to the floor
i like how you reused emergency blankets Cheap source for mylar.. although i recommended white poly all the way around..
whats your inside temps and outside temps vs hps if you did hps ever..IE how cool vs hps


Day 29

Day 29

1 month from start. Worth noting is I just realized these are leap year babies! I added a carbon scrubber + 400cfm fan and a dehumidifer.

White Widow

Unknown bag seeds, 2 in middle white widow.

Color is off, but picture of Elanor.
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Day 31 Sex day

Day 31 Sex day

Today we have preflower pics... Yeah! So far only 1 is for sure male, and atleast 9 are for sure female :rasta: . Also, the tallest plant is 3 feet tall. I am going to shoot for 5 feet before switching to 12/12.

This is the only male preflower

These are both female preflowers

And here is a good side picture

And the main room
