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Micro SOG results


CFL, airpots, coco and local soil, shultz orchid plant food. 5x42w spiral CFLs three 2700k two 6500k same dimensions as DrBud's cabs. Genetics are Sativa Spirit x AK47. all plants are from seed at this point, still working through some things. (and a handful of issues through the process, lots of room for improvement)

I have a medical friend(stubborn old man) ha, these pics are a month or two old now, but i finally got him to let me steal some. His nervous system is breaking down so i help him when he can't do things himself. (which :D ends up being often..)

Anywho, here are pics, averaging 15gs a plant, but there are a lot of issues to iron out.

if anyone has any questions, i know most of the scenario, but the likelihood of more pics is slim.(i know, no close up bud shots) :/


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Well-known member
well eather way they look great as ever. I would love to have buds that nice now.
but I will have em in d future. :D

well good luck.


right specifics. 16-20oz pots, 40% coco and the rest soil, amended with fired clay floor dry, fertilizer is per manufacturer until the last month. 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water, quantity is doubled last month. fed every watering. then, just depending on various things, usually just top fed/poured, but sometimes put in a container and bottom fed. cabs are 23"x14"x28".

issues being high PH from content of tap water. and him not being liberal enough with whatever he was using to bring PH down(water seems to have a high buffering ability). However, and for various reasons, switching to BMO organic teas, and hopefully that helps the PH issue as well.


congrats man looks nice! laughing at the second pic. ( it appears that your micro plant is as tall as the ceiling) hahah


Hi... So on the buds that are bent over, did you bend then till them break and they continue to grow and bud?


Excellent, thanks for also posting details of cab size and pot size.
Only thing I don't see is how many plants in the cab at a time? Maybe I missed that.

I'm building a micro-sog cab atm, aiming for 1/2oz per plant with a little more soil and a little less height, so seeing your numbers is a good confidence boost that I might get there.


Active member
Excellent, thanks for also posting details of cab size and pot size.
Only thing I don't see is how many plants in the cab at a time? Maybe I missed that.

I'm building a micro-sog cab atm, aiming for 1/2oz per plant with a little more soil and a little less height, so seeing your numbers is a good confidence boost that I might get there.

High man, this thread is a few months old so if you want to learn how to micro-SOG I suggest you do a search for DrBudGreengenes, i'm pretty sure the spelling is right, anyway, if you study his work and the work of some who post in his threads (not the haters) you will soon be growing more bud than you can smoke.

Peace, and stay safe, SOG


Sorcerer's Apprentice

That one's a keeper :) Clone her and figure out the sweet spot and you won't have to bend her in half in the future.

Looking like the beginning of something beautiful, homie!

This thread be dead.


goin vertical

goin vertical

:D this thread doesn't have to be dead, i just.. involve myself in life often, so, i come and go through the interweds. THAT SAID, updates.. man has a lot happened since then. after lots of troubles and what not i decided i should have had the bugs worked out, and, start my own cab(still more issues...)

Only thing I don't see is how many plants in the cab at a time? Maybe I missed that.
i have yet to fill up my cab completely, but, pics here pots were within inches of each other.

Hi... So on the buds that are bent over, did you bend then till them break and they continue to grow and bud?
i just bent them over and held them down with zip-ties/cable ties

wow awsome.just the shultze and nothing else???no ph'ing???if sooo awsome!peace
I did PH my water, which is hell, but, figured it out. at 8.5 around 200ppm, 1 1/2 teaspoons of citric acid, brings er down to 4ish, then bounces back up to 6.5-7 and stays!(at least before i used up all the water/mix). Of which, i have issues with PH(because my tap water is evil), and, i don't want to buy a nice meter, but when my meter was working well, everything was swell. until i was attacked by the white death.. mmm

yep, got that height thing down to, :D and i like going from seed, as i have seeds from this sativa spirit x ak47 coming out my ears and i get sssooo many varieties, its wwaayy to fun. However, i'm messing around with an organic run, so, everything will change again xD. but, 3 nodes set me right, all plants, nothing to do with plant height, of which i like to start them out in the tiny dixie cups, keeps them miniature and really develops a nice root ball.

more pics(these are with the same regiment, only the lights were 6 36w vertical PLLs).


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DrBud i think i've caught up to you

DrBud i think i've caught up to you

as stated i had some issues and the guy i was helping shut down for a minute.. and then there were my own issues, so, its been a minute. um.. unbelievably i forgot when stretch stopped in flower... so i was trying to look that up, and, stumbling through DrBud's thread, and looking at that plant he constantly posts, i'm pretty sure my most recent here stacks up pretty fairly. :) heck yeah.

(granted, i'm messing around with an amended organic this round, so, we'll see how it turns out)

anyways.. about random posts.
Nice! keep it up! I have a extreme micro cfl, solo girl bout the size of yours, 9 days into 12/12. my my states not a supporter so pics will prob never be posted:cry:. Wow the doc :pimp3: haven't seen a post by him in ages! guys prob half the insperation of my micro.


DrBud, Anti, thank you guys for the support, tis awesome. When i get around to it i'll get some shots of the current setup in cab. and... just to humble myself i'll shoot the best of the midgets this round.. xD


mini me

mini me

probably a lot of reasons why this bunch turned out like they did, but, grow and learn right? :)

aannyywho, for some reason my PL-Ls are getting really hot.. so, i i'll ether have to figure something out different to shield them, or, i might just get motivated and change my lighting set up again, we'll see(most likely it will be the former)

here is one of the midgets.


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Active member
Hi there Wav3F0rm

Very nice plants there m8, nice to see others inspired by Dr. Bud Greengenes style of growing.

I too am a micro grower ( totally organic ) and grow in similar style to the Dr. bud, although I only have about 18" ( 450mm ) of grow height to work with. Most will grow to about the right height but like you if they get a little out of hand, just squash the stems and bend them over and they keep on going.

Keep up the great work, and to all the Na sayers, yes you can produce quality buds under CFL etc in a micro enviroment.

Cheers Johhny:gday:


Active member
so you're still going 12/12 seed on these grows?

ive ran DrBud in the past and ended up doing a fair amount of 12/12 from seed because of cloning issues.......theres a big diff between running micro-sog from clone rather 12/12. whilst the seed plants usually yield more, they have that seed vigor that makes them want to grow mucho....especially the laterals, let alone the height. im in a position currently where i cant run clones so it'll be from seed only.....

also you CAN run organic this way fairly easy. fish emulsion(w/ seaweed), molasses(prepped), raw milk work as a base feed....then spplmnt with organic concentrates if needed.....earth juice meta-k or bloom if ya need the extra P-K

ladies always turned out great.

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