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micro hydro?



ive been searching the net all night, literally..... but i have not yet found anything similar to what i want to do. any ideas on how to find out if i can grow 16 plants in 15x15x2.75 space?
whats the trick to growing in a small space and not getting root bound and stuff?


You dont think your proposed setup is similar to the one i posted?

16 openings in a manifold is going to require a good deal of pressure to make sure ALL openings emit water.

The only real problem with my setup is i would prefer a 1:2 ratio for substrate:reservoir. Those botanicare containers hold close to 1Gal, so that ratio is jacked when there are 6 containers. It just means you have to be on top of that reservoirs maintenance. Keep it full and test it often, and an EC meter is probably a necessity so you can monitor the Δ.


it is similar in many ways, however what im looking for here is some kind of proven assurance that such a shallow tray will support all those plants.

and ill be driving the water throught the manifold with a 290 gallon per hour pump. i plan on installing a ball valve in the line so i can dial down the pressure if need be.

i may need to install more or bigger drains...... and i need to figure out how to use this digital timer so i can accurately time out the floods, without flooding my cab lol


I grow in an DIY acrylic 20x20 lp aero box. It could easily be made smaller, but are you sure you want 16 plants @ 15x15? It's not like growing in beer cups, they explode in hydro you know.
If you fit the rez outside the cab it wouldn't take up much space.


the res will be "outside" the cab. im lifting it up and making a res space underneath.

and the 16 plants for 15x15 was just what my manifold left me with open spaces. im up for discussion on actual number of plants in the system.

im just growing for me and my woman, not lookin for lbs of pot here, just enough to get us what we need ya know?


Dang, you've gone and bought your gear. Hempy in a half gallon pot would be perfect in that space. Bag of perlite, bag of vermiculite, pH kit, tub of Maxi Bloom and maybe cal-mag. That's it.


i looked into hempy awhile ago when i first started my soil grow. i looked into it again when i started to plan this cabinet.... but at the same time i was very interested in hydroponics.

im more than aware that even with all the good ideas ive copied from others, this is still a rather unique grow ive got goin on. but thats what i want.

obviously im looking to harvest some tasty buds, but my favorate part of growing myself is that im creating something that is my own. ill gain knowledge and experiance in this and maybe others will too when i post my build thread

the plants are only going to be about 20 inches high a piece, how much room can the roots really take up?