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Micro DWC Ideas and ?'s

sub dermal

ok, a few suggestions from personal experience with tiny container (sour cream, the smaller one).

i went medium-less. cut a 3" hole in the lid, used a pool noodle disc instead of a neoprene one. space was an issue, and i had more grow space by doing that.

the roots will grow in DWC fierce. it displaces a lot of the solution, so it makes increased space in the container important. the rwdc nature mitigates this. i tried both, i liked the simplicity of non rwdc and regular root trimming in the middle. if it got too solid, then the middle suffered because there was no water circulation.

my rwdc method used a rubbermaid tub, but i'd use a 5gal bucket were i to do it again.

perforated lid, containers on top. notches cut into the rim of the container (overflow), and just pumped water into them all, it poured out of the notches, waterfalled into the res. didn't need airstones. the agitation of a airstone in a small space kinda kept roots form developing there above the stones, which kept more space for nutrient flow. i lost this advantage with only rdwc. i had to trim more.

uhm, maybe i can find a picture, but it's not really more descriptive than this overlong description.

it was a single 13watt cfl in a speaker, 6" woofer bookshelf. fun.

for a very similar grow, but mediumless

for a very similar grow, but mediumless




note: do not recommend holding seedlings with scissors.


man, getting that hole perfect is a total bi-otch....ive gone through 10 cups and all of them leaked. (I'm using a drill so the hole is actually VERY hard to make, at the end when it penetrates the cup the drill usually tears the plastic).

I'm considering using a soldering iron, since I don't have one of those fancy auger type jiggers you used


update: even my soldering iron makes an oval shaped hole!

So I drilled very slowly and made what I thought was a perfect hole...the hose was snug. Then after 10 minutes I saw a droplet forming ::facepalm::

I'm going to the hobby store this weekend to buy a body reamer. Diesel N Blood, with your body reamer, have you seen any leaks yet?


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
i would imagine it takes some kind of sealant, silicone or something.