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Micro CMH Users


Active member
Is anyone else using ceramic metal halide for their micro grow?

I just hooked up a 100w cmh bulb in my micro ngb cab and am looking to discuss benefits and drawbacks to this style of lighting in small applications.

I know about the cmh thread but I am looking for info more geared to micro grows.

Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH) - http://icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=72215


I decided to go with CFL' s for my micro because it made sense for me. Here were my reasons:

TEMP CONTROL- which plays into ....
( I only use a 20 watt super QUIET to cool my cab of 263w)

Also: If I hadn't seen what people like Thundurkel, Dr. Bud, and Blynx can do with CFL's, I probably would of done something different.

I just started my first indoor, so not an expert, but I have spent hours and hours and hours researching cabs/microgrows before doing my setup. All depends on your goals. I hope my two cents is worth a penny.


u used to think cfl would be much cooler then hps lights but my current hundred watts of cfls are actually as hot as my 150 hps or atleast very close-
u used to think cfl would be much cooler then hps lights but my current hundred watts of cfls are actually as hot as my 150 hps or atleast very close-

Yeah, I dug and dug for an answer on that but everything I found led me to believe that cfls are actually hotter watt for watt than HID.

Huggie bear

Active member
I run a 100 Watt CMH in my mini-fridge and love it. Heat is not an issue I never crown 77.
I do have to stay about 5 inches from the bulb or she will brown up on me.
After running both HO-T5's and HPS I can say I will not run anything else as CMH are just so much easier No bulb switching and the heat is nothing from them.
My plants are just about 5 weeks in to flowering and so much denser then when I ran the HPS.
I give them 2 thumbs up.



I'm interested in learning more about CMH but am not about to read a 200+ page thread. Any good shorter ones around? haha.
I started out by going to the large thread, scrolling to the end, and reading the final 20 or so pages. Then I read the prior 20 pages, etc. The assumption being that more of the current posts would be from users more experienced with CMH than early on in the thread. However there is also some good general info on the first few pages of the large thread as well. And you can skip around to areas of interest via the search function. Works for me.

I've been reading about CMH sporadically for a few months. Now after seeing reports of successful CMH micro runs, I'm getting interested in CMH again ...


Active member
Just had a couple new sprouts pop up under my 100w CMH. I planted two lowryders and a femenized seed I want to make a mother with. I will be adding a couple more lowryders a week as space permits. I will update this thread along the grow if there is interest.

Huggie bear

Active member
I started out by going to the large thread, scrolling to the end, and reading the final 20 or so pages. Then I read the prior 20 pages, etc. The assumption being that more of the current posts would be from users more experienced with CMH than early on in the thread. However there is also some good general info on the first few pages of the large thread as well. And you can skip around to areas of interest via the search function. Works for me.

I've been reading about CMH sporadically for a few months. Now after seeing reports of successful CMH micro runs, I'm getting interested in CMH again ...

I love mine and will be upgrading to a 250 watt CMH when I get my new micro-grow tent for sure. Temps are next to nothing.
check my thread you can see how small my fridge is and I have my Cn turned down to the slowest speed possible and still doesnt break 77!


Active member
hey grouchy if you could state some more direct questions i may can help you :)

I do not have any specific ?'s. Just looking for discussion among micro users about CMH. I would like for this to be a place to discuss and share experiences with CMH bulbs in smaller setups. If you are using one show us how and what you like about it.

If you are looking to bring the drama over from the other thread I am going to ask you to refrain. Likewise I do not want this thread to end up being a huge advertisement.

I will provide pics and my opinions of what I think of my 100w CMH as I use it and look forward to hearing from others.


Active member
Is there a spectral distribution chart that shows below 400nm and above 700nm?

I am not sure. The place I bought my bulb from had the above chart and I have not seen any others floating around.

The thing that I find the most interesting is that you can use the same bulb for vegging and flowering. No need to switch out ballasts and bulbs halfway through the grow. This could be of benefit to someone who is planning something micro like a pc.

I would love to see someone try a 70w CMH in a pc tower.

It has been said in the other thread that plants under a CMH will veg faster than under a Metal Halide. This could benefit growers using the same place to veg and flower by speeding up the entire cycle. This could also help autoflower growers who have a short veg time (3 weeks) to work with.


I love mine and will be upgrading to a 250 watt CMH when I get my new micro-grow tent for sure. Temps are next to nothing.
check my thread you can see how small my fridge is and I have my Cn turned down to the slowest speed possible and still doesnt break 77!
The fridge run looks great! I would expect higher yields from CMH than fluorescent in the same wattage range. Is that what you have been seeing? That is terrific news about the CMH temps. Happy growing!


Nice thread grouchy.

CMH looks very promising, but my question is, would you still benefit from supplemental HPS lighting during flower?