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Micro Adventures with Mr. Sparkle


Mr. Sparkle

I sifted through all the seeds today getting rid of the potential duds "Seeds that easily crush between your fingers" and i have to say my initial estimate of around 200 seeds was a bit off, In total were looking at just over 600+ seeds with a bit over 550 Dark Devil seeds and another 50 seeds of a C99xDark Devil cross, and a small vial of pollen.

So were well stocked for the future, also started 6 AK48 seeds like i was planning, and upgraded the sensor in Bogan, with the new programming as well.

Mr. Sparkle

At 9 weeks this Think Different is done, the other one needs a couple more days.


Mr. Sparkle

Thanks for stopping by seeded.

Doing my weekly update a bit early as its now the winter season.


Bogan: harvested the one Think Different today and the other will be short, So here we just have 6 Nirvana - AK48's on the right, and one dark devil, and the mothers coming back from there harsh trim, and the one Blueberry starting to Re veg, after the AK-48's go to the other cab we will be starting some Seeds from this last auto run and will be running bigger containers, just to change things up and see what we can get yield wise out of this case.


The Think Different that isn't quite done yet, i'll most likely be chopping it Monday


Ashla: The C99's are now starting to smell, if you bump them you get a waft of citrus fruity smell, pretty much have my conclusions on the couple test i was doing with them, topping, pruning, and root size starts at flower. Also the critical Kush is getting close to done, The Purple Kush still needs some time, but i may have mixed them up at start as the Labeled Critical Kush is throwing out some purple colors, and the labeled Purple Kush is not, so im gonna have to hunt some pictures of both in other peoples grows to see which one matches what.


Here's the trifoliate that's just trying to be a bush, the other FJM has some trifolaite like mutations as well


Changes: I'm gonna change the programming of both boxes now to incorporate a 3 sec and 2 sec watering time for Bogan and Ashla respectively when they were at 11 sec and 9 sec, the difference is due to Ashla having more water column pressure on the valve, with that change though i'm gonna reduce the time between soil sensor checks to every Hr compare to every 4 Hrs it was doing before

Just to show here is the section of code for the arduino that i change to reflect those changes.

const long ssint = 3600000; // interval in milliseconds at which to check soil moisture sensor
const int senset = 740; // Setpoint for soil sensor between 0 wet - 1024 dry
const long valint = 3000; // interval in milliseconds at which to turn on and off water valve after moisture sensor is checked


Killing it as per usual. Your fabric pots, and the success I am having with a one gallon smart pot, I will be experimenting with making my own ~1L pots. Maybe 2L. I should have an actual thread up soon!

Mr. Sparkle

Thanks Tbonegrower i'll be watch when that thread comes up.

Doams the Think Different was a Feminized-Auto, haven't sampled any yet as its still hang drying till i can throw it in a jar for a cure, but the previous one i did a month or so back was decent, no really complaint compared to a lot of photo period plants that I've run, but i only sampled it like twice though so i cant give a full detailed opinion on it, other than it wasn't really my cup of tea, effect and flavor wise that is. But auto's are definitely worth checking out, i was quite impressed with the Dark Devils.

I'll try giving a review once this one is cured.

Also popped open Bogan today and it looks like we have a hitchhiker in one of the AK48 pots, definitely a Dark Devil x something cross, so it now has its own pot, had to of fallen off another plant to get there.


Mr. Sparkle

LOL, sneaky little hitchhiker!

She definitely is.

So filled up the reservoirs today which it takes roughly 2 weeks to go through 8 Liters and they can hold a bit over 12 so now that i've actually documented how long it takes to go through how much i can more or less leave them unattended for 2.5+ weeks if needed which is nice.

Also sampled some of the Dutch Passion - Blueberry today, i will not be keeping it around, flavor was good, smell was a bit odorous not in a way id prefer, was also quite sticky and potent, but it had a definite stoned narcotic effect which is something i'm not a big fan of, i was off in la la land for awhile and got sucked into a old music video worm hole on youtube for awhile, oh also got around 12 g off the 4 small plants, which is a bit low but again i'm growing to find keepers not for yield at the moment.

As stated i also chopped the last Think Different today, this one over powered my old carbon filter and caused the room the box is in to be a bit musky if you know what i mean, the carbon had also settled a bit in movements recently and there was a slight air gap too which didn't help, but i replaced the old carbon with new carbon anyways, which was way over due at like 7+ months or so of use. She is gonna yield decently, but hasn't impressed me with her smell or structure so i may sample her once or twice just to confirm, but time to move on.


Mr. Sparkle

^^^ That is a beautiful plant!^^^

Thanks Private Cultivat

Weekly update

Bogan the programs has been changed to how i talked about it in the last post and seem to be running stable, the AK48's on the right are getting bigger, The Bahia Blackheads are just starting to pop from the soil as i threw them in yesterday, and the mystery Dark Devil crossing is slowly moving along, probably would be better if we didn't move it, but we did. All the mothers got a harsh trim back again, and took two clones from the re-vegged cherry bomb, which if and when they root one will become a new mother, but i let the C99 and Lemon Kush go a tad to long if i wanted nice clones but seeings how we don't need any yet were good for the next while with chopping back the mothers and leaving only a couple shoots per plant every time we do. Oh and that green seed Dark Devil is coming along.


Ashla: Still need to change the programming for it for the new watering regime, also now that I've run through the one fertilizer somewhat, i switched back to MicroBloom for the next two months or so, and running at around 800ppm on my 0.5 meter so 1.6EC, i can say the new bluer lights are definitely helping in comparison to the old ones.

So whether its the cold weather or a slight lockout issue at a previous point, the C99's and Purple Kush are coloring up, the C99 if you bump them throws out a lot of citrus odor, Also the Critical Kush and Purple Kush some how go mixed up in the beginning as they are definitely opposite of how there labeled at the moment, the Critical Kush i do not like, the Purple Kush though has a nice earthy coffee smell to it, and is almost done. As for the FJM's there straight up mutants, still yet to be determined sex wise, but the trifoliate one is quite possibly female but may or may not have the starting of a pollen sac or two, its a tad too early to really tell at the moment, there probably gonna get the chop anyways once those AK48's are ready to be moved over, as the mutant gene's aren't something i want to carry forward unless they redeem themselves, but even still.

As for harvest Results as i said id start tracking weights, the two Think Different's, the first one chopped came in at 8.6g all bud no stems, and the last one above came in at 9.4g and i plucked 17 large fully ripe stray seeds from it as well, only got a couple off the other plant which is the one i liked better growing wise, but we will see how they both smoke and ill probably run a seed or two of the crossing in the future.



I hear you on the blueberry. Had a clone of it, and it is good medicinally but not for someone looking to stay clear headed and un-couchlocked.

The think different looks like an interesting cross. Did that take on a little bit of the dark devil pollen?

What type of stone do you usually go for?


Those grow boxes you have are awesome @Mr.Sparkle very discreet. And your growing some nice bud in there as well.

Mr. Sparkle

I hear you on the blueberry. Had a clone of it, and it is good medicinally but not for someone looking to stay clear headed and un-couchlocked.

The think different looks like an interesting cross. Did that take on a little bit of the dark devil pollen?

What type of stone do you usually go for?

Yes it took on some dark devil pollen, as for highs i like either energetic clearheaded up types, or also introspective, functional productive ones, im not a fan of the narcotic couchlock mind benders, as usually im like damn where the heck did my last couple hrs go too, and you know you pretty much did nothing at all, or fell into youtube rabbit hole..

sounds like bb was a keeper :D

To some yeah probably was as it seemed decent enough, just wasn't for my tastes.

Those grow boxes you have are awesome @Mr.Sparkle very discreet. And your growing some nice bud in there as well.

Thanks for stopping by Jaype
Trying to get a friend of opiates (severe crohn) cant even count the operations he had, and its getting to him; both are destroying his body but weed works and that kind of strains should be shared, damn stigma...

Mr. Sparkle

Trying to get a friend of opiates (severe crohn) cant even count the operations he had, and its getting to him; both are destroying his body but weed works and that kind of strains should be shared, damn stigma...

Hey your doing what you can, the stigma is changing that's forsure, but there is still alot of doors to break down till the general perception is changed, this culture also doesn't do itself a lot of favors when the majority of stuff you see or hear about is the brain smashing narcotic like stuff, and not the stuff that actually helps people whether with their body or their minds which is actually the stuff that needs to be shared and experienced, but we all do our part sometimes little in that change for that, you helping your friend out is perfect example of it, whether its with helping him directly or passing on the knowledge and experience that you have acquired to help him be self sufficent, it in the end makes it all better.

Speaking of which if you think that strain would help him Dutch Passion does have an auto version of it, even though i haven't tried it directly, but for new growers you cant argue against autos anymore at really 10 weeks with a simple light and a timer and a bit of observation and a bag of good potting soil and he could get a reasonable amount for some of his needs.

Damn, I really love your setup and pictures. Keep going man!

Thanks for stopping by.

From that Que, my Purple Kush is pretty much done, not the best photo but it was already chopped and drying before i looked at the photos to see if i had any good ones. So far i like this one, and the base got thrown back into the other box fro re vegging, but in order to make room i plucked the mystery Dark Devil, it was struggling after the move, most likely due to some damage sustained, so out it came, as we have plenty off seeds. Also threw the flowering dark devil over into Ashla just to see how it would grow under 12/12, i know it will yield less but i just want to see for comparison purposes.
