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Michigan State Police Seizes 7,000 Marijuana Plants in Lenawee County


ICMag Donor

"MANITOU. Troopers from the Michigan State Police (MSP) Office of Monroe Narcotics Investigations (OMNI) III of Lenawee and Hillsdale counties seized approximately 7,000 marijuana plants, with an estimated street value of about $7,000,000, from a home in Rome Township on Monday, June 6.

A press conference is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. today at the MSP Adrian Post located at 2222 North Adrian Highway, Adrian, Mich., 49221. Media will be able to view the marijuana plants seized.

The plants were seizures from a full-size greenhouse, barn and several fields. The plants were in various stages of growth from seedlings to mature plants ready for harvest. Several more fields were located that were being prepared for additional growing plots. Entrance to the property was fortified with a locked gate.

OMNI III investigators received a tip of a marijuana grow from a Lenawee County Sheriff's Office detective. Further information led to a search warrant, approved by the Lenawee County Prosecutor's Office for the residence, buildings and outlying property. During the search, the team located the 7,000 marijuana plants and evidence of an extensive grow operation. Also seized were numerous grow lights, watering system and ventilation equipment that supported this extensive grow operation. In addition, approximately 25 pounds of processed marijuana, $2,500 in cash and several handguns were also seized at the scene.

Two suspects (husband and wife) in their 60s have been arrested. They are being charged with manufacturing marijuana, which is a 14-year felony under state law. Their names will be released upon arraignment.

Participating in the search were officers from the OMNI III Task Force, Adrian Post, Raisin Township Police Department, Adrian City Police Department and Jackson Narcotics Enforcement Team (JNET).

OMNI III is a multijurisdictional task force team made up of officers from the MSP, Lenawee County Sheriff's Office, Raisin Township Police Department and Adrian City Police Department."

Hopefully no one we knew...stay safe!



just don't molest my colas..
ouch, thats a big one. pretty ballsy though. i don't know why anyone would have an operation at a single spot with that many plants, i don't care how many fields and greenhouses and indoor rooms they're filling. no single operation needs those kind of numbers. i wish this couple well. but they're about to get federally fucked.


Active member
people who go that high in plant count bring it on themselves, this is why Shutte and Snyder wanna crack down on the law. its always a few idiots that ruin for us all.

either way i hope they dont go down for too long.


ouch, thats a big one. pretty ballsy though. i don't know why anyone would have an operation at a single spot with that many plants, i don't care how many fields and greenhouses and indoor rooms they're filling. no single operation needs those kind of numbers. i wish this couple well. but they're about to get federally fucked.

agreed and well said just plain ole dumb


I love my life
people who go that high in plant count bring it on themselves, this is why Shutte and Snyder wanna crack down on the law. its always a few idiots that ruin for us all.

either way i hope they dont go down for too long.

Disagree, what people do on their own land with flowers doesn't ruin anything for me.

Now those ass clowns that are cooking meth, blowing up houses, and polluting the land and bodies of their neighbors are ruining the country side, but the fuck pigs are too busy arresting grand parents to worry about meth heads.



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Just a weee bit over 100 plants....but props to granny and gramps running 7k of plants.....dyamn 65-70 keeps me pretty busy.


Active member
Disagree, what people do on their own land with flowers doesn't ruin anything for me.

Now those ass clowns that are cooking meth, blowing up houses, and polluting the land and bodies of their neighbors are ruining the country side, but the fuck pigs are too busy arresting grand parents to worry about meth heads.


dont get me wrong i dont think what they did was wrong, but when we have a law that lets us grow a certain amount cant we stay within that limit.

i mean if him and his wife are both patients and caregivers with 5 patients apiece they could grow 144 plants, last time i checked 144 outdoor plants should easily net 144 #'s. and at 32 all day thats a cool 450k.

either way this guy was way out of bounds and makes the law abiding growers look really bad.

the laws are going to change and hopefully they will use colorado as a model, which seems likely. im hedging my bets staying under the radar stacking chips and when i can open a nice big legal grow and store i will be ready to do so...

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Smfh....greed. In a perfect world 7K plants would be great. It's not a perfect world. Bad press. Don't like that in Michigan. Not now, not with our Republican Dickface Asshole Worthless Governor. I don't know how they would think for a second they wouldn't get caught....that's the part that just seems insane.


Disagree, what people do on their own land with flowers doesn't ruin anything for me.

Now those ass clowns that are cooking meth, blowing up houses, and polluting the land and bodies of their neighbors are ruining the country side, but the fuck pigs are too busy arresting grand parents to worry about meth heads.


Couldn't agree more, Hydrosun.

Who cares if they were growing 20k plants? It's their land, their time, and their life.


Active member
Couldn't agree more, Hydrosun.

Who cares if they were growing 20k plants? It's their land, their time, and their life.

In a perfect world, yes. However, our world is far from perfect and the fact remains that it is illegal to grow even a single plant let alone 7000. Even if they were licensed med growers, 7000 is way over the top. Caution is the name of the game in staying safe, here. Instead of being cautious, they were careless. Hell, they had entire fields of pot growing on the same property they lived on for fucks sake. Huge no-no. There's no way they could possibly hide that or plead ignorance of it being grown on their property, especially since they had it growing in their house and greenhouse, too.

It sucks that they got busted and I think anybody should be allowed to grow whatever they want on their own property but this simply isn't the case as things sit right now. Maybe one day, though.:comfort:


I love my life
Smfh....greed. In a perfect world 7K plants would be great. It's not a perfect world. Bad press. Don't like that in Michigan. Not now, not with our Republican Dickface Asshole Worthless Governor. I don't know how they would think for a second they wouldn't get caught....that's the part that just seems insane.

Bad press is the MI politicians. This couple are in their 60's. MI just convicted a 70 year old who's husband died of a heart attack during the trial.

All prosecutions of cannabis just helps the meth heads do their thing and that is what the government wants anyway, not free thinking grand parents.

My bet is those 60 year old grand parents NEVER had the police by their place in SEVERAL decades, so they assumed they were free to do what they want on their land. Why the hell would pigs mess with a farm owned by grand parents, because meth heads run faster ;)



ICMag Donor
Could have been making seeds using proper selections...you never know. In which case I would applaud their numbers...

hate folks saying it serves them right. No one should be incarcerated because of this plant....regardless the numbers or value of it for that matter...


stickey fingers

Could have been making seeds using proper selections...you never know. In which case I would applaud their numbers...

hate folks saying it serves them right. No one should be incarcerated because of this plant....regardless the numbers or value of it for that matter...

i agree 110%


Invertebrata Inebriata
7000 plants and only $2500 in cash in the house? Can you say 'secret bank account'?
"Manufacturing marijuana"- what, by giving it light and water?
Anyway, they get the big balls award.


Active member
Could have been making seeds using proper selections...you never know. In which case I would applaud their numbers...

hate folks saying it serves them right. No one should be incarcerated because of this plant....regardless the numbers or value of it for that matter...


Even if they were growing to produce seeds for some kind of bio-diesel experiment to learn the potential of cannabis seeds to offset our dependence on petroleum, it doesn't matter in the eyes of the law. The facts are they were producing a controlled product (presumably without permit) and in great number. These folks were careless and, it seems, fell victim to their own ignorance.

I look forward to the day when a person could grow whatever they wanted on their own property without reprisal. That day is slowly dawning on the horizon, but that sun can only crest if the people will it to! It's not enough to wish for it or simply want it to happen, we must make it happen with our own two hands! I encourage everyone to contact their congressmen and let their desire for legalization be known! Even if they blow you off, it does no harm to make a phone call or send an e-mail.


ICMag Donor
The law makes them a criminal...not their actions.

Their actions are an exercise of free will within the confines of their own home...

Do I agree that if they wanted to live harmoniously inside the confines of this society that they behaved and acted, not with ignorance, but with indifference, yes. Are they outside the confines of the law, certainly. Are they criminals...well, that is how the law of this land will define them...I however, will not recognize or deem them as such.

And maybe because there was only $2500k....that doesn't mean there is a secret bank account...wow. It means you have no proof these folks were getting rich doing what they were doing.

I think it is funny how some members of this site are happy go lucky and super "about the movement"...until someone does it bigger and badder than they could ever have a wet dream about doing it themselves...and then we have all kinds of labels and accusations to toss about like WE KNOW something simply because we also happen to grow the same plant...

Not everyone who wants 10,000 plants wants $1,000,000 at the end of the day. IF that was the case, this plant would have died off long ago...some folks do it simply for the ecstasy of freedom and choice and free will...

Not to mention, this probably isn't their first rodeo...

why do you think they ran 7,000 plants? Think they were clones or a buncha autos lol?

one huge harvest this year so they could retire?


I applaud them. BALLS TO THE WALL!!!!! These people are the true groundbreakers, the real marijuana martyrs!!!! They are true AMERICAN PATRIOTS, doing what they have aGOD given right to do. HE made the plant, and some of us feel that we have a right to grow what He created. They were not funding terrorism, there were no weapons found, and they didn't get violent during their arrest. they are what America needs to see as the new face of marijuana. And, considering all the cuts to social secirity, and medicare, maybe they were doing this so that they didn't have to be a burden to their children with alot of elder care expenses. True American patriots!!!! Thinking outside the box, and making it happen. I now have 2 new heroes!!!!