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Michigan Newbie


New member
I guess some people have a problem actually reading and comprehending a post.

Nowhere did I say that you shouldn't be compensated for all your hard work and efforts as a caregiver. But looking forward to make a fortune off MMJ patients is another story all together.... isn't it?

Lets keep things in perspective here. Maybe actually read someones post more than once before you jump to conclusions.

you said
I'm a careegiver in Michigan....and my intent is to help....not make a fortune.

No one asked your intent, why did you thread jack him with your intent when no one cares or asked you? That implied that him "making a fortune" is bad and you intending to help people is good. i believe i comprehended your statement just fine, did you?


New member
that was your response to him just saying hi I'm here to learn i decided to be a caregiver and economy is messed up so i decided to make a fortune on the side. Either he would have to be completely idiotic and really believes a fortune is legally possible, you took him a little too literal OR the most plausible you know he meant he was looking to supplement his income by turning a profit being a CG and you turned your nose up and said....

I'm a careegiver in Michigan....and my intent is to help....not make a fortune.


damn every time i go to a MI site or thread it seems to be taken over by some over righteous asshole who wants to tell everyone to bust their ass and make no money. its sad becasue it makes me not even go to the MI sites and more and more i see these complaining parasites have leaked onto the mainstream forms with their propaganda.

No one asked your intent, why did you thread jack him with your intent when no one cares or asked you? That implied that him "making a fortune" is bad and you intending to help people is good. i believe i comprehended your statement just fine, did you?

I stand corrected. You are such an intelligent perceptive person. With good manners on top of that. It was me that said a CG should make no money wasn't it? I stupidly said that "I'm not in it to make a fortune".

Silly me.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
i'm glad to see i'm not alone! i'm just really sick of these complaining ass patients they get on my last damn nerve. this alone makes me screen patients. the second i start to hear them ask me for a lower price knowing the effort i put in and the great price I'm giving them compared to street and other medical states i just end the conversation. there are way more patients out there then there are caregivers with my genetics, knowledge and investment so keeping 5 is not hard.

all ive found was a bunch of whiney people especially if you are on the MMMA website... i cant even go on them forums without wanting to bitch slap 30 people.... and thats me restraining myself...

people want free meds then grow it yourself... most the people complaining are not even the critically sick patients... its just these whiney people that want to smoke A++ weed for reg prices... now i have a cancer patient i give zips to for 100 bucks but thats cause hes really sick....


New member
I stand corrected. You are such an intelligent perceptive person. With good manners on top of that. It was me that said a CG should make no money wasn't it? I stupidly said that "I'm not in it to make a fortune".

Silly me.

oh no man your not silly your just a asshole who thinks the world cares what you intend to do.

"I'm a careegiver in Michigan....and my intent is to help....not make a fortune"


New member
i hope that helped wash myself of any politeness. Don't try to back track now you were all about help and not making a fortune in your first post. we both know what that was in response to and what it implied so your attempt to act like I'm just putting words in your mouth is bs.

and for the record the MMMA site blows becasue it is full of people like you except they are patients who want free meds.


Caregivers should be able to earn just as much as Joe at the auto body shop every year. Oh, but Jason the pot grower has no legal protection for supplying his patients medication. Let's not forget that Jason has to lie everyday to people he cares about for his own safety, he's had to move for security reasons (and that cost a shitload), he spends more a month on operations than you make every month LOWDOWN, he could lose his house for growing this medication and he's shit on by people who think he doesn't deserve to pay his mortgage like Joe the auto body guy. Fuck off.

This is an honest way to make a living.....I wish the laws were more clear, but you know what.....I could care less what they are. The government does not make laws based on what's right, they make them based rich people's interests. Living by a standard that is honest and moral should earn anyone who wants to live that way a decent living. In my home state....that's about 50K a year.

Dare to call me incompassionate I would slap you should we ever meet. Compassion is facing this constantly challenging life head on for the better of humanity, dicks. The medication I would spend on for migraines every month is over $200....that's what my man sells ounces to one of his patients for. Her and her husband both have jobs and live in a more expensive house than I do.

Just got goosebumps, peech on sista!




And remember a stranger is a friend we simply haven’t met yet!

And "THE BEST OF LUCK" but I must add in referance to that statement :laughing:~~~"Beware Of Those Strangers That Lurk In The Dark" they do so for a reason.

Happy Gardening and beware of (C.A.M.P) because before you know it,,,"they'll be after yours". Again WELCOME TO IC MAG.

:plant grow::plant grow::plant grow:


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
there is a wealth of information in these pages to get you wherever you are wanting to go.

Michigan is a great state, been there a couple times.


New member
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the hood..looks like I walked in on a good conversation hahaha..
Yep. I am a poor sick patient. Whats that quote' if you dont have your health you dont have very much'
Being sick made me poor
You wont ever hear me whine nor beg anyone for MM ..not n this life
I have grown gardens all my life and will be the first to tell you I dont know everything, so I can keep learning every day ( including how to do my own grow) .
I will grow a few plants rather than surrender them. On a small scale of 3 or 4 plants I will grow myself some premo MM.
There are a lot of good grow journels here I noticed as i was browsing and I Lie that Cowbell guy...;some more cowbell please'...To each his own , I like what St Frank said' Preach the gospel and use words if necessary'...nice to meet ya ...also I am curious about Vapes as to which one gives the most bang for the buck..please feel free to stop by and peek in I dont bite.


New member
WOW....I sat back and let comments come pouring in before addressing my original post.

Now my reply to the replies:

I have a decent 35K job a year I really enjoy now. I used to be the "bread winner" and now my wife is the bread-winner. We're both college degreed folks with plenty of extra time on our hands. We're in our 40's and I'd like to not just "help myself", but "help others" as a Michigan's Medical Caregiver.

So I came here to LEARN as MUCH information and I can and not only scratch my back and help provide for my family, but also help those who need the use of Cannabis.

Trust me I'm compassionate...but I'm not a bleeding-heart-liberal.

So I'm reading, asking questions and talking to those already who are Caregiver's on what to do and what not to do.

If I can invest in high quality equipment and provide a quality product(s), then both the Caregiver and the User will benefit.

I have a lot of great links to check out from those who have already submitted replies.

Thank you all...
lol h2o your thread got straight up jacked! i knew what you meant from the first post but MI is volatile right now with mmj lots of passion around the subject ready to explode over the smallest statements. Fu*k it everyone light up and chill out....... Feel free to give me a shout I'll help you anyway i can and welcome to the CG club!

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Yes dear, we do apologize, but in your defense.....make that money man, nobody's gonna take care of you and yours but you.


New member
thank you for being on the patients side!! we need more of you.. I think i want to cry.. just the thought of someone getting rich from caregiving.. how sad...


ICMag Donor
if we had a free market system here, some of us would get rich off caregiving. if you supply AAA+ grade meds to customers, they will pay for that quality just like any other luxury item. there's no network for this to take place but some are deserving of large profits. something every grower should shoot for personally and professionally. some of these meds going around are really weak and not helping patients like other strains out there would. Two Gram Chemdog D top buds coated with C99 BHO rolled onto them should be available to all for 40 bucks, not possible the way it is now.

a good caregiver should have 3-4 strains readily available because each strain can effect each patient differently. hard to do that perpetually with such low plant counts they place on us. that's the hard part i'm finding is pulling big numbers from small numbers. must have lots of 600 and 1000watt lights i'm thinking.


Here's a quote from the book;

How To Open A Medical Marijuana Dispensary, Delivery Service or Commercial Grow: A Step By Step Guide

"To summarize, the laws come down to this: if you are a legally qualified patient that has been recommended, not prescribed (doctors may not prescribe), marijuana by an actual licensed medical physician that has gone to medical school and is still active and in good standing, then you may legally use, transport and cultivate some amount for medicinal purposes only. And, in many of these states, you may also be allowed reasonable compensation for providing access to it. In some states, the scope, amount of services and compensation allowed will be more and in some states less. So, in the end, yes, this is a business; but if you promote recreational drug use then you can get into serious trouble.

There are people getting into this business every day that don’t understand this and it’s a big problem. There are people moving to places like Colorado and California literally every day that have not made this important correlation. Many of these people dropped everything without doing much research, moving with pipe dreams of opening their own dispensary, as if opening a bar or a restaurant. They have visions of striking it rich while their friends and patients lounge around their vapor room, listening to live music and socializing while getting high.

While this may very well be the case for many businesses and storefront dispensaries, this is the number one problem with the industry right now. It is the biggest factor that leads to many not only getting shut down but many times losing everything. And, when I say they lose everything, I mean not only their money and their assets but also their freedom. In many cases it’s what leads to them being prosecuted on both a state and federal level.

None of the states that have medical marijuana laws on their books really ever intended to allow marijuana for recreational use. In every case, it was originally intended for those that need access to marijuana as a form of medication for some illness.

Until then, it may be argued that for every ad that appears promoting happy hours, vapor rooms and hash bars, businesses open for 24 hours or until two A.M., it’s another strike against a new industry that is already controversial and struggling for legitimacy. It’s another blow to the movement and a setback for those trying to pass similar laws in other states."

Remember dude you not only affect yourself but others too and those involved in the MMJ industry.

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