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Michigan Medical Marijauna & Patient Care Confrence


Medical marijauna & patient care confernce at the Grand Traverse resort Nov 19,2011 from 10 - 4pm
Dr Yvan Sliva
Gersh Avery, pain management specialist
Jamie Lowell, MACC
Zack Jarou, cannibis testing

$30 dollars gets you -lunch, beverages, all seminars

A very special patients rights organizational meeting to follow event..rsvp ;)

Spotted this flyer all around the state so I thought I would post it up here...pal


you mean this flyer!???


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
anything you need in michigan macc should be apart of. i would say nothing would be a bad deal even if its nothing but educational.


Mega: Of course there will be free meds there..It is illegal to 'sell' MMJ here now...the part about a meeting after?????

Poopy: Many of 'our' lobbyist seem to in this for the wrong 'green' reasons..I hav heard good stuff about MACC and this dude,we will see..I know and work with 3 of those sponsors,and I know for a fact Compassion is a pillar of there clubs...Mostly this is about how we can legally move forward after the new court ruling against the CA...pal


Yes sir J and the crew ther really help out the local MMJ community..good prices,freebies for the poor..great folk all around...


Well how about and update. Aye.
We had a light turnout, Probaly 50 people..but we had Doctors, lawyers, preachers,sinners( ;)~ ), peacenics,and warriors..mostly we learned what was has been happening..

Not much on moving forward IMHO..... A good idea of a 'branding' came out of the crowd.. A green ribbon... Something simple on it like. We voted YES!!!! ( 63% here in mich)

Another good idea I thought was to start Runnin good folks in local elections... Chech local voter records. Find out how you unit votes register accordingly...leave the partisan shit at home,please.. Still heard it was bushes fault yesterday!!!!

The Meetin after was the jewel.. I think Rico was there... Either way we were all pain free.. A delicious Buffet of medibles, from crab soup to keif lime pie..met people who drove 4 -5 hours to get here..
I read in Moonshines thread about using a leaf blower to smoke out his warehouse.. Well we smoked out the old CA buildin (center for compassion now leases) the old fashioned way.... With hand rolled bombers!!!! Upstairs tenet came down and ask us to stop.. They had to open windows to see!!! To much is JUST enough..

All in all it was a great time and a lot of good infromation was passed between some great folks..... Paladin420


Upstairs tenet came down and ask us to stop.. They had to open windows to see!!! /quote]


was the tenant giggling and laughing hysterically with chinese eyes as he/she asked you to stop?

I think they were waitin on the pizza truck..I was to busy comin off overdrive..thought the door was locked and they popped up right behind me!!!!!.....fuckin 'doorman' got schooooled after....
Man my timing is off. I stumbled across this thread a day too late. I would have definitely made the trip. Did the macc have good things to say as you hoped they would? Is there a calendar of events of some sort here or I just gotta b more on it? When is the next thing in mi?


Man my timing is off. I stumbled across this thread a day too late. I would have definitely made the trip. Did the macc have good things to say as you hoped they would? Is there a calendar of events of some sort here or I just gotta b more on it? When is the next thing in mi?

Howdy M3..no, no Michigan event thread that I kno of..I will send you some links to Michigan topics ( get to posten for PMs )

As far as the MACC??? not really man...most of the best ideas seemed to come from the crowd,then get blown off..we are supposed to go occupy wall st cause its a beautiful thing and its Obamas secert plan to legalize MMJ ...never heard that it was a legalize MMJ protest....

The Patients and the Testing Company where the highlights...Mike and aids/cancer patient forgoing prescriptions to use ISO oil from a low THC high CBD strain..on utube no less..One Busted up Seal Vet was inspiring...I don't think our stalwart AG would want to try to take his meds Or his strains away...

when I looked around at what was admittedly a small crowd,I knew sooner or later WE are goin to win..We were,you, your neighbor,your boss,your employee,Mom,Dad,sister and brother..We Truly Care..very hard to stop the common folk when they know they are RIGHT

see ya there..

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