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Mexico's president troubled by California's marijuana legalization ballot measure


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Mexican President Felipe Calderon has expressed strong misgivings about the Proposition 19, the California ballot measure that would legalize marijuana in the state.

Calderon said in an interview with the Associated Press in Tijuana that legalizing marijuana use in California would create a "terrible inconsistency" in the U.S.' overall drug policy.

Prop. 19 would make it legal for anyone 21 or older to possess, share or transport up to an ounce of marijuana for personal use and to grow up to 25 square feet per residence or parcel. Cities and counties would be authorized to regulate and tax commercial marijuana production and sales.

Earlier this month the state council of the Service Employees International Union, the largest labor union in California, has endorsed the ballot measure. But many law enforcement groups and mainstream elected officials are opposing it. Recent polls have shown the race to be tight.

Calderon told AP that legalizing marijuana in California would send a troubling message.

"They have exerted pressure and demanded for decades that Mexico and other countries control, reduce and fight drug trafficking, and there is no discernible effort to reduce the consumption of drugs in the United States," he said.

-- Shelby Grad
Im sure that the Mexican government is terrified of having hundreds of millions of dollars, all originating in the US, cut from it's underground economy. Where are these displaced Mexican weed growers gonna get money? They aren't gonna get eyebrow piercings and work for Starbux as baristas, I assure you.

They are going to engage in other criminal enterprises. Think Heroin, Meth, Kidnapping. How about good old fashioned terrorism? I bet certain extremist elements would gladly pay for our Southern neighbors to pick up arms against us.

Currently, local news outlets in Mexico refuse to broadcast details of drug war news due to the very real threat of violence from cartel thugs. I'm sure that things could get much much worse down there before they get better.

Does any of this mean that we shouldn't legalize MJ? Not in my opinion.
The fight should be against criminals, not a beneficial plant.


Freedom Fighter
Calderon is too much--
First he bitches about the Arizona Immigration thing...even tho Mexico has some of the harshest immigration Laws there are--
Now he is criticizing Prop 19...while they have it on the table to Legalize all drugs in Mexico--
Whatever dude--

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