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Mexican Pot Gangs Infiltrate Indian Reservations in U.S.


These guys are selling to large cities on the east coast where they can get 10K per lb.
yea you got local growers/dealers etc getting greedy on E coast and raping the financial market right now. its tempting but theres definitely a reasonable balance, some are def crossing the line though. whether it comes cartel or homegrown,6k EASILY NY what I hear down the grapevine. Then they invest, buy up blocks like you say and then the towns on lock down, eventually sellers/growers getting to big to where they buying up whole districts in a city,majority of these "investors" have too get in bed with the LEO eventually. Unacceptable, only time is if your going to go in as a mole and work your way up and bring about policy reversal yourself/provide intel for the overgrow war, invaluable info ;) <--- MRS. CHOKESONDICK I DIDNT SAY THAT KENNY DID!

Its happening lower down the E coast also, NC,SC,GA,TN,KY it gets cheaper 4-6(max)/lb then run into fucking NY, boom 1-2K xtra/lb. Thats why LEO fed and state are going nuts forming new units and shit on the main interstates for the above States into NY, its scary to drive period on those even with 0g no paraphernalia....very intense response from LEO, very agressive, profiling anyone, will pull you over for ANYTHING (instructed to assume anyone could be the big fish), and even lie about their probable cause for stopping you.

Legalize it and kill their business.
nailed it on the head

Buy and grow locally. We don't need law enforcement to fix the black market problem. Only removing prohibition will kill it.
BAM., nailed it on the head again