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Mexican Cartels Wage War on California Cops


New member
this is probally some1 local cuz it sure as shit isnt the "cartels" if it was the cops woulda been dead ..if the cartels declared war on the police they would b killn cops not settn 12yearolds traps :2cents:

it woulda been a better story if it had been the cartels :bandit:

to bad the bullet missed ;)

stay safe

Agreed, sounds like propaganda to get people goin, not the work of someone on a mission thats for sure. We need to get everyone all worked up so we can keep dumpin money into bullshit drug war follies...

Take Care


New member
its AMERICA, "land of the free" your free to do what you want as long as the government says you can!! lol what a joke!! lets take a look at this whole "freedom" thing. we are supposed to have freedom of speach right, try tellin a cop, judge or other law enforcment they arnt worth a fuck and see how soon they have your ass in a 4x8 cell. if this is the land of the free then i should be able to do what i want in the privacy of my home and do as i wish as long as it dont harm others
You know, the U.S. government and it's entities have declared "war" on drugs. By throwing down that gauntlet, they have by definition made themselves enemy combatants to those upon whom they declared war. When one declares war, one has to assume that there will be at the very least some sort of resistance. And that trickles down from the General (Obama) to the foot soldiers (the beat cops).
While I certainly do not advocate this, as long as they are targeting "enemy combatants", I do not hate them for it.
The war on drugs has created this type of violence. I don't know what the government expected. The only way to stop this senseless violence is to reverse policy, and legalize pot. We learned NOTHING from prohibition. Prohibition CREATED the gangs and mobsters like Al Capone and the like. There was nobody getting machine gunned down until the advent of prohibition, and the huge illict profits it created.

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