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Methods to reduce the smell of smoked marijuana



Hey all,
I'm wondering if any of you have good methods for controlling the odor from smoking marijuana. I know there's a spoof method which involves taking a toilet paper tube and stuffing it with dryer sheets, but I want something that is a little less crappy than that.

Does anyone know the name of that one smoking accessory that a person can blow smoke into to totally remove the smell? It looks like a box with a hose attached and I think a person has to hook it up to an outlet to use it. I'm pretty sure this product was featured in high times magazine too but I can't remember the name...



Well-known member
home depot used to carry small electric powered carbon filter/fans, intended to set next to an ashtray. supposedly worked great, aint tried one myself though...

Mitch Connor

I don't know what's crappy about a tube with dryer sheets.

Use a tube filled with carbon if you're looking for high fashion.

Maybe you can paint the tube pretty colors or slap some decals onto it.


If you have the money to spend buy a vape. Less smell. You'll also conserve weed by using it.


nah its not a carbon scrubber or a vape. its this device a person blows smoke into and its supposed to remove the odor... like a hose attached to box.

someone here has gotta know the name... im having a hell of a time just finding the name of this product...


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
do a thread search on "water curing", I haven't tried it but apparently it'll remove whatever causes the specific smell smoking cannabis can make


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
The most smell comes from the weed you DON'T smoke. That billowing cloud of smoke coming off the pipe or J between hits. A bong and a single shot bowl will eliminate that cloud and greatly reduce smell.


ya'll have some good suggestions but what i'm looking for is something like this http://www.pocketsmokefilter.com only more expensive and durable looking... plus it apparently lasts longer. im beginning to think its a discontinued product. i hope not though - hopefully someone here will chime in with the info.


Now in technicolor
Water curing your bud will remove all or most of the smell. I got stopped once and the cop smelled the burning joint and kept wondering if "there really is pot in here." My friend insisted it was reefer and we got arrested (idiot..) but that's how good water curing is.

Cannabis vapor smells like the bud/plant itself and doesn't last long. People can walk into a room 5 mins after you took big hits and they won't smell a thing.. maybe a hint of it if anything but nothing air freshener can't remove.

As for the device you're talking about, I dunno what it is but it's probably just a carbon filter. Those work too but when smoking with friends they'll usually forget to exhale into one. You can make one yourself easily and see if it works..

Some air filters have carbon filters on them which removes odors. Get one slightly bigger than rated for your room and the smell will be gone in 5-10 mins if you exhale toward the device. These are worth it overall (for their intended use) but are expensive ($300+.)

If none of the above work for you, go with FreezerBoy's method. Exhale into a bag and then inhale from that bag again so no smell gets out. Some will escape and IMO it's enough to tell somebody that you've smoked recently, mainly because of the smell of smoke and not of Cannabis.


hold the hit so long nothing comes out, burn some bread...insence sticks, throw a large animal on the fire(will also keep mosquito at bay):)

B. Self Reliant

I don't know about a small device, I've always been skeptical about those things since the place would still stink like bud from the smoke around your piece, etc.

I recently gave in and bought an extra 6" vortex fan & another carbon filter. I know it sounds big, but it's actually been a great solution for me. It just sits upright in my living room and I plug it in for a half hour when I want to clear the place out. I bought a Phresh filter & they're really lightweight, so when I need to put it away it's no big deal to throw it in a closet. The Phresh filter is gorilla taped to the 6" vortex fan, which is gorilla taped to a 6" angle duct.

It works very well. It constantly scrubs the air & then throws it to the other side of the room while I sleep. I love it in winter when the heat is on because I don't have to let freezing cold air in the house in order to clear it out. Also, any stray scents from my garden get scrubbed out of the air as well, so that's a pretty big benefit when the house it buttoned up for 6 months.


3rd-Eye Jedi
we used to put dryer sheets in paper towel rolls and blow through emm

done right you can puff about anywhere and not get busted

LOL i used to smoke in my moms bathroom and she was a substance abuse therapist

as suggested carbon would be dope to filter it put dyer sheets at the end to make it smell PERTY

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