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Methods for Supplementing Magnesium Long Term?



perhaps "Mulder's Chart" will help? it's here:


(sorry that should read "...downloads/Hydroponic%20Program.pdf")

it shows how nutrient imbalance may effect the uptake of minerals.

in your case oversupply of Potash, Calcium, Zinc may cause Magnesium lockout.

Nitrogen and Phosphate assist Magnesium.

Zinc gives Magnesium a double whammy because as well as militating against Magnesium it militates against Magnesium's 'friend' Phosphate.

so, just wundrin whether your water is coming thru old plumbing with galvanised pipes. excess Zinc may be entering your system this way. and you wouldn't be mixing nutrients in a galvanised container?



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
perhaps "Mulder's Chart" will help? it's here:


(sorry that should read "...downloads/Hydroponic%20Program.pdf")

it shows how nutrient imbalance may effect the uptake of minerals.

in your case oversupply of Potash, Calcium, Zinc may cause Magnesium lockout.

Nitrogen and Phosphate assist Magnesium.

Zinc gives Magnesium a double whammy because as well as militating against Magnesium it militates against Magnesium's 'friend' Phosphate.

so, just wundrin whether your water is coming thru old plumbing with galvanised pipes. excess Zinc may be entering your system this way. and you wouldn't be mixing nutrients in a galvanised container?


Great information, thank you. My plumbing is indeed galvanized, so perhaps that is part of the problem, but there is virtually no magnesium in our water source. The 1.1ppm figure is from the water analysis done by our local utility, not from a report that I had done.


so continuing the analysis as per Mulder: at it's simplest, could there be a nutrient imbalance ... eg:

too much Calcium and/or Potash ... insufficient Nitrogen and/or Phosphate?

(the water analysis you have would not have taken into account yr home plumbing. and it occurs to me that any fluctuation in the acidity of yr water supply ... perhaps a local drought ... would also cause Zn levels in yr water to fluctuate.)


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Always possible that there could be an imbalance, but I don't think that it is likely. I have seen a heightened need for both calcium and magnesium for several years, across varying nutrients and both soil-less mixes and hydroponics. Our water is glacial-fed spring water, and is very near r.o. water as far as mineral content. I think that the 1.1ppm in the water and the 1.4% in the nutrients simply doesn't rise to the level needed, particularly with the accelerated need that seems to go along with LED's as a light source. My reading indicates that mj typically needs 50-80ppm of magnesium during the vegetative state, and 30-60ppm during flowering.

The zinc levels from the source (again, not after it has been exposed to my plumbing) is 50 ug/liter, or parts per billion. I'm not sure what is acceptable, but that seems awfully low!

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