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Merida, Venezuela

Hey everyone, I'm going to be studying in Merida, Venezuela Jan-May and was wondering if anyone has any tips to find some quality ganja down there. I hope I can find some great sativa buds!


I had a couple of experiences in Merida, but that was many years back...

You probably already know that it is an university town, so contacts are abundant. In my case, first buddy took my money and took off. Found him next day on the street, roughed him up a little bit and in the end he got me some bud, not the greatest, but it was smokeable.

Next guy was an old man, a street dweller and a drunk but a really nice guy, who took me on a little trip into a sketchy but welcoming place in the suburbs where I got me some better ganja for a better price, but the trip also cost me getting him some blow.

The best ganja I got in Venezuela was off Maputo, where Chave's palace is at. It was some dark supper sticky shit that was one of the most potent sativas I've ever smoked. Also got great ganja on the many beaches we stopped along the coast.

Since you are staying there for longer, you will probably find better connections than I did in the 10 days I spent there.

Wish you a great stay in Merida. And good luck on your ganja-finding ventures.



H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Be careful and safe in Venezuela Bug, they don't make difference between herb and hard drugs, and catching a foreigner will be something they're after.


New member
I was in Merida at the hotel teleferico about a decade ago. Venezuela is not a cannabis country, you'd rather find "hecho pa tras" the way they call crack coke.I was ripped off in Merida trying to get an hold of some weed,the guy said:you want the yellow, the red or the green? The bolivares went for some zero effect crap.
Watch out for Policia Tecnico Judicial.


Listening to the results of their current election, I can't help but wonder how much we are spending to 'effect the outcome' down there. I would like to ask when that sort of thing will ever stop, but I don't think it ever will.

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