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Medical Pot


Hey guys,

I was just wondering about the medical marijuana laws here in Canada. I am from Hamilton, Ontario. I use marijuana to help me with my mild insomnia and my arthritis. I know where to obtain the forms to become a legal user...but is it something that someone who has my conditions can apply for here? Does anyone know a cannabis friendly doctor in my area or in the GTA? Even better, does anyone with similar conditions have experience getting a permit with my conditions? How hard is it really? I have wanted to for a long time but i am unsure of how to approach my old British doctor about the subject.

Sometimes it boggles my mind the parts of the USA are more open to pot than we are here in the GREAT white north ( no offense to Americans). You would think with there ass backwards DEA and Federal laws that we would be much further ahead in granting people medical status then California. Now we all have to worry about c-15. :wallbash:

mr noodles

since harper is in place i think they frozen any new 'member' , more on this harper admin never hide is will to abolish the whole medicinal marijuana thing .plus they ask for so severe illness way beyond arthritis .

they even removed sevrals licences pleading that their is chemical alternative available to try...

for now the best you can do is to deal with a compassion club where you can buy weed with a medical certificate that attest of your condition . but they are tolerated and not legal at all ...the axe swing over their head til harper and is neocon are in power .

for now there no way to obtain a medical card unless you are in the last phase of a terminal ill .

canada suck since harper.....its not over because a majority of Canadians seems to be in is favor ...

im afraid to say but we are one stupid fucking nation as we speak...it hurt a lot to admit it .

usa are more tolerant regarding medecinal marijuana regardless of the war on drugs .


Harper is the tool of tools... I have no idea why he keeps getting votes....(probably because we have a 30% and dwindling voter turn out)... its not like he has done anything great for us...his government can kiss my left cheek.... so...I will not be voting for anyone who is for the C-15 bill.... NDP's jack layton shocked me and has lost my confidence...the little that he had...

anyway back to the topic at hand... if you haven't gone here yet...

get all the forms.... fill them out....I am assuming your chances of success are very low judging that your ailments are not as severe as the government would like to see.. as noodles was saying... but its totally worth a shot... as you said you just need to find that doctor.... personally I would address this with your current doctor....as you may be surprised... you never know that he may be supportive of the use of MMJ for these types of things... I have told every doctor I have had that I smoke marijuana; most have been open to the idea of it... but do not openly support it...

edit: you could say that you tried it and noticed your issues were suppressed; believing that it would be a good natural option for treatment; that you are not wanting to take pills and that you would like to have a safe channel to medical cannabis that is grown properly.... just a thought... i doubt he will stop treating you if he thinks it is not a good idea

anyway I wish you luck ...I'm sure its going to be a long road to success... prolly the first step is getting thing shize government out :p haha
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danny karey

I got a couple of buddies that got there license but it was for very extreme conditions. My one buddy broke his spine in a car crash, he was on Oxy's since they came out and finaly decided to get off of them, and his doctor recommended pot , so he got kinda lucky there.

My other buddies it's the same kinda thing, cronic, dabilitating pain.

You also usually have to try every available treatment or meds before your eligable for medical pot.

You have to re-apply every year.

the only good thing is the limits are pretty good, they let ya have/grow a shitload of dope. which is cool!!

I can promise you that you wont get approved man, not even close. Not for just arthritus and ya can't sleep man, they will deny you for sure.

Not trying to be a dick, but it's a really big pain in the ass, and it has to be serious.



Yeah I assumed it would be near impossible. Which is really stupid. Why is it that we are taking steps back away from medical MJ as a country? I don't get it, I seriously don't.

I know to many, arthritis and some mild to moderate insomnia might not be justified for medical use of pot. I know it certainly is not comparable to those who are indeed terminal or in severe pain, my sympathies go out to those in those conditions. But I mean, If it helps me with minimal negative impact, Why the fuck not?

I know, I know, I preaching to the wrong people. I am sure most, if not all of you would agree with me. It just frustrates me sometimes and I like to vent.

I remember when i was younger I used to think of Canada as this great place. You would here stories of all these horrible things going on elsewhere, violence, oppressive governments etc. A lot of shit that made you stop and go "Wow, I am glad I live in Canada so that I don't have to worry about that here"

And while I suppose that is still true in a lot of cases, it seems to me that this is not quite the same wonderful place it used to be. I don't know, maybe I was just more sheltered back then and have become slightly more jaded over time. I am still a proud Canadian, but I just wish we could change the way this country is run and get it back on the right track, where it belongs.





New member
The rules here have a huge flaws, here we have to go through the awful red tape of getting all the medical papers that must prove a long history or devistating elment to ones condition, then having to try different meds seeing specialist , and one can go years before one has the criterai to even quailify, and then when one does try to find a doctor that doesnt have pressure from the gov and the pharmisuiticals to stir away from it... Its crap.....
Now where is the justice in that, and the biggest problem, is that due to our crappy system, a huge amount of Canadians are having to break the law to self medicate/grow while there trying everything in the books to get licence, all the meanwhile taking a chance of getting caught, and well once caught , you lose the ability to then get a licence...

That why bill C-15 has to be destroyed.....


Active member
Arthritis is covered by Category 1 of the MMAR.

Yes. I am aware of a physician who practices in Ontario who will sign a Category 1 form under the circumstances and illness you suggest you are suffering from. I am not, however, prepared to disclose that physician's name on a public forum. A PM would be a different matter - but you are not able to send or receive them.


Yeah, Is there a way to by-pass that PM thing? I mean I really don't want to spam the boards with meaningless posts just to get to 50


Active member
I crushed my hand in a mining accident some years ago....
I suffer constant chronic pain 24/7..I suffer from nerve and tendon damage aswell as I have an unoperable ganglion(mass) which also causes pain and pressure in my hand.I've been prescribed an assortment of pills...which I wont take due to side effects etc.
I approached my doctor of 30 years....pretty much told me to fuck off more or less.
Although he did say he thought all drugs should be legal,he still wouldnt sign.
I wish anyone who tries to get there mmar the best of luck...but I'm not sure it will help. I live in northern ontario, it doesnt seem like doc's around my neck of the woods are very accepting to the mmar.

Hey fatigues, I'd be interested and extremely greatful for the name of that good doc?
although if you dont feel like devulging his name....I'd completely understand.

anyone know a few good strains for joint and nerve pain...any suggestions would be appreciated,thanks.

mr noodles

in canada we live the same situation as uk...politicians denied all scientific evidence ...

harper admin = taliban

same shit...